Relación Psicomotricidad

Li cen cia do en Edu ca ción Fí si ca. Pro fe sor de la Fa cul tat de Cièn cies de l'Esport Blan quer na. Uni ver si tat Ra mon Llull apunts 77 EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Y DEPORTES (34-41) ciencias aplicadas a la actividad física y el deporte 34 Abstract The re have been some spe cu la tions in the past about the links re la ting mo tor de ve lop ment to cog ni ti ve de ve lop ment; many aut hors have tac kled this as pect, re sul ting in the pu bli ca tion of many stu dies. From the field of physi cal edu ca tion, some con cern about this is sue has been ap pa rent, as some be liefs, ge ne rally ba sed on in tui tion, have of ten emer ged sta ting that good mo tor de ve lop ment ne ces sa rily im plies good cog ni ti ve per for man ce. This study aims at de tec ting pos si ble re la tions hips bet ween mo tor and in te llec tual re gis ters ca te go ri sed in three groups: gross and fine mo tor skills, mo tor skills in vol ved in school edu ca tion, and men tal ap ti tu des (ver bal and nu me ri cal).