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The British Journal of Aesthetics
originally published in British Journal of Aesthetics (2018) Personification has received little philosophical attention, but Daniel Nolan has recently argued that it has important ramifications for the relationship between fictional representation and possibility.
This chapter seeks to define the existential status and truth-value of fictional characters, with frequent appeals to multiple iterations of Sherlock Holmes as an example. It surveys two rival schools of thought, drawn from metaphysics and possible-world semantics. Alexius Meinong's "non-existent objects", i.e. the metaphysical approach, is shown to be qualitatively different from how we think of fictional characters. David Lewis's "truth in fiction", derived from counterfactual logic and possibleworld semantics, fails to address the particularities of fictional characters as they are represented anew across multiple iterations. By contrast, I advance that fictional characters are best thought of as "quasi-existent"a stipulated term that conveys how their imagined existence is neither reducible to real-world knowledge nor is the sum of their textual iterations. In conclusion, I suggest how "quasi-existent/existence", however counterintuitive, may prove productive to future theories of fiction.
PhD Dissertation, 2020
In recent metaphysics, the questions of whether fictional entities exist, what their nature is, and how to explain truths of statements such as “Sherlock Holmes lives in 221B Baker Street” and “Holmes was created by Arthur Conan Doyle” have been subject to much debate. The main aim of my thesis is to wrestle with key proponents of the abstractionist view that fictional entities are abstract objects that exist (van Inwagen 1977, 2018, Thomasson 1999 and Salmon 1998) as well as Walton’s (1990) pretense view, which denies the existence of such entities. In the process, I propose modifications to these views to deal with problems they face and show how the modifications better account for the philosophical data. Key abstractionists (van Inwagen 1977, Thomasson 1999) make a strict distinction between discourse within fiction, in which statements about literary characters cannot be literally true, and discourse about fiction, as it occurs in literary criticism, where statements about fictional characters can be literally true. Fictional objects are postulated to account for the truth of the latter. This runs into trouble because statements thought to be literally true are not literal. (Yagisawa 2001, Friend 2002) I provide a uniform analysis to account for the truth of statements involving fictional characters by appealing to a presupposition involving a metaphor in both contexts. The presupposition is that there is an x such that x is fictional; x is likened to a real person; and x is and ought to be treated/counted as a real person for all relevant intents and purposes. More generally, I adopt Everett and Schroeder’s (2015) realist view that fictional characters are ideas constituted by mental representations. This, to me, better accounts for how fictional characters are created within the world’s causal nexus (unlike non-spatiotemporal entities in abstractionism), among other things. One key challenge they face is to explain how ideas can possess properties such as being a detective. I present a fine-grained version of their view, according to which the mental representations constituting fictional entities encode mind-dependent properties. Moreover, I explain how reference to such representations is possible, using Bencivenga’s (1983) Neo-Kantian view of reference and Karttunen’s (1976) view on discourse referents. Finally, I suggest that the identity of fictional characters is interest-relative. The constant, and sometimes radical, change of properties that, fictional characters can undergo is taken to be a consequence of the fact that unified mental representations are bundles of simpler mental representations. As change occurs, simpler representations are replaced by others. A key theme that runs through the thesis is that neither fictionality nor pretense is relevant to the semantics of fictional sentences—a claim bolstered by Matravers’ (2014) arguments. Whether or not my account works, this claim, as well as the new philosophical data I bring up, are some of the challenges I pose to the heart of established views.
We know that characters in fictions are not real but even as critics, we tend to talk about fictional characters in the same terms we use for real characters. This obscures the mechanisms by which fiction works. By looking at several Shakespeare plays and comparing them it becomes obvious that both characters and plot are subordinate to some as yet obscure higher level of organization. We need to develop a language and concepts for dealing with that higher level.
Conceiving of fictional characters as types allows us to reconcile intuitions of sameness and difference about characters such as Batman that appear in different fictional worlds. Sameness occurs at the type level while difference occurs at the token level. Yet, the claim that fictional characters are types raises three main issues. Firstly, types seem to be eternal forms whereas fictional characters seem to be the outcome of a process of creation. Secondly, the tokens of a type are concrete particulars in the actual world whereas the alleged tokens of a fictional character are concrete particulars in a fictional world. Thirdly, many fictional characters, unlike Batman, only appear in one work of fiction, and therefore one can wonder whether it does make sense to treat them as types. The main aim of this paper is to address these issues in order to defend a creationist account of fictional characters as types.
I argue that the ontological status of fictional characters is determined by the beliefs and practices of those who competently deal with works of literature, and draw out three important consequences of this. First, heavily revisionary theories cannot be considered as 'discoveries' about the 'true nature' of fictional characters; any acceptable realist theory of fiction must preserve all or most of the common conception of fictional characters. Second, once we note that the existence conditions for fictional characters (established by those beliefs and practices) are extremely minimal, it makes little sense to deny the existence of fictional characters, leaving anti-realist views of fiction unmotivated. Finally, the role of ordinary beliefs and practices in determining facts about the ontology of fictional characters explains why non-revisionary theories of fiction are bound to yield no determinate or precise answer to certain questions about fictional characters, demonstrating the limits of a theory of fiction.
Textual Practice, 2018
Recent work from both novelists and literary critics has suggested that the contemporary novel is sick of fiction and has turned instead to the 'real'. This article questions this understanding of the contemporary novel and, by focusing in particular on the 6-volume Min Kamp by Karl Ove Knausgaard, suggests instead that the most important representational model for the contemporary novel is the virtual. In establishing this, the article returns to both a history of the concept of the virtual and to Coleridge's 'willing suspension of disbelief' in order to make visible the role of the virtual as a model for contemporary prose fiction. Belief, Fiction and Non-existence After being championed, in much postmodernist theory, as the model for all narrative, the fictional, if we listen to an increasing number of writers, can no longer be believed in. In his admission of his repeated experience of fiction as surplus to requirement, published in an article in the Guardian at the beginning of 2013, Ian McEwan writes that, when his 'faith in fiction falters', he no longer believes what 'imaginary Henry said or did to non-existent Sue', and what he wants instead is knowledge of 'reality'. 1 With the time saved by not reading fiction, McEwan suggests, he could catch up on some case law which has the benefit of being about, in his words, 'Real events!' 2 In Reality Hunger: A Manifesto (2010), David Shields, 'bored by out-and-out fabrication', has ceased to believe in fiction too. The fiction writer's burden is one of 'unreality, the nasty fact that none of this ever really happened'. Unlike McEwan, what Shields wants instead is not to be told the 'truth' about 'real events', but for fictional writing to itself consist of 'reality'. The writing he finds most exciting and persuasive is by writers who, rather than making it up, are, in his words, 'breaking larger and larger chunks of "reality" into their work'. 3 This articulation of the rejection of the fictional because of a failure of belief in its burdensome 'unreality' can be found too in the six volumes of Min Kamp (My Struggle), by the Norwegian writer Karl Ove Knausgaard (2009-2011; English translation 2013-2016; volume 6 has not yet been published in English). The volumes consist of a non-chronological account of Knausgaard's life from infancy to, in the last volume, the effects on him of the publication of the earlier ones. In some of the volumes this account is interspersed with essayistic writing on, for example, death, ageing, politics, art and music. Many reviewers of Min Kamp have compared Knausgaard to Proust because of the work's combination of novelistic form and autobiographical content. In the second volume (published as A Man in Love in the UK) (2009/2013), Knausgaard accounts for this formal hybridity. He describes the moment in 2006 or 2007 when he realized that, after having written two critically successful novels, Ute av verden (1998) (Out of the World) and En tid for alt (2004) (the English translation was published as A Time To Every Purpose Under Heaven in the UK in 2008 and as A Time for Everything in the US in 2009), he was sick of fiction: 'Just the thought of a fabricated character in a fabricated plot made me nauseous, I reacted in a physical way. Had no idea why. But I did'. 4 Later he admits that he can no longer write conventional fiction because 'every single sentence was met with the thought: but you're just making this up. It has no value. Fictional writing has no value….'. 5 Volume 4, published as Dancing in the Dark in the UK (2015), suggests retrospectively that a sense that writing should, rather than make things up, return us to the 'real' was already present at the beginning of Knausgaard's experience as a writer, despite his two works of fiction. He claims that as he began to write, aged 18, what motivated him was the way writing connected him to the reality of his past. Rather than making things up, his writing at this point instead returned him to the time in childhood when 'the trees were trees, not "trees", cars not "cars", when dad was dad, not "dad"'. 6 The six volumes of Min Kamp purport to be writing which dispenses with fiction's inverted commas and returns to us what Knausgaard calls in volume 1 the 'there' of the world. 7 What is strange about this eschewal of belief in fiction by novelists because of its fabricated nature, and strange too about the unquestioning approbation that has dominated responses to it from reviewers, readers and critics, is that, according to the critical orthodoxies, no one ever asked them to believe in the first place. Once the novel as fiction was established and authors no longer needed to protest the truth of their work, the critical orthodoxy became that, as Catherine Gallagher has argued, belief did not transfer to the unashamedly fictional but rather the fictional established itself as 'believable stories that did not solicit belief'. 8 Rather than believe, critic after critic has asserted that what fiction asks readers to do instead, using Coleridge's phrase from the Biographia Literaria (1817), is to 'willingly suspend disbelief'. This demand has been glossed by Gallagher in such a way that, for her, it is clear that disbelief crucially remains part of the experience of fiction-reading: Novels seek to suspend the reader's disbelief, as an element is suspended in a solution that it thoroughly permeates. Disbelief is thus the condition of fictionality, prompting judgments, not about the story's reality, but about its believability, its plausibility. 9 Here, disbelief in a story's reality is a precondition of, or is woven into, its believability. For so many contemporary writers, however, believability, rather than being dependent only on plausibility, is destroyed precisely by disbelief in a story's 'reality'. The condition for belief has
Axiomathes, 2017
I argue that modal realism is unable to account for fictional discourse. My starting point is an overview of modal realism. I then present a dilemma for modal realism regarding fictional characters. Finally, I provide responses to both horns of the dilemma, one motivating modal dimensionalism, the other motivating a disjunctive analysis of modality.
This essay concerns fiction in art and science. I argue that the term ‘fiction’ used in this manner is a category mistake (concept versus genre) and I believe this essay may succeed in “baking philosophical bread” by recognizing a verbal dispute. I am, therefore, suggesting an entire thread of discussion be re-evaluated. I provide an exposé of Catherine Z. Elgin and Nelson Goodman’s brand of fictionalism (i.e. that we glean understandings in the arts and sciences from fictions in the form of non-literal truth) and concentrate on unpacking the concept of fiction. I argue that representations (narratives of all sorts including models) are made of both fictional elements and faceted elements (with the exception of the possible or impossible ideal version e.g. God’s, which, would include only facets). Understandings are not gleaned from fictions but rather from faceted elements so ordered as to create understanding and usually leading to predictions, explanations, and manipulations. I define facets as ordered features whereas fictions (the genre) are groupings of disordered features. Full fiction is, therefore, by definition the expression of nothing or with respect to ideal languages (mathematics), the expression of contradiction. Representations are primitives and both fictions and facets are parts of them. Narratives are thus fictional by degree. Narratives which are highly fictional are of value (often playful) but they still always contain at least one facet. Ultimately all representational activity should be regarded as irreal i.e. incomplete although sometimes connected to reality and caught between a perfectly faceted realist description and complete fiction.
In what follows, I present only part of a program that consists in developing a version of actualism as an adequate framework for the metaphysics of intentionality. I will try to accommodate in that framework suggestions found in Kripke's works and some positions developed by Amie Thomasson. What should we change if we accept " fictional entities " in the domain of the actual world? Actualism is the thesis that everything that exists belongs to the domain of the actual world and that there are no possibilia. I shall defend that there are abstract artefacts, like fictional characters, and institutions. My argument could be seen as a version of Moore's paradox: it is paradoxical to say: " I made (created) it, but I do not believe it exists. " Moreover, there are true sentences about them. I will examine what it means to include abstract artefacts in the domain of the actual world. I favour a use of " exist " that includes beings with no concrete occupation of tri-dimensional space; to exist, it is enough to have been introduced at some moment in history. Abstract artefacts, like fictional characters, exist in that sense. I argue that it is important to distinguish two perspectives (internal and external) in order to clarify the kind of knowledge we have of fictional characters. However, their existence presupposes a relation of dependence to a material basis and the mental activities of many people.
Méthodos, 2014
The philosophical reflection on non-existence is an issue that has been tackled at the very start of philosophy and constitutes since the publication in 1905 of Russell's "On Denoting" one of the most thorny and heated debates in analytic philosophy. However the fierce debates on the semantics of proper names and definite descriptions which took off after the publication of Strawson's 'On Referring' in 1950 did not trigger a systematic study of the semantics of fiction. In fact, the systematic development of a link that articulates the approaches to fiction of logic; philosophy and literature had to wait until the work of John Woods, who published in 1974 the book Logic of Fiction: : A Philosophical Sounding of Deviant Logic. One of the most exciting challenges of Woods' book relates to the interaction between the internalist or inside-the-story (mainly pragmatist) and externalist or outside-the-story (mainly semantic) points of view. For that purpose Woods formulated as first a fictionality operator to be read as "according to the story …" in relation to the logical scope of which issues on internalism and externalism could be studied. The discussions on fiction that followed Woods' book not only seem not to fade away but even give rise to new and vigorous research impulses. Relevant fact for our paper is that in the phenomenological tradition too, the study of fiction has a central role to play. Indeed, one of the most controversial issues in intentionality is the problem of the existence-independence; i.e. the purported fact that intentional acts need not be directed at any existent object. Influenced by the work of the prominent student of Husserl, Roman Ingarden (1893-1970), Amie Thomasson develops the phenomenological concept of ontological dependence in order to explain how we can perform inter-and transfictional-reference-for example in the context of literary interpretation. The main claim of this paper is that a bi-dimensional multimodal reconstruction of Thomasson's-Ingarden's theory on fictional characters which takes seriously the fact that fictions are creations opens the door to the articulation between the internalist and the externalist approaches. We will motivate some changes on the artifactual approach-including an appropriate semantics for the fictionality operator that, we hope, will awaken the interest of theoreticians of literature. The paper could be also seen as an overview of how different concepts of intentionality might yield different formal semantics for fictionality. We will provide a dialogical framework that is a modal extension of a certain proof system developed by Matthieu Fontaine and Juan Redmond. The dialogical framework develops the inferential counterpart to the the bidimensional semantics introduced by Rahman and Tulenheimo in arecent paper.
Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics, 2023
In this paper, I shall argue for the representational character of literary fiction. The aim is not to defend a theory of fiction as representation but to highlight the iconic or experiential nature of literary fiction. Drawing mainly on Beardsley (1981, 1982) and Matravers (2014), I shall outline a notion of representation that helps to make sense of literary fiction as a specific kind of representation or verbal depiction. Literary language gives presence, vitality, and force to the represented world, but verbal representation like visual representation requires the imaginative collaboration of the reader. In addition to grasping the linguistic meaning of the text, the reader must make sense of the actions and attitudes of the characters and consider them, together with situations and events from the author’s point of view. Imaginative collaboration involves more than adopting a propositional attitude of make-believe toward the sentences’ content. It also encompasses mental activities such as visualising, empathising, responding emotionally, and entertaining expectations and desires in response to the represented content. As it is often defended, it is in the reader’s experience that the world of a novel comes into existence. This is not to say that the reader creates the work; rather in understanding a literary work, the reader’s experience is closely tied to the mode of presentation and perspective of the work.
Pacific Philocophical Quarterly
Realists about fictional characters posit a certain theoretical role and a candidate to fill this role. I will delineate the role realists take fictional characters like Emma Woodhouse to fill, and I will argue that it is better filled by what I will call 'characterisations'. In explaining what I mean by 'characterisations', I will show that the existence of these entities is comparatively uncontroversial. Realists should acknowledge their existence, but doing so, I will argue, obviates the need to acknowledge the existence of Emma and other fictional individuals.
Journal of Literary Theory, 2018
The topic of character construction and interpretation in fiction, or fictional characterisation, seems to spill into a multitude of disciplines and be approachable from a multitude of perspectives. This chapter discusses work in the linguistics-related field of stylistics, especially cognitive stylistics and the stylistics of drama, but also draws on narratology and other fields besides. Having outlined some ontological and interpretative fundamentals, it describes how characters are constructed in the interaction between top-down knowledge from the reader/perceiver's head and bottom-up information from the text. Focusing on the latter, it argues that three dimensions are key in characterisation: narratorial control, the presentation of self or other, and the explicitness or implicitness of the textual cue. It elaborates on narratorial filters (point of view, mind style and the presentation of speech and thought), character indexing (through, for example, speech acts) and inter-character dynamics (through, for example, the manipulation of social relations).
Philosophy Compass, 2007
If there are no fictional characters, how do we explain thought and discourse apparently about them? If there are, what are they like? A growing number of philosophers claim that fictional characters are abstract objects akin to novels or plots. They argue that postulating characters provides the most straightforward explanation of our literary practices as well as a uniform account of discourse and thought about fiction. Anti-realists counter that postulation is neither necessary nor straightforward, and that the invocation of pretense provides a better account of the same phenomena. I outline and assess these competing theories.
In ‘Against fictional realism’ Anthony Everett argues that fictional realism leads to indeterminate identity. He concludes that we should reject fictional realism. Everett’s paper and much of the ensuing literature does not discuss what exactly fictional characters are. This is a mistake. I argue that some versions of abstract creationism about fictional characters lead to indeterminate identity, and that some versions of Platonism about fictional characters lead only to indeterminate reference. In doing so I show that Everett’s argument poses a more pressing problem for abstract creationism than for Platonism. The general lesson is that fictional realists should think more about the ontology of fictional characters in order to discern whether they are committed to indeterminate identity.
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