Interpolation of operators for $\Lambda$ spaces

1974, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society


Lorentz and Shimogaki [2] have characterized those pairs of Lorentz A spaces which satisfy the interpolation property with respect to two other pairs of A spaces. Their proof is long and technical and does not easily admit to generalization. In this paper we present a short proof of this result whose spirit may be traced to Lemma 4.3 of [4] or perhaps more accurately to the theorem of Marcinkiewicz [5, p. 112]. The proof involves only elementary properties of these spaces and does allow for generalization to interpolation for n pairs and for M spaces, but these topics will be reported on elsewhere. The Banach space A^ [1, p. 65] is the space of all Lebesgue measurable functions ƒ on the interval (0, /) for which the norm is finite, where </> is an integrable, positive, decreasing function on (0, /) and/* (the decreasing rearrangement of |/|) is the almost-everywhere unique, positive, decreasing function which is equimeasurable with \f\. A pair of spaces (A^, A v) is called an interpolation pair for the two pairs (A^, A Vl) and (A^2, A V2) if each linear operator which is bounded from A^ to A v (both /== 1, 2) has a unique extension to a bounded operator from A^ to A v. THEOREM (LORENTZ-SHIMOGAKI). A necessary and sufficient condition that (A^, A w) be an interpolation pair for (A^, A Vi) and (A^2, A V2) is that there exist a constant A independent of s and t so that (*) ^(0/0(5) ^ A max(TO/^(a)) t=1.2 holds, where O 00=ƒ S <j>{r) dr,-" , VaC'Wo Y a (r) dr.