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European Journal of Social Work
15 pages
1 file
Too often, discussions of research ethics focus on the steps needed to avoid fraud or protect human subjects. These topics, while essential, are only a fraction of the considerations for ethical research, and excessive attention to them can obscure other important and meaningful decisions. Ethical dilemmas are inherent throughout the research process, from the choice about what to study and how to study it through to analysis and dissemination of findings. Attention to these considerations is especially important for researchers in social work who, by their professional discipline, code of ethics, or research foci are expected to demonstrate particular sensitivity to vulnerable populations, issues of social justice, conflicts of interest, and respect for dignity and privacy. Rooted in three workshops held during ECSWR since 2014, this paper examines the nature of embedded ethical dilemmas, with special attention to the challenges related to the principle of nonmaleficence and to the role of the researcher. In light of illustrative examples, the paper presents recommendations and resources to build ethical awareness and research integrity beyond regulatory compliance.
Acest număr special şi-a propus să ofere un spaţiu academic şi profesional pentru a descrie şi analiza critic unul dintre scopurile fundamentale ale asistenţei sociale: capacitarea copiilor, tinerilor şi familiilor. Evaluarea, planificarea şi livrarea intervenţiilor acestor categorii de beneficiari tind să se centreze în mod semnificativ pe problemă. Prin urmare, asistenţii sociali îşi vor explica eşecurile intervenţiilor prin raportarea la clienţi ca "nemo tivaţi", "rezistenţi la schimbare" şi/sau "nepregătiţi" să-şi asume schimbarea. Profe sioniştii tind să facă mai degrabă lucruri pentru clienţi, şi nu împreună cu aceştia, în special în cazul situaţiilor şi/sau clienţilor "problematici".
Seria nouă). Sociologie şi Asistenţă Socială aims to promote the remarkable results of scientific and empiric researches of professorates, researchers, students, and practitioners in the field of humanist sciences in order to stimulate the optimal functioning of academic and social fields. Analyses and theoretical-methodological sociological explanations as well as the exemplification of their values at the political and social work strategies and interventions level are welcome.
Social work with families is a specifi c social work fi eld in which the social worker works in the midst of complex interactions between individuals, the family and the community. The proposed model of social work with families presented in this paper is designed for students, practitioners and academics to help them refl ect on theories used in helping processes and their infl uences on direct practice in those instances in which social workers seek answers on how to act in complex processes of providing help to families. The model encourages the use of theoretical knowledge and off ers social workers a choice of diff erent theoretical concepts, which they can refl exively use in specifi c practical cases to co-create good results for families, while their members and the social worker collaborate in a unique working project of help. At the same time they all contribute to the development of a useful theory for the practice of social work with families.
in Bosnian:Rasirenost vladajucih normi u drustvu u kontekstu rata, okupacije, anarhije i preuzimanja vlasti od strane kriminalnih snaga unistava stare, ali postavlja nove norme, koje takođe mogu biti odbacene. Anomija se može opisati kao nukleus drustva, kao vrsta „pulsirajuce moralne destrukcije” koju niko ne kontrolise, ali koja paradoksalno proizvodi socijalni red. Anomija se ne rađa iz nistavila, iz praznine; ona je produkt interaktivne dinamike koja nastaje kada se pojedinci udruže, djelujuci kao pogonsko gorivo koje potice pojedince da se sretnu. Emile Durkheim se fokusira na to kako međuljudska interakcija stvara promjene u drustvu, pri cemu cesto pokazuje razlicite patoloske karakteristike koje dovode do frustracije i konflikta. Individualna potraga za sopstvenim oslobađanjem od zajednice dovodi do gubitka osjecaja pripadnosti, a time i otuđenja. Kada se stare drustvene mreže pokidaju, postaje nemoguce održati stare norme i vrijednosti. Pojedinac vise nije ogranicen moralnim...
Bilimler, Türkiye Atıf Dizini ulusal bilimsel veri tabanları içerisinde yer almaktadır.
Bioethics Update, 2024
Background: Research ethics in social sciences is of great relevance for the protection of participants. Objective: To conduct an ethical analysis of three classic cases of social science research: Milgram's experiment of obedience to authority; Humphreys' tearoom trade; and Zimbardo's prison experiment. Methods: A problematic ethical analysis of the cases was carried out. The main ethical debates raised by the cases were reconstructed in their historical context and the ethical issues were considered from a current perspective. Results: The relevance of the ethical analysis of the classic cases of research ethics in social sciences and the relevance of carrying out an ethical analysis from the current concepts of research ethics were shown. Conclusion: The need for an independent ethical evaluation of ethical issues was revealed to adequately understand and evaluate social science research and its methodological richness.
Postmodern Openings, 2020
Historically, the views of lawyers and social workers in the application of socio-legal protection of children in the Czech Republic often fail to understand the best interests of the child (the best interests of the child under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child). In 90´s we can see in practice the direction of implementation of the basic principles of the Convention into individual decisions of social workers. Emphasizing the principle of proportionality between the various rights of the child should lead to the recognition of the child as the holder of the rights, not as the object of care and protection. However, in the late modern era, we have seen a certain shift. Instead of reflecting on the subjective conviction of the creator of what is best for the child; rather, decisions that consist not of ignorance of the content of these fundamental rights and freedoms, but of determining the values of the decision maker. Therefore, this should lead us to a deeper reflection on how workers in social and legal protection institutions understand the issue of the best interests of the child and to further discuss its implementation. The research part of the article focuses, through qualitative interviews, on uncovering how social workers in child protection in the Czech Republic think about the best interest of the child and their impact on practice, and these results relate to the perspective of lawyers extracted from legal acts, regulations, and judgments.
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