Macroeconomic Deficits and Public Debt Sustainability in Nigeria


The paper examined the sustainability of Public debt as well as the causal relationship between fiscal and trade deficits in Nigeria from 1960-2019. The unit root, cointegration and granger causality were employed for the test of sustainability of budget and trade deficits in the framework of Non-Ponzi Game. The paper sourced data from Debt Management Office, Central Bank of Nigeria and World Development Indicators Bulletins. Results from the analysis shows that the Nigerian public debt policies are not sustainable. This implies that revenue have performed far below expectation leading to advances of the government to depend on internal and external debt to meet expenditure demand; it also shows that import exceeds export in real goods as such weaken the domestic currency. In addition, the result shows that there is no causal relationship between fiscal and trade policy in Nigeria. it implies that the rising trade deficit and fiscal deficit has no implication on each other in the recent time. Hence, the paper suggested among others that the managers of the Nigerian economy should institute stringent fiscal reforms, put in place a seamless and efficient tax return filing procedures to raise tax receipts and vigorously address the corruption pathogen ubiquitous in the facets of the country to ease the effect deficit financing.