Domesticacion y cultivo del eucalipto

With human intervention, wild forest species have gone from being exploited in the wild to being cultivated. This process of domestication on a species changes the composition of its genetic resources. In this review, Eucalyptus globulus is used to illustrate the process of domestication and describes the milestones that occur in tree farming. Knowledge of genetic variation and genetic parameters are the most useful tools in choosing the strategy of conservation and improvement. Adaptation to new environments causes changes in genetic and is a fundamental basis in most of the improvement program. Improvement strategies meet the guidelines and managements to reproduce genetic gain. This is achieved through the production of seeds in seed orchards, and clones selected for vegetative propagation at the operational level. The adjustment of the vegetative propagation technique has consolidated very wealthy genetic gains and allows extending its application in eucalypt hybrids. E. globulus is a reference species in domestication, cultivation, tree improvement and biotechnology developments.