One approach for road transport project selection

2013, Transport Policy


The rapid development of civilization, population growth and constant increase in the resource consumption level had an effect on changes in methodologies and procedures for approaching the problem in many areas including the traffic engineering.

Key takeaways

  • The following criteria: traffic criteria, environmental criteria, cost, benefit and exterior projects are those based on which the most suitable alternative will be selected.
  • ANP model will in addition to the traffic criteria introduce environmental criteria, costs and benefits that come with each of the alternatives and the impact of extern projects on alternatives choice.
  • Traffic modelling within the influence zone has given the values of air pollution and noise emissions for all three alternatives.
  • Multicriteria decision making model gave the results shown in When compared to original approach, where traffic system functionality was considered, the results achieved by using of ANP approach showed difference with alternatives ranking In this case third alternative, which implies complete street reconstruction into pedestrian zone, gave the best results.
  • When ranking the three presented alternatives, where differences between the alternatives 2 and 3 in terms of traffic indicators analysis were minor, it was necessary to use multicriteria ranking model in order to verify results.