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2004, Active and Passive Electronic Components
Optoelectronic AND, OR and NOT logical gates were composed of thin film photoconducting and electroluminescent elements, made of cadmium sulphide and zinc sulphide, respectively, doped with copper, chlorine and manganese. The gates consisted of several photoconducting elements and one electroluminescent element suitably connected and supplied with a sinusoidal voltage. In such circuits the functions of product, sum and negation for input light signals illuminating the photoconducting elements were realized, and the output signal was the light emitted by the electroluminescent element.
Journal of Optical Communications, 1991
Using silicon control rectifier (SCR), light dependent resistance (LDR) and light emitting diode (LED) fundamental optical logic NOT, AND, NAND, OR and NOR elements have been proposed. Because of simple structure and operation it is possible to design optical decoders, optical amplifiers etc. Other futuristic scope of the elements has also been discussed.
Logic gates are the fundamental components of any digital system and can be considered the "building blocks". A logic gate is a simple electric circuit consisting of two inputs and a single output. The most frequent names for logic gates are AND, OR, NOT, XOR (Exclusive or), NAND (NOT AND), and NOR. An OR logic gate begins with the provision of two electrical inputs. If one of the inputs has the value one or indicates that it is "on," then the output will also be one. In electronics, there is a type of logic gate known as an inverter or NOT gate. The report is broken up into five distinct parts or sections. The first section of this report covers the experiment's results on logic gates. They are used in the process of performing logical operations on one or more binary inputs to produce a single binary output. This article will examine the functions of the NOT, OR, and AND gates found in a logic circuit. The findings of the experiment are presented in the fourth section. The discussion, recommendations, and conclusions drawn from the results are in the last part. In a NOT gate, the input determines whether the output is true or false, and vice versa. ALTERNATIVELY, gates output a value of HIGH if either of the two inputs is. HIGH and LOW if both inputs are LOW; this type of gate is also known as an inverter. A truth table was used to validate the information of each NOT, AND, and OR integrated circuit. Knowing how to use these seven fundamental logic gates makes it much simpler to comprehend Boolean algebra and simplifies the process of conducting circuit analysis. These gates are most commonly used in the manufacture of automatic machines. Learning how to design logical circuits was made possible by utilizing gates such as NOT, AND, and OR.
In 1854, George Boole performed an investigation into the "laws of thought" which were based around a simplified version of the "group" or "set" theory, and from this Boolean or "Switching" algebra was developed. Boolean Algebra deals mainly with the theory that both logic and set operations are either "TRUE" or "FALSE" but not both at the same time.
Abstract: In this Paper we have discussed different types of logic gates (AND,OR,NOT,NAND,NOR,XOR,XNOR) and corresponding logic tables. The base of any digital computer system are logic gates or circuits which performs logical operations on chunks of information represented digitally. Logic gates work on the basis of binary digits 0 and 1.Any intelligent system with the abilities to take decision comprises of simple logic gates. This paper is an attempt to bring forth the application of digital logic gates in day to day life with some real time applications as well like burglar alarm and security system. Through the study of no. of physical sytems e.g. mechanical, optical, electrical, thermal, biological systems it can be said that modeling of any such system can be done logically with the help of a Boolean expression. Accordingly such a system can be studied mathematically. This paper is a generic effort in understanding the Boolean mathematics behind the physical system around.
IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, 2011
Elementary blocks, performing logic operations, are the building elements for more complex subsystems implementing all-optical digital processing. They can potentially enable next generation optical networks and optical computing, overcoming the limitations of the electronics bandwidth, also guaranteeing scalability, transparency, easy reconfigurability and modularity. Finally, integrated technologies can reduce power consumption, footprint and cost.
Applied Optics, 2011
Logic units are the building blocks of many important computational operations likes arithmetic, multiplexer-demultiplexer, radix conversion, parity checker cum generator, etc. Multifunctional logic operation is very much essential in this respect. Here a programmable Boolean logic unit is proposed that can perform 16 Boolean logical operations from a single optical input according to the programming input without changing the circuit design. This circuit has two outputs. One output is complementary to the other. Hence no loss of data can occur. The circuit is basically designed by a 2 × 2 polarization independent optical cross bar switch. Performance of the proposed circuit has been achieved by doing numerical simulations. The binary logical states 0; 1 are represented by the absence of light (null) and presence of light, respectively.
Applied Optics, 1986
The results of investigations into the feasibility of incorporating optically bistable elements into an optical processor are presented. Two forms of bistable device, etalons of InSb and interference filters containing ZnSe, have been used in the first experimental demonstrations of digital all-optical circuits. It is shown that cw optical bias beams may be used to hold logic gates sufficiently close to their switch point that the available signal gain allows one to realize indefinitely extensible optical logic. The results of such experiments are presented and the implications they have on the field of optical computing are discussed. It is concluded that parallel arrays can give significantly high rates of digital operations.
Digital Electronics 2.0 Digital Logic Introduction. Digital logic is the foundation, not only of computing but also many other electronic devices and control systems found in almost every part of modern life. This module introduces the basics of digital logic and shows how the whole of digital electronics depends on just seven types of logic gates, connected together with a minimum of additional components. Combinations of logic gates then form circuits that can perform specific tasks within larger circuits or systems. The process of producing complex circuits using combinations of basic devices is called Combinational Logic. There are many ways that a number of logic gates can be combined to perform a specific task. They may all work, but some combinations will perform the task that better than others. For example, a circuit designer may want to design a combinational logic circuit that uses the minimum number of gates, or performs the required task in the least time, or at the minimum cost. This module also introduces the way digital logic gates work and teaches you key methods by which a basic digital logic circuit design may be minimised, made more efficient and/or cheaper.
This research paper is about advancement in Optical Computing an emerging field of computer design and hardware with very fast speed and performances. The optical Computing (also known as Photonic computing) is a technique based on photons of visible light or infrared region rather than Electrons flowing in electric current which are used to perform digital Computations using electronic logic gates. In this technique we are using logic gates which will show the logic transition using photons of visible light which forms the basis of our research. We studied here that we can achieve a logic gate transition through photons of light employed using chemical compounds which behalves accordingly to incident photons of light on it. This photonic logic will be used to make optical transistors. This will in turn used to make processors working on the principal of light rather than on the principal of electric current.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1990
A novel method of optical data storage was proposed using the rotation of polarization. The optical data was recorded as a chiral structure formed in a film made of an azobenzene copolymer using elliptically polarized light irradiation. The elliptically polarized light of a reading light was digitized into two states, ''0'' and ''1''. The initial state is defined as ''0'', while state ''1'' is observed by an optical rotation of the reading light, which is achieved by the photoinduced chiral structure formation. The recording characteristics were investigated by varying the intensity of the recording light and the recording time. Since the chiral structure was erased by circularly polarized light, state ''1'' could be reversed to state ''0''. The possibility of using our proposed method for achieving next-generation rewritable, multilevel, and parallel optical data storage was discussed.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1990
A new configuration of an integrated optoelectronic logic unit using GaAs photodiode gates is proposed. Implementation of AND and EOR logic units are performed monolithically using GaAs/AlGaAs multilayer structures. Discussions are made on the realization of the full adder by means of optical feedback between the photodiode logic array and the surface emitting diode laser array.
Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies VII, 2003
We discuss an electro-optical device that acts as a multifunction logical gate based on a BSO photorefractive crystal. It is an easily re-configurable device which can perform different logic functions such as AND, OR, NOT, NOR using the same configuration and changing only the controlling parameters.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
Reversible logic is one of the most important issues at the moment and has a wide range of applications, such as low power CMOS, quantum computing, nanotechnol-ogy, cryptography, optical computing, DNA computing, and-digital signal processing (DSP), quantum Dot automata for mobile, communication, computer graphics. It is not possible to detect quantum computing without the implementation of a postponed brain operation. The main objectives of design are logical thinking to reduce quantum costs, circuit depths and the amount of waste disposal. This paper provides basic logical retrospective gates, which in the construction of a highly sophisticated system with retractable circuits as part of the old and unable to perform the most complex operations using quantum computers. Reversible circuits form the basic building block of quantum computers as all quantum functions are reversed. This paper presents data related to older retractable gates found in books and assists research in the design of complex computer circuits using retractable gates.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
In this paper, technical applications of various elementary logic gates has been studied. Along with the application we will also analyze their failures and causes of the failures of these logic gates based technical applications. Logic gates are used in various technologies to ease the working of the technology and make it more efficient. In this paper we will observe various technological applications and possible causes of failures of logic gates, Case study of failure of logic gates and further scope of enhancement of the applications of logic gates and making the application more efficient and beneficial. I.
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 1993
A monolithic multi-terminal logic device that functions both optically and electrically as an "ORNAND" gate, is demonstrated for the first time. The device, based on the realspace transfer of hot electrons into a complementary collector layer, has been implemented in MBE-grown InGaAsflnAlAs heterostructure. Excellent performance is obtained at room temperature. The output current and optical power both exhibit or and nand functions of voltages of any two of the three input terminals, these functions being interchangeable by the voltage on the third terminal.
Solid-State Electronics, 2006
Photoelectrodes made of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide modified with hexacyanoferrate anions exhibit unique photoelectrochemical properties: photocurrent direction can be switched from anodic to cathodic and vice versa upon changes in photoelectrode potential and incident light wavelength. This effect, called photoelectrochemical photocurrent switching (PEPS effect), can serve as a basis for construction of chemical logic gates with optical inputs and electric output. At certain potentials anodic photocurrent generated upon UV irradiation has the same intensity as the cathodic photocurrent generated upon visible irradiation. Under these conditions simultaneous irradiation with UV and visible light results in compensation of anodic and cathodic photocurrents and zero net photocurrent is observed. This process can be used for construction of unique light-driven chemical logic gates. Due to reversible electrochemical process leading to oxidation or reduction of the surface species the device can be programmed to perform XOR, OR or YES logic operations.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2001
Logic circuits operating on different molecules or on different parts of the same molecule can be connected. As an example, a circuit known as a full adder is described. It is made up of two circuits, a half adder on a donor (rhodamine 6G) and another half adder on an acceptor (azulene). The signal, (an intermediate sum), is moved from donor to acceptor by electronic energy transfer. The concatenated logic arrangement is described, and potential applications using other bichromophoric molecules are outlined. Polychromophoric molecules will allow a fanout operation.
Optical computing elements offer benefits over traditional CMOS-based electronic logic gates such as increased performance and reduced power. Using polarization to encode the information to be processed allows for the possibility of nonbinary switching theory to be applied that further offers the benefit of reducing the number of required elements in an optical computing circuit. A methodology for synthesizing non-binary optical computing circuits is described and experimental results are provided that justify the approach.
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