Optoelectronic Logical Gates “AND”, “OR” and “NOT”

2004, Active and Passive Electronic Components


Optoelectronic AND, OR and NOT logical gates were composed of thin film photoconducting and electroluminescent elements, made of cadmium sulphide and zinc sulphide, respectively, doped with copper, chlorine and manganese. The gates consisted of several photoconducting elements and one electroluminescent element suitably connected and supplied with a sinusoidal voltage. In such circuits the functions of product, sum and negation for input light signals illuminating the photoconducting elements were realized, and the output signal was the light emitted by the electroluminescent element.

Key takeaways

  • When an input signal L illuminating the PC element is switched on, then the relation Z PC ( Z EL will be fulfilled, and the voltage across the EL element will be so low that this FIGURE 2 Optoelectronic OR logical gate.
  • where u PC 1 and u PC 2 are the instantaneous values of the voltage across PC 1 and PC 2 elements, G 01 and G 02 are the ''dark'' conductances of these elements, u EL is the instantaneous value of the voltage across the EL element, C EL is the capacitance and G EL is the leakage conductance of this element.
  • where u EL is the instantaneous value of the voltage across this element, C EL is the capacitance, and G EL is the leakage conductance of the element.
  • where u EL is the instantaneous value of the voltage across the PC element (also across the electroluminescent element EL), G 0 is the ''dark'' conductance, and G PC is the instantaneous conductance of the element PC illuminated by a light of intensity L.
  • The NOT gate (Fig. 3) was also supplied with sinusoidal voltage (with amplitude 280 V and frequency 500 Hz), the input signal was a rectangular light pulse with intensity L, illuminating the PC element, and the output signal was the luminance of the EL element.