Design Procedure of Centrifugal Compressors



his paper investigates the development of a preliminary design method for centrifugal compressors. The design process starts with the aerodynamic analysis of the preliminary design and its reliance on empirical rules limiting the main design parameters. The procedure is applied to compressors for pressure ratios of 1.5, 3 and 5 as an example for developing an initial non-dimensional skeleton design. The skeleton diagrams are presented for different exit blade angles ranging from 0° to-60°. The design procedure was carried out for three cases: without prewhirl and with high positive prewhirl of 15° and 30°. Design considerations of mechanical stress for the impeller and minimum inlet relative Mach number are taken into consideration. Diffusion factor limitations have also been considered. Selected design parameters according to economical considerations have been presented for each pressure ratio.

Key takeaways

  • A simple method for designing the blade geometry of a centrifugal compressor impeller was presented by Wang et al.
  • The third term includes the ratio of the flow velocity in the radial direction, C r2 and the impeller speed, U 2 , known as the flow coefficient j and the exit blade angle β ∞2 .
  • Application of the continuity condition at impeller inlet leads to the non-dimensional mass flowrate at impeller inlet (see Whitfield and Baines [24]), as
  • Relations between the non-dimensional impeller speed, M u2 , and inlet relative Mach number, M 1rel , for different blade angles and different radius ratios r 1s /r 2 ranging from 0.4 to 0.9 are computed using equation 11for the different pressure ratios.
  • At a pressure ratio of 3, a backsweep angle of 40° with a prewhirl of 30° is recommended for impeller design for the non-dimensional mass flowrate, θ of up to 0.1.