Tradisi Massuru’ dan Pertobatan Dalam Injil Sinoptik

BIA': Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual


This paper juxtaposes two models of wrong forgiveness and sin. Massuru 'in Toraja culture and repentance in the gospel. This research study is explanatory in order to explain the concept of masu suru and repentance from the theological roots that shape it. The materials used are sourced from the literature but in dialogue with the observations or experiences that the author has encountered in the field, both when observing the way the Toraja interpret their traditions and interpret liturgical confessions in the congregation. The results of this study found that massuru and repentance had a more or less the same basic pattern, which was initiated by false recognition or sin, forgiveness and finally peace. Another similarity is improving behavior, reestablishing relations with God and fellow creatures. But there are differences in terms of initiative, targets in the visible and inner aspects, atonement victims. Massuru 'can be used as a model for confession in congregations an...