Evaluation of Grape Pomace Composting Process

2014, Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis

The paper deals with the problems of composting of grape pomace in strip compost piles. The three variants of compost piles formed from grape pomace and vegetables waste, wood chips and mature in varying proportions were tested. Turning of piles was performed using windrow turner PKS 2.8, in which the achieved performance was monitored. On the performance of windrow turner has a significant influence also cross section or width and height of turning piles and the bulk density of ingredients including their moisture. In evaluating, attention has been paid to assessment of selected parameters (temperature, moisture content) of the composting process. From the viewpoint of temperature course, the highest temperature reached at the piles in Var. I (64.1 °C) and Var. II (55.3 °C). Moisture of compost piles in the individual variants did not differ significantly and ranged between 25–35%.