Crystal structure of Ca5(HAsO4)2(AsO4)2.9H2O (guérinite)

Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry

Gu6rinite is monoclinic, space group P21/n, with a= 17.63 (1), b= 6-734 (3), c= 23-47 (2) A, fl= 90-6 (1)°; crystals are nearly always {T01} twins and/or aggregates around [0113]. 1251 non-zero reflexions were collected from a very poor single crystal on a diffractometer (Cu K~ radiation) and were used to solve the structure by direct methods and refine it isotropically by least-squares calculations to R=0.13; the unit cell contains five formula units with one Ca out of 25 and five H20 out of 45 disordered in large cavities. The number of acidic hydrogen atoms and the overall hydrogen-bonding scheme were determined on the basis of bond-length/bond-strength correlations and of bond lengths and angles. {i01 } layers, linked by hydrogen bonds, are built up by distorted Ca polyhedra (C.N. 7 or 8) and As tetrahedra which share many geometrical elements with one another.