Cohabitation and intestacy: public opinion and law reform


In 2007, in its Final Reporto nt he financial consequences of cohabitation, the Law Commission decided not to recommend anychanges to the intestacyrules to coverfor the situation whereac ohabitant'sp artner dies.H owever,i nJ une 2008, it announced that it would undertakeageneral reviewoft his area of the law. This article reviews the current lawand reports on alarge surveyofp ublic opinion on the position of surviving cohabitants,c onducted by students at the Universities of Sheffield and Cardiff. The findings clearly showt hat al arge majority of the general public would supports ome automatic provision being made foras urviving cohabitant, with ag reater shareb eing felt appropriate both the longer the relationship had lasted and if the partners had had children. It is concluded that, givenwhat we believe to be the current unfair state of the law, coupled with the high levels of supportf or provision from the general public, the LawC ommission should examine very thoroughlyt he scope and feasibility of extending the intestacyr ules to covers urviving cohabitants.