A New Approach to Schwarzschild Perturbations

2002, On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories (In 3 Volumes)

Recently 2 we have developed the Quasi-Maxwellian (QM) treatment for dealing with gauge-invariant cosmological perturbations in Friedman-Robertson-Walker model, providing their Hamiltonian description from a complete minimal set of gauge independent variables. The QM framework has been used since the early seventies to analyze perturbations of conformally at geometries uniquely. In this work we show that this approach may go beyond such restricted use. We apply it in order to describe linear perturbations of Schwarzschild vacuum solution, obtaining a simpler formulation than that provided by the usual method which deals with perturbations of the metric tensor (see Chandrasekhar, 3 for instance). For simplicity we will limit ourselves here to the more relevant tensorial case (which should encompass that of gravitational waves). In this vein we construct a convenient frame suggested by the background symmetries, such that the associated congruence has, besides a non null expansion, tensorial kinematic quantities (viz., the shear). The immediate consequence of introducing this property into the realm of the perturbation scheme is that additional constraints arise on the fundamental tensor basis. These new constraints, however, do not concern to eventual perturbations, but are linked with the very existence of a tensor basis referred to the chosen frame, and we exhibit them in order to obtain a gauge independent dynamical system, therefore avoiding the use of the explicit point dependence of such a basis. The resulting perturbations seem to be highly unstable due to cosmological considerations.