
URBAN ACT. A handbook for alternative practices Editor: atelier d'architecture autogérée (aaa), PEPRAV Contributors: Texts by Jochen Becker, Kathrin Böhm (public works), Axel Claes (PTTL), Margit Czenki, Siynem Ezgi Saritas, Jesko Fezer, Mathias Heyden, Brian Holmes, Antonio Negri, Pascal Nicolas-Le Strat, Constantin Petcou, Doina Petrescu, Anne Querrien, Christoph Schäfer (Park Fiction) 2007 This document is the outcome of a series of discussions and collaborations with a number of people, involved directly or indirectly in a project within a European network. It shows a collective desire to create connections between different practices and research on the city. URBAN ACT condenses the idea of a certain type of activism, of a way of acting and organising actions, which is probably a common thread for all the contributors. The book is distributed by the editors and through a network of voluntary agents, at the price of 20 euros per copy under the principle: 'one book sold/one book free' for the distributing agent. Resulting funds cover a part of the printing costs. A free PDF of the book is available for downloading on and