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19 pages
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How to traverse noise? Let us remind ourselves of the main principles of Serres' hermetic methodology:
In this article I intend to use the category of noise to open up possible connecting routes between philosophy and education. My overarching hypothesis is that the category of noise introduces a critical connector that mutually activates Alain Badiou's ontology and Paulo Freire's pedagogy. Noise, postulated here as the phenomenological temporalization of Badiou's ontological void, becomes the condition of possibility both of the emergence of a subject and of its fidelity to a truth procedure. I posit therein a generic Subject of education as the temporal emanation of the place opened up by the philosophical category of Truth. I propose, in sum, that such "education in noise" is merely the praxial, temporal and immanently Freirean side of Badiou's purely philosophical notion of an 'education by truths'.
This thesis proposes and explores a fundamental interrelation between philosophy, education and noise. A speculative bridge is constructed between Alain Badiou’s philosophy and Paulo Freire’s pedagogy, whereby noise is posited as the phenomenological (temporal) appearance of Badiou’s ontological (atemporal) notion of ‘the void’. Such temporalisation of the void drives the key conjecture of the argument: if, for Baidou, philosophy is the opening of a space for the compossible thinking of political, artistic, scientific and amorous truths, I propose therefrom that education is the caring of the time produced in praxis by the subjects engaged in the investigations of such truths. It is within such pedagogical temporality, then, that noise emerges as the entropic, physico-phenomenological trace of the isentropic, ontological void. Education intervenes amidst the noise as a reassuring injunction to keep going regardless of the anxiety which will inevitably assault the subjects throughout their uncertain inquiry. Given that the subjective trajectory purely follows the consequences of an undecidable event, this pedagogical relation subtracts itself from all established laws. I claim that such an “education in noise” is inherently Freirean insomuch as it constitutes a fundamental site of resistance to the oppression of constituted power. Noise is immanently subversive inasmuch as it enkindles innen- and um-subjects that are completely indigestible to the status quo of the state. This indigestibility represents the subtractive face of noise (on the side of an ontology woven on the void): noise, however, is also immanently relational (on the side of the inter-subjective production of a new logic). I conclude that by being ontologically subtractive and logically relational an education in noise manages to remain both subversive (insofar as it subtracts itself from all established knowledge) and critico-pedagogical (insofar as it involves the dialogical, collective construction of a new world).
Trans-Humanities, 2009
This paper is to launch a discourse on subjectivity as betweenness illusorily presented as the self and to seek out its traces in science literature, especially in evolutionary biology and cognitive science. A hope between the lines of this text is most of all to bridge the religious and philosophical subjectivity to these scientific fields via betweenness discourse. Betweenness is argued to be a basic structure in which the self, the sense of the "I," is produced. Originally it derives from the transliteration of the Chinese character, (human betweenness). Betweenness does not refer to person or subject, but it is a condition under which subjectivity may arise. Discourses in evolutionary biology contain this sense of betweenness-being between genes, organism and environment. Through the interaction of and between them, individuality arises. The ways to explain the emergence of the sense of the self out of the interaction would be different, but it is agreed that individual subjectivity comes out of the interaction. With regard to the subjectivity issue, cognitive science materials also show the sense of betweenness in its frameworks of the computationism (Pinker 1997) and the enactionism (Varela 1993) models. From the perspective of the enactionism, the interaction between genes and environment creates the sense of the "I." All these say that betweenness is the condition for the emergence of subjectivity.
This dissertation attempts to discern an ontology of the artistic gesture as a libertarian practice driven by the motto of an inborn paradoxical nature, in order to provide a theoretical, aesthetical and political introduction to noise music in current times. This is made through the theorization and articulation of the idea of a dialectical paradox; the aporia that roots man's 'instability' in the arts practice. It is the attempt of 'destroying' 'art' in its dissolution in life, for the sake of life itself.
Angelaki Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 2023
Michel Serres said that history is the propagation of effects, saying in his conversations with Bruno Latour, “we experience time as much in our inner senses as externally in nature, as much as le temps of history as le temps of weather,” characterized more by turbulence than by Euclidean geometry. Setting out from Serres’ nautical meditation on noise, guided by Giuseppe Longo’s and interlocutors’ characterization of the random as a function of theory and measure, one can distinguish the random from the non-schematizable noisy. How do we think given the noisy dynamics of the world? Bernard Stiegler’s epiphylogenetic technologies and Gilbert Simondon’s transindividuating technics prepares considering thought as collective as well as individual activity. After sallies into algorithmic technology to establish its limits, we consider how epiphylogenetic thought develops in the presence of indeterminacy. We return to noise not as a simple veil between the discernible and indiscernible, but as a constitutive aspect of the complexification and enrichment of developmental ontologies, an enrichment co-articulated by epiphylogenetic imagination and technics.
Olho d'água, 2012
O presente trabalho é uma tentativa preliminar de articular as descobertas da semiologia com a teoria da Escola de Frankfurt. O principal desenvolvimento teórico refere-se à apropriação da Dialética do Esclarecimento, de Adorno e Horkheimer para a problemática do signo, da interpelação e o discurso das mercadorias.
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Sociology Study, 2018
forthcoming in: Maria Voyatzaki (ed.), Architectural Materialisms: Nonhuman Creativity (Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming 2018)
Chiasmi International , 2017
World Congress of Philosophy, Rome, 2024