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1977, Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento
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Computer Physics Communications, 1984
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 1985
The problem of constructing irreducible highest-weight representations of the Lie algebra sl(3, C) considered in a recent series of papres is revised. The construction based on canonical (boson) realizations that has been presented there is amended by a reduction procedure with respect to a subalgebra gl(2, C). It yields irreducible highest-weight representations (expressed explicitly through the matrix elements of the generators) for all weights, including the finite--dimensional cases.
Given any simple Lie superalgebra g, we investigate the structure of an arbitrary simple weight g-module. We introduce two invariants of simple weight modules: the shadow and the small Weyl group. Generalizing results of Fernando and Futorny we show that any simple module is obtained by parabolic induction from a cuspidal module of a Levi subsuperalgebra. Then we classify the cuspidal Levi subsuperalgebras of all simple classical Lie superalgebras and of the Lie superalgebra W(n). Most of them are simply Levi subalgebras of g 0 , in which case the classification of all finite cuspidal representations has recently been carried out by one of us (Mathieu). Our results reduce the classification of the finite simple weight modules over all classical simple Lie superalgebras to classifying the finite cuspidal modules over certain Lie superalgebras which we list explicitly.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2014
The characters of irreducible finite dimensional representations of compact simple Lie group G are invariant with respect to the action of the Weyl group W (G) of G. The defining property of the new character-like functions ('hybrid characters') is the fact that W (G) acts differently on the character term corresponding to the long roots than on those corresponding to the short roots. Therefore the hybrid characters are defined for the simple Lie groups with two different lengths of their roots. Dominant weight multiplicities for the hybrid characters are determined. The formulas for 'hybrid dimensions' are also found for all cases as the zero degree term in power expansion of the 'hybrid characters'.
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing
Kostant's weight q-multiplicity formula is an alternating sum over a finite group known as the Weyl group, whose terms involve the q-analog of Kostant's partition function. The q-analog of the partition function is a polynomial-valued function defined by ℘q(ξ) = k i=0 c i q i , where c i is the number of ways the weight ξ can be written as a sum of exactly i positive roots of a Lie algebra g. The evaluation of the q-multiplicity formula at q = 1 recovers the multiplicity of a weight in an irreducible highest weight representation of g. In this paper, we specialize to the Lie algebra sp 6 (C) and we provide a closed formula for the q-analog of Kostant's partition function, which extends recent results of Shahi, Refaghat, and Marefat. We also describe the supporting sets of the multiplicity formula (known as the Weyl alternation sets of sp 6 (C)), and use these results to provide a closed formula for the q-multiplicity for any pair of dominant integral weights of sp 6 (C). Throughout this work, we provide code to facilitate these computations. 2 α∈Φ + α with Φ + being a set of positive roots of g. The terms of the alternating sum in Equation (1.1) are values of Kostant's partition function, which we denote by ℘, and which counts the number of ways to express its input as a nonnegative integral linear combination of the positive roots in Φ +. A well-known generalization of Kostant's weight multiplicity formula, due to Lusztig [17], is known as the q-analog of Kostant's weight multiplicity formula, and it replaces the partition function ℘ with its qanalog, denoted ℘ q. The q-analog of the partition function is defined as follows: For a weight ξ, ℘ q is a polynomial-valued function:
We study the structure of the indecomposable direct summands of tensor products of two restricted rational simple modules for the algebraic group SL3(K), where K is an algebraically closed field of characteristic p ≥ 5. We also give a characteristicfree algorithm for the decomposition of such a tensor product into indecomposable direct summands. The p < 5 case was studied in the authors' earlier paper . We find that for characteristics p ≥ 5 all the indecomposable summands are rigid, in contrast to the characteristic 3 case.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1968
Koskta-Foulkes polynomials are Lusztig’s q-analogues of weight multiplicities for irreducible representations of semisimple Lie algebras. It has long been known that these polynomials can be written with all non-negative coefficients. A statistic on semistandard Young tableaux with partition content, called charge, was used to give a combinatorial formula exhibiting this fact in type A. Defining a charge statistic beyond type A has been a long-standing problem. Here, we take a completely new approach based on the definition of Kostka-Foulkes polynomials as an alternating sum over Kostant partitions, which can be thought of as formal sums of positive roots. This positive expansion in terms of Kostant partitions gives way to a statistic which is simply read by counting the number of parts in the Kostant partitions. The hope is that the simplicity of this new crystal-like model will naturally extend to other classical types.
We classify irreducible representations of the special linear groups in positive characteristic with small weight multiplicities with respect to the group rank and give estimates for the maximal weight multiplicities. For the natural embeddings of the classical groups, inductive systems of representations with totally bounded weight multiplicities are classified. An analogue of the Steinberg tensor product theorem for arbitrary indecomposable inductive systems for such embeddings is proved.
Kostant's weight q-multiplicity formula is an alternating sum over a finite group known as the Weyl group, whose terms involve the q-analog of Kostant's partition function. The q-analog of the partition function is a polynomial-valued function defined by ℘_q(ξ)=∑_i=0^k c_i q^i, where c_i is the number of ways the weight ξ can be written as a sum of exactly i positive roots of a Lie algebra 𝔤. The evaluation of the q-multiplicity formula at q = 1 recovers the multiplicity of a weight in an irreducible highest weight representation of 𝔤. In this paper, we specialize to the Lie algebra 𝔰𝔭_6(ℂ) and we provide a closed formula for the q-analog of Kostant's partition function, which extends recent results of Shahi, Refaghat, and Marefat. We also describe the supporting sets of the multiplicity formula (known as the Weyl alternation sets of 𝔰𝔭_6(ℂ)), and use these results to provide a closed formula for the q-multiplicity for any pair of dominant integral weights of 𝔰𝔭_6(ℂ). Th...
Journal of Lie theory
The aim of this paper is to present a new character formula for finite-dimensional representations of finite-dimensional complex semisimple Lie Algebras and compact semisimple Lie Groups. Some applications of the new formula include the exact determination of the number of weights in a representation, new recursion formulas for multiplicities and, in some cases, closed formulas for the multiplicities themselves.
BIT, 1969
It is the purpose of this paper to provide an account of some experience that we have gained over the past year with machine computations of characters of irreducible representations of simple Lie algebras. These computations were for the most part carried out in the summer of 1968 on the UNIVAC 1108 computer at the Carnegie-Mellon University, using UNIVAC 1107/8 ALGOL and FORTRAN V implementations of the Dynkin and Freudenthal algorithms. An ALGOL 60 adaptation of these programs is given in the appendix to this paper. We have found from the actua] runs that these algorithms provide an entirely practical procedure for computing weight diagrams of Lie modules. In a survey of weight diagrams of irreducible modules of dimension up to 1000 for simple Lie algebras of rank up to 8, it was found that the FORTRAN version takes on the average only 2.5 seconds to compute a single weight diagram including multiplicities. The method is practical therefore for the special unitary groups up to SU(9), for the orthogonal groups up to S0(17), the symplectic groups up to Sp(8), as well as for all five exceptional simple Lie groups Gg, Fa, E6, E~ and Es, the last three of these having comparatively few representations of dimension less than a thousand however. These limits on rank and dimension are not rigid
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
In the 1980s, Enright, Howe and Wallach [EHW] and independently Jakobsen [J] gave a complete classification of the unitary highest weight modules. In this paper we give a more direct and elementary proof of the same result for the (universal covers of the) Lie groups Sp(2n, R), SO * (2n) and SU (p, q). We also show how to describe the set of unitary highest weight modules with a given infinitesimal character.
λ n fundamental weights, W the Weyl group of Φ, Z[Λ] the group ring of Λ over Z and Z[Λ] W the set of elements in Z[Λ] which are invariant under W. For a weight µ, we define the elementary symmetric sum S(e µ) of µ, the elementary alternating sum A(e µ) of µ and the character χ µ of µ as follows: S(e µ) = β∈Wµ e β , A(e µ) = w∈W det(w)e w(µ) and χ µ = A(e µ+δ) A(e δ) respectively, where δ is the half sum of all positive roots. Let S = S(e λ i) : 1 ≤ i ≤ n and χ = χ λ i : 1 ≤ i ≤ n be the set of elementary symmetric sums of fundamental weights and set of characters of fundamental weights, respectively. It is well-known that both S and χ are bases for Z-module Z[Λ] W. In this research, we are interested in finding relations between elements in the sets S and χ in the case of root systems whose Dynkin diagrams are A n , B n , C n , D n and G 2 for appropriate integers n.
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2009
Lower estimates for the maximal weight multiplicities in irreducible representations of the algebraic groups of types Bn, Cn, and Dn in positive characteristic p are found under some minor restrictions on p. If G = Bn(K), Cn(K), or Dn(K), n ≥ 8, p > 2 for types Bn and Dn and p > 7 for type Cn, then either the maximal weight multiplicity for an irreducible representation of G is at least n − 7 or all its weight multiplicities are equal to 1.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1998
A complementary group to SU(n) is found that realizes all features of the Littlewood rule for Kronecker products of SU(n) representations. This is accomplished by considering a state of SU(n) to be a special Gel'fand state of the complementary group U(2n − 2). The labels of U(2n − 2) can be used as the outer multiplicity labels needed to distinguish multiple occurrences of irreducible representations (irreps) in the SU(n)×SU(n) ↓ SU(n) decomposition that is obtained from the Littlewood rule. Furthermore, this realization can be used to determine SU(n) ⊃ SU(n−1)×U(1) Reduced Wigner Coefficients (RWCs) and Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients (CGCs) of SU(n), using algebraic or numeric methods, in either the canonical or a noncanonical basis. The method is recursive in that it uses simpler RWCs or CGCs with one symmetric irrep in conjunction with standard recoupling procedures. New explicit formulae for the multiplicity for SU(3) and SU(4) are used to illustrate the theory.
A matrix is said to be monomial if every row and column has only one non-zero entry. Let G be a group. A representation \rho: G \rightarrow GL_n(C) is said to be a monomial representation of G if there exists a basis with respect to which \rho(g) is a monomial matrixfor every g\in G. We use elementary methods to classify the irreducible monomial representations of the groups L_2(q), L_3(q) and their natural decorations.
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2010
Lower estimates for the maximal weight multiplicities in irreducible representations of the algebraic groups of type Cn in characteristic p ≤ 7 are found. If n ≥ 8 and p = 2, then for an irreducible representation either such a multiplicity is at least n − 4 − [n]4, where [n]4 is the residue of n modulo 4, or all the weight multiplicities are equal to 1. For p = 2, the situation is more complicated, and for every n and l there exists a class of representations with the maximal weight multiplicity equal to 2 l. For symplectic groups in characteristic p > 7 and spinor groups similar results were obtained earlier. Bibliography: 15 titles.
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