SEH Using commemorative practices

2021, Sharing European Histories

Using commemorative prac- tices to teach that history is a constructed narra- tive – encourages students to analyse and de- construct how the past is commemorated in their locality by looking at historical plaques, monuments, and names of public spaces. Stu- dents are asked to determine what message(s) these commemorative works carry, by whom, for whom, and when they were formulated, who is excluded, and why they might be ex- cluded. Students explore how and why these commemorative practices changed over time in order to develop an understanding of the constructed nature of history in public spac- es. This strategy is an innovative approach to class excursions – an alternative to visits that are typically meant to teach what the past is, rather than how the past is told. The strategy is part of the book “Thinking on Multiethnic- ity” (Myśląc o wieloetniczności), based on the Big Six concepts of historical thinking devel- oped by Peter Seixas.