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2005, Greg Peters. Patristica et Mediaevalia 26
21 pages
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This article investigates the spiritual theology of the early Christian sources that influenced the twelfth-century Byzantine spiritual writer Peter of Damascus. In addition, attention is given to the state of twelfth-century monasticism as well as to contemporary literature is also given with suggestions for how this literary technique may help modern scholars profitably read the works of Peter.
Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2000
The "national'' monasteries of Mount Athos and Zographou as the monastery of the Bulgarians 10:30 Dimitris Liakos (Ephorate of Antiquities of Halkidiki and Mount Athos) Χορηγία και τέχνη στο Άγιον Όρος (13ος-16ος αι.): Η μετάβαση από τη βυζαντινή προστασία στην ξένη «κηδεμονία» 11:00 Johannes Pahlitzsch (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) Orthodox monasteries under Ayyubid and Mamluk rule in Egypt and Syria (12th-16th c.) 11:30-11:45 Break Session II: The Establishment of Western Houses in the East Moderator: Gerasimos Merianos (Institute of Historical Research, NHRF) 11:45 Rev. Marcos Foscolos (Catholic Bishopric of Tinos) Τα δυτικά μοναχικά τάγματα στις σταυροφορίες και στις λατινικές επισκοπές του ελληνικού χώρου 12:15 Marie-Anna Chevalier (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3) The religious military orders and the secular Latin Church in Romania: A complex relationship (1204-mid-13th c.) 12:45 Nikos Melvani (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) Cult and crusade: Monasteries in the imperial sector of Constantinople after 1204 13:15-15:30 Break Session III: Cultural Transfer and Spirituality Moderator: Zisis Melissakis 15:30 Eleonora Kountoura-Galaki (Institute of Historical Research, NHRF) Τα Ελληνικά στο πολιτικό περιβάλλον του 13ου αιώνα. Οι άγγλοι μοναχοί 16:00 Chrysa Ranoutsaki (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) Depicting monastic ideals: Spirituality and the imagery of monuments 16:30 Nicky Tsougarakis (Edge Hill University, Lancashire) Two codices from the Franciscan friary of Candia and what they tell us about its library 17:00-17:15 Break 17:15 Nikolaos Fyssas (Mount Sinai Foundation) Georgia Foukaneli (Mount Sinai Foundation) Ανατολικοί και δυτικοί μοναχοί στο Σινά (13ος-16ος αι.): Συνάντηση και διάκριση 17:45 Youli Evangelou (Institute of Historical Research, NHRF) "servando la regola di scapucini": The nun Philothei's case in Ottoman Athens (second half of 16th c.
Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 2019
Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies Revue des études de l'Orient chrétien Журнал східньохристиянських студій First series (Logos: Periodicum Theologiae Trimestre) founded by Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk, CSsR, published by the Yorkton Province of the Ukrainian Redemptorists 1950-1983. Second series (Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies) founded by Fr. Andriy Chirovsky, published by the Sheptytsky Institute since 1993.
on typika as a genre of document and on the types of information that these documents can provide on monastic life in Byzantium. A small selection of the papers is published in this volume.
Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 2020
Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies Revue des études de l'Orient chrétien Журнал східньохристиянських студій First series (Logos: Periodicum Theologiae Trimestre) founded by Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk, CSsR, published by the Yorkton Province of the Ukrainian Redemptorists 1950-1983. Second series (Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies) founded by Fr. Andriy Chirovsky, published by the Sheptytsky Institute since 1993.
Christian GASTGEBER - Ekaterini MITSIOU - Johannes PREISER-KAPELLER - Vratislav ZERVAN (Eds.), The Patriarchate of Constantinople in Context and Comparison. Proceedings of the International Conference Vienna, September 12th - 15th 2012, Vienna 2017,
In this paper I present a discovery in the Post-Byzantine Register of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, namely the “Ἱερὸς Κῶδιξ”: it is a financial register of annual contributions deposited with the Patriarchate in the early nineteenth century (October 1804) by stauropegial monasteries.
The Oxford Handbook of Christian Monasticism
The chapter examines a variety of late antique monastic sources written in Greek, Syriac, and Coptic—hagiographies, canons, letters, and pedagogical treatises. It interrogates ways of reading these sources in order to reconstruct the historical development of monastic settlements in Palestine, Cappadocia, Egypt, and Mesopotamia. It argues that the monastic texts do not clearly reflect the world that produced them, and it identifies a number of obstacles for historians that are embedded in the texts upon which we must rely. The discussion emphasizes the function of the perceptions, metaphors, symbols, images, and memories contained in the sources, thereby revealing late antique cultural and rhetorical trends and reflecting many aspects of Eastern monastic culture.
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Diverging paths, The Shape of Power and Institutions in Mediaeval Islam and Christendom, 2014
Monasteries, Society, Economy, and the State in the Byzantine Empire, in The Oxford Handbook of Christian Monasticism, ed. B. M. Kaczynski (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), 155–67
Porphyra 27, anno XV, 2018
M.-H. BLANCHET–I.-A. TUDORIE (eds.), L’apport des Assomptionnistes Français aux Études Byzantines. Une approche critique. Actes du colloque de Bucarest, 25-27 septembre 2014 (Archives de l’Orient Chrétien 21). Paris, 2017
A Not-So-Unexciting Life. Essays on Benedictine History and Spirituality in Honor of Michael Casey, OCSO, ed. Carmel Posa, SLG (Collegeville, Liturgical Press), 2017
Monastic Life, Art and Technology in 11th-16th Centuries (editor: Ileana Burnichioiu), Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega (volum conferință)), 2015
Between Sea and Desert: On Kings, Nomads, Cities and Monks Essays in Honor of Joseph Patrich Editors Land of Galilee 5, 2019
Church History, 2021
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 2012