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Document representation using the bag-of-words approach may require bringing the dimensionality of the representation down in order to be able to make effective use of various statistical classification methods. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is one such method that is based on eigendecomposition of the covariance of the document-term matrix. Another often used approach is to select a small number of most important features out of the whole set according to some relevant criterion. This paper points out that LSI ignores discrimination while concentrating on representation. Furthermore, selection methods fail to produce a feature set that jointly optimizes class discrimination. As a remedy, we suggest supervised linear discriminative transforms, and report good classification results applying these to the Reuters-21578 database.
Object recognition supported by user interaction for service robots, 2002
The bag-of-words approach to text document representation typically results in vectors of the order of 5000 to 20000 components as the representation of documents. In order to make effective use of various statistical classifiers, it may be necessary to reduce the dimensionality of this representation. We point out deficiencies in class discrimination of two popular such methods, Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), and sequential feature selection according to some relevant criterion.
Formal Pattern Analysis & Applications, 2004
The bag-of-words approach to text document representation typically results in vectors of the order of 5000 to 20000 components as the representation of documents. In order to make effective use of various statistical classifiers, it may be necessary to reduce the dimensionality of this representation. We point out deficiencies in class discrimination of two popular such methods, Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), and sequential feature selection according to some relevant criterion.
Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) has been shown to be extremely useful in information retrieval, but it is not an optimal representation for text classification. It always drops the text classification performance when being applied to the whole training set (global LSI) because this completely unsupervised method ignores class discrimination while only concentrating on representation. Some local LSI methods have been proposed to improve the classification by utilizing class discrimination information. However, their performance improvements over original term vectors are still very limited. In this paper, we propose a new local LSI method called "Local Relevancy Weighted LSI" to improve text classification by performing a separate Single Value Decomposition (SVD) on the transformed local region of each class. Experimental results show that our method is much better than global LSI and traditional local LSI methods on classification within a much smaller LSI dimension.
The Vector Space Model (VSM) of text representation suffers a number of limitations for text classification. Firstly, the VSM is based on the Bag-Of-Words (BOW) assumption where terms from the indexing vocabulary are treated independently of one another. However, the expressiveness of natural language means that lexically different terms often have related or even identical meanings. Thus, failure to take into account the semantic relatedness between terms means that document similarity is not properly captured in the VSM. To address this problem, semantic indexing approaches have been proposed for modelling the semantic relatedness between terms in document representations. Accordingly, in this thesis, we empirically review the impact of semantic indexing on text classification. This empirical review allows us to answer one important question: how beneficial is semantic indexing to text classification performance. We also carry out a detailed analysis of the semantic indexing process which allows us to identify reasons why semantic indexing may lead to poor text classification performance. Based on our findings, we propose a semantic indexing framework called Relevance Weighted Semantic Indexing (RWSI) that addresses the limitations identified in our analysis. RWSI uses relevance weights of terms to improve the semantic indexing of documents. A second problem with the VSM is the lack of supervision in the process of creating document representations. This arises from the fact that the VSM was originally designed for unsupervised document retrieval. An important feature of effective document representations is the ability to discriminate between relevant and non-relevant documents. For text classification, relevance information is explicitly available in the form of document class labels. Thus, more effective document vectors can be derived in a supervised manner by taking advantage of available class knowledge. Accordingly, we investigate approaches for utilising class knowledge for supervised indexing of documents. Firstly, we demonstrate how the RWSI framework can be utilised for assigning supervised weights to terms for supervised document indexing. Secondly, we present an approach called Supervised Sub-Spacing (S3) for supervised semantic indexing of documents. A further limitation of the standard VSM is that an indexing vocabulary that consists only of terms from the document collection is used for document representation. This is based on the assumption that terms alone are sufficient to model the meaning of text documents. However for certain classification tasks, terms are insufficient to adequately model the semantics needed for accurate document classification. A solution is to index documents using semantically rich concepts. Accordingly, we present an event extraction framework called Rule-Based Event Extractor (RUBEE) for identifying and utilising event information for concept-based indexing of incident reports. We also demonstrate how certain attributes of these events e.g. negation, can be taken into consideration to distinguish between documents that describe the occurrence of an event, and those that mention the non-occurrence of that event.
In this paper, we compare several aspects related to automatic text categorization which include document representation, feature selection, three classifiers, and their application to two language text collections. Regarding the computational representation of documents, we compare the traditional bag of words representation with 4 other alternative representations: bag of multiwords and bag of word prefixes with N characters (for N = 4, 5 and 6). Concerning the feature selection we compare the well known feature selection metrics Information Gain and Chi-Square with a new one based on the third moment statistics which enhances rare terms. As to the classifiers, we compare the well known Support Vector Machine and K-Nearest Neighbor classifiers with a classifier based on Mahalanobis distance. Finally, the study performed is language independent and was applied over two document collections, one written in English (Reuters-21578) and the other in Portuguese (Folha de São Paulo).
Many studies in automated Text Categorization focus on the performance of classifiers, with or without considering feature selection methods, but almost as a rule taking into account just one document representation. Only relatively recently did detailed studies on the impact of various document representations step into the spotlight, showing that there may be statistically significant differences in classifier performance even among variations of the classical bag-of-words model. This paper examines the relationship between the idf transform and several widely used feature selection methods, in the context of Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machines classifiers, on datasets extracted from the dmoz ontology of Web-page descriptions. The described experimental study shows that the idf transform considerably effects the distribution of classification performance over feature selection reduction rates, and offers an evaluation method which permits the discovery of relationships between different document representations and feature selection methods which is independent of absolute differences in classification performance.
Hybrid Information Systems, A. Abraham and …, 2002
Linear Discriminant (LD) techniques are typically used in pattern recognition tasks when there are many (n >> 10 4 ) datapoints in low-dimensional (d < 10 2 ) space. In this paper we argue on theoretical grounds that LD is in fact more appropriate when training data is sparse, and the dimension of the space is extremely high. To support this conclusion we present experimental results on a medical text classification problem of great practical importance, autocoding of adverse event reports. We trained and tested LD-based systems for a variety of classification schemes widely used in the clinical drug trial process (COSTART, WHOART, HARTS, and MedDRA) and obtained significant reduction in the rate of misclassification compared both to generic Bayesian machine-learning techniques and to the current generation of domain-specific autocoders based on string matching.
Text categorization is an important research area and has been receiving much attention due to the growth of the on-line information and of Internet. Automated text categorization is generally cast as a multi-class classification problem. Much of previous work focused on binary document classification problems. Support vector machines (SVMs) excel in binary classification, but the elegant theory behind large-margin hyperplane cannot be easily extended to multi-class text classification.
Automatic text classification (ATC) is the task of automatically assigning a set of documents into appropriate categories (or classes, or topics). One of the feature generation techniques is extracting absolute word frequency from textual documents to be used as feature vectors in machine learning techniques. One of the limitations of this technique is the dependency on text length leading into lower classification rates. Another problem in ATC is the high dimensional space. We present a performance evaluation of feature transformation techniques and regularized linear discriminant function (RLD) in automatic text classification. Moreover we provide experimental evaluation of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in reducing the high dimensionality. Feature transformation techniques used considerably improved the classification accuracy, and RLD outperformed all classifiers used. Experimental results showed effective dimension reduction.
International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process, 2012
In this paper we propose a new method of classifying text documents. Unlike conventional vector space models, the proposed method preserves the sequence of term occurrence in a document. The term sequence is effectively preserved with the help of a novel datastructure called 'Status Matrix'. Further the corresponding classification technique has been proposed for efficient classification of text documents. In addition, in order to avoid sequential matching during classification, we propose to index the terms in Btree, an efficient index scheme. Each term in B-tree is associated with a list of class labels of those documents which contain the term. Further the corresponding classification technique has been proposed. To corroborate the efficacy of the proposed representation and status matrix based classification, we have conducted extensive experiments on various datasets.
The curse of dimensionality is a well-recognized problem in the field of document filtering. In particular, this concerns methods where vector space models are utilized to describe the document-concept space. When performing content classification across a variety of topics, the number of different concepts (dimensions) rapidly explodes and as a result many techniques are rendered inapplicable. Furthermore the extent of information represented by each of the concepts may vary significantly. In this paper, we present a dimensionality reduction approach which approximates the user's preferences in the form of value function and leads to a quick and efficient filtering procedure. The proposed system requires the user to provide preference information in the form of a training set in order to generate a search rule. Each document in the training set is profiled into a vector of concepts. The document profiling is accomplished by utilizing Wikipedia-articles to define the semantic information contained in words which allows them to be perceived as concepts. Once the set of concepts contained in the training set is known, a modified Wilks' lambda approach is used for dimensionality reduction by ensuring minimal loss of semantic information.
High dimension of bag-of-words vectors poses a serious challenge from sparse data, overfitting, irrelevant features to document classification. Filter feature selection is one of effective methods for dimensionality reduction by removing irrelevant features from feature set. This paper focuses on two main problems of filter feature selection which are the feature score computation and the imbalance in the feature selection performance between categories. We propose a novel filter feature selection method, named ExFCFS, to comprehensively resolve these problems. We experiment on related filter feature selection methods with two benchmark datasets Reuters-21578 dataset and Ohsumed dataset. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our solutions in terms of both Micro-F1 measure and Macro-F1 measure. Keywords— bag-of-words vector, filter feature selection, document classification
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2008
Feature transformation in automatic text classification (ATC) can lead to better classification performance. Furthermore dimensionality reduction is important in ATC. Hence, feature transformation and dimensionality reduction are performed to obtain lower computational costs with improved classification performance. However, feature transformation and dimension reduction techniques have been conventionally considered in isolation. In such cases classification performance can be lower than when integrated. Therefore, we propose an integrated feature analysis approach which improves the classification performance at lower dimensionality. Moreover, we propose a multiple feature integration technique which also improves classification effectiveness. key words: text classification/categorization, feature transformation, dimension reduction, principal component analysis, canonical discriminant analysis, integrated feature analysis, multiple feature integration 2. Integrated Feature Analysis (IFA) This section describes techniques on which the proposed approach is based. We name this framework the integrated feature analysis (IFA). This includes the descriptions of the multiple feature integration (MFI).
In this paper we present a multiclassifier approach for multilabel document classification problems, where a set of k-NN classifiers is used to predict the category of text documents based on different training subsampling databases. These databases are obtained from the original training database by random subsampling. In order to combine the predictions generated by the multiclassifier, Bayesian voting is applied. Through all the classification process, a reduced dimension vector representation obtained by Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is used for training and testing documents. The good results of our experiments give an indication of the potentiality of the proposed approach.
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2019
The performance of text classification is highly related to the feature selection methods. Usually, two tasks are performed when a feature selection method is applied to construct a feature set; 1) assign score to each feature and 2) select the top-N features. The selection of top-N features in the existing filter-based feature selection methods is biased by their discriminative power and the empirical process which is followed to determine the value of N. In order to improve the text classification performance by presenting a more illustrative feature set, we present an approach via a potent representation learning technique, namely DBN (Deep Belief Network). This algorithm learns via the semantic illustration of documents and uses feature vectors for their formulation. The nodes, iteration, and a number of hidden layers are the main parameters of DBN, which can tune to improve the classifier's performance. The results of experiments indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method to increase the classification performance and aid developers to make effective decisions in certain domains.
2017 International Conference on Engineering & MIS (ICEMIS), 2017
The linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is a dimensionality reduction technique that is widely used in pattern recognition applications. The LDA aims at generating effective feature vectors by reducing the dimensions of the original data (e.g. bag-of-words textual representation) into a lower dimensional space. Hence, the LDA is a convenient method for text classification that is known by huge dimensional feature vectors. In this paper, we empirically investigated two LDA based methods for Arabic text classification. The first method is based on computing the generalized eigenvectors of the ratio (between-class to within-class) scatters, the second method includes linear classification functions that assume equal population covariance matrices (i.e. pooled sample covariance matrix). We used a textual data collection that contains 1,750 documents belong to five categories. The testing set contains 250 documents belong to five categories (50 documents for each category). The experiment...
Abstract Text categorization is an important research area and has been receiving much attention due to the growth of the on-line information and of Internet. Automated text categorization is generally cast as a multi-class classification problem. Much of previous work focused on binary document classification problems. Support vector machines (SVMs) excel in binary classification, but the elegant theory behind large-margin hyperplane cannot be easily extended to multi-class text classification.
Document categorization is a widely researched area of information retrieval. A popular approach to categorize documents is the V ector Space Model (VSM), which represents texts with feature vectors. The categorizing based on the VSM suffers from noise caused by synonymy and polysemy. Thus, an approach for the clustering of Malay documents based on semantic relations between words is proposed in this paper. The method is based on the model first formulated in the context of information retrieval, called L atent Semantic Indexing (LSI). This model leads to a vector representation of each document using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), where familiar clustering techniques can be applied in this space. LSI produced good document clustering by obtaining relevant subjects appearing in a cluster.
In this study a comprehensive evaluation of two supervised feature selection methods for dimensionality reduction is performed -Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This is gauged against unsupervised techniques like fuzzy feature clustering using hard fuzzy C-means (FCM) . The main objective of the study is to estimate the relative efficiency of two supervised techniques against unsupervised fuzzy techniques while reducing the feature space. It is found that clustering using FCM leads to better accuracy in classifying documents in the face of evolutionary algorithms like LSI and PCA. Results show that the clustering of features improves the accuracy of document classification.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2016
To meet the fast and effective requirements of document classification in Web 2.0, the most direct strategy is to reduce the dimension of document representation without much information loss. Topic model and neural network language model are two main strategies to represent document in a low-dimensional space. To compare the effectiveness of bag-of-words, topic model and neural network language model for document classification, TF*IDF, latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and Paragraph Vector model are selected. Based on the generated vectors of these three methods, support vector machine classifiers are developed respectively. The performances of these three methods on English and Chinese document collections are evaluated. The experimental results show that TF*IDF outperforms LDA and Paragraph Vector, but the high-dimensional vectors take up much time and memory. Furthermore, through cross validation, the results reveal that stop words elimination and the size of training samples significantly affect the performances of LDA and Paragraph Vector, and Paragraph Vector displays its potential to overwhelm two other methods. Finally, the suggestions related with stop words elimination and data size for LDA and Paragraph Vector training are provided.
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