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BIA': Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual
13 pages
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This paper juxtaposes two models of wrong forgiveness and sin. Massuru 'in Toraja culture and repentance in the gospel. This research study is explanatory in order to explain the concept of masu suru and repentance from the theological roots that shape it. The materials used are sourced from the literature but in dialogue with the observations or experiences that the author has encountered in the field, both when observing the way the Toraja interpret their traditions and interpret liturgical confessions in the congregation. The results of this study found that massuru and repentance had a more or less the same basic pattern, which was initiated by false recognition or sin, forgiveness and finally peace. Another similarity is improving behavior, reestablishing relations with God and fellow creatures. But there are differences in terms of initiative, targets in the visible and inner aspects, atonement victims. Massuru 'can be used as a model for confession in congregations an...
SixHer, 2023
Harapannya bisa memberikan gambaran tentang perbedaan antara ketiga Injil Sinoptik, walaupun masih banyak yang harus disempurnakan
The purpose of this article is to examine one of the traditions in Seko and to be juxtaposed with victims of wrongdoing in Imamat. Traditions or customs within a certain community group that have a characteristic entity in their application. This article discusses a tradition that is quite unique, namely the Mupupantunu tradition in a part of Seko, namely in Kalamio. This tradition is a tradition of giving sanctions to members of society who violate wrong norms or mistakes. This tradition involves slaughtering an animal as a sacrifice and paying a predetermined fine. This tradition will be compared to the Fraud Sacrifice in the Book of Imamat. The traditions of Mupantunu and Sacrifice for the Falsehood are the same as animals in practice. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with a literature study and interview approach, and shows that, the tradition that was born among the Seko (Mupantunu) people, especially the Kalamio area, had a large number of cults practiced by the Israelites of the Old Testament, namely the False Redeemers. The most striking similarity is that a watch has to offer an animal as a sacrifice, and there are also certain parts that are eaten by the adat leaders as implementers of the Mupupantunu tradition and the Priest as a sacrificial burner in the Book of Leviticus. Of these, there were also differences between victims, such as burning places or burnt offerings.
Jurnal Teologi Praktika
Malam Satu Suro is a Javanese tradition has the preserving the cultural heritage of their ancestors. This tradition is carried out by the activity of ngumbah keris, performance of wayang kulit all night long, slametan and grave pilgrimage. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research by exploring the meaning of activities or concepts developed by the Javanese community. After obtaining this meaning, the author describes in accordance with the perspective of Christian values. The results of the discussion of this text are that through the malam satu suro tradition, the Javanese people seek or have the hope of receiving salvation, the tradition is carried out as an effort to unite with God and an effort to abandon worldly characteristics. Thus, the concept built by the Javanese community in this tradition contains Christian values that have been written in the Scriptures. AbstrakMalam satu suro merupakan tradisi masyarakat Jawa yang memiliki sisi melestarikan b...
Tebokan" was the history of jenang production processes that was visualized on cultural carnival. It was one of the place where the relationship of religious traditions and the myth of local society became a new spirit to increase the economy of the community. This research was based on interpretative perspective to religious behaviors such as done by Clifford Geertz. Therefore this research used qualitative method. This study found the cultural illustrations where the relationship of myth, religious tradition, and the social structure was able to activate spirit of productivity in the Kaliputu Society as a central of jenang Production in Kudus. Both of these systems of meaning were able to present three important spirits, those are innovative, identity affirmation, and work ethic.
Kelahiran Yesus Kristus malaikat Tuhan menampakkan diri kepada Yusuf melalui mimpi, ketika Yususf mempertimbangkan untuk menceraikan Maria Ada pemberitahuan dari Malaikat Gabriel kepada Maria bahwa ia akan mengandung dan melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki dan harus menamai Dia Yesus. Ada pemberitahuan kabar tentang kelahiran Yesus di hari itu juga kepada para gembala. Orang yang datang mencari bayi Yesus Orang-orang Majus dari Timur, ada jeda waktu saat bertemu bayi Yesus dan menyembahNya Para gembala yang mendapat warta dari malaikat : "Hari ini telah bagimu Juruselamat, yaitu Kristus, Tuhan, di kota Daud dengan tanda bayi yang dibungkus dengan lampin dan terbaring dalam palungan", maka para gembala langsung mencari bayi itu di Betlehem setelah malaikat pergi.
Teokristi: Jurnal Teologi Kontekstual dan Pelayanan Kristiani
Tak sedikit orang yang beranggapan bahwa Injil telah hadir mengubah banyak hal dalam berbagai aspek, khususnya dalam hal ritus agama. Kehadiran Injil mengubah dunia secara perlahan. Dalam beberapa kasus penginjil tiba-tiba mengubah suatu keyakinan dan ritus agama yang telah melekat dalam jiwa umat, dan menganggap bahwa ritus yang mereka lakukan sebelumnya bertentangan dengan Injil dan tidak akan memberi keselamatan bagi penganutnya, meskipun dalam perjalanannya keyakinan dan ritus tersebut sudah terbilang cukup lama. Salah satu keyakinan yang melekat dalam diri masyarakat ialah keyakinan akan Aluk to Dolo di kalangan masyarakat Nosu yang hingga saat ini masih dipegang teguh dan diwujudkan melalu sebuah ritus Ma’dulang. Penulis menggunakan metode pendekatan model sintesis yang mengkaji transformasi Injil ke dalam ritus budaya Ma’dulang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan ritus Ma’dulang adalah konsep keliru dalam perspektif teologis, karena seharusnya manusia sadar dengan...
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika
Puru Hogo is a tradition that is still attached to the life of the Sabu tribe in East Nusa Tenggara. The Puru Hogo tradition is carried out by the Sabu community every year, when they want to do the extracting of sap and cooking sugar, in June and July. They believe that they will be blessed, the results of the extraction of sap will be good, no one will have an accident, and they will get a good income, on condition that they have to offer a sheep to give to Mone Ama. Using a qualitative approach, a descriptive method, this research examines the perspective of the Christian Church in Timor (GMIT) Imanuel Matepu. It was found that the Puru Hogo tradition was given a new meaning, so that it became a bridge for church ministry in the Sabu community.Keywords: Puru Hogo Tradition; Contextual; Sabu Tribe.AbstrakPuru Hogo merupakan tradisi yang masih lekat dalam kehidupan Suku Sabu di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Tradisi Puru Hogo dilakukan oleh masyarakat Sabu setiap tahun, saa...
Dalam Injil Sinoptik (Matius, Markus, Lukas), Yesus mengutarakan ajarannya melalui permpamaan. Perumpaman dapat tersebut bersifat terbuka akan interpretasi modern.
Mintoni Asmo Tobing, 2023
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Jurnal Teologi Kontekstual Indonesia
SOSIOLOGIA : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat
Mutthohharoh, 2024
Journal of Religious and Socio-Cultural, 2023
Kontemplasi: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2018
Paradigma, Jurnal Kajian Budaya, 2016
Akademika, 2011
Al-Bukhari : Jurnal Ilmu Hadis, 2019
LITE: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya, 2007
Seminar Internasional Riksa Bahasa, 2020
Jurnal Abdiel: Khazanah Pemikiran Teologi, Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Musik Gereja
Genta Hredaya: Media Informasi Ilmiah Jurusan Brahma Widya STAHN Mpu Kuturan Singaraja