A Panorama of Geometrical Optimal Control Theory



Control theory is a young branch of mathematics that has developed mostly in the realm of engineering problems. It is splitted in two major branches; control theory of problems described by partial difierential equa-tions where control are exercized either by boundary terms and/or inhomoge-neous terms and where the objective functionals are mostly quadratic forms; and control theory of problems described by parameter dependent ordinary difierential equations. In this case it is more frequent to deal with non-linear systems and non-quadratic objective functionals [49]. In spite that control theory can be consider part of the general theory of difierential equations, the problems that inspires it and some of the results obtained so far, have configured a theory with a strong and definite personality that is already of-fering interesting returns to its ancestors. For instance, the geometrization of nonlinear a卤ne-input control theory problems by introducing Lie-geometrical methods into...