Building Peace: A Liberal Re-Making of the World

Rubina Saigol, 'Building Peace: A Liberal Re-Making of the World', SUNY Project on States and Security

The terms ‘peace’, ‘peace-building’, ‘peacemaking’ and ‘peacekeeping’ seem to have become progressively vague with increasing usage in public, political and academic discourses. The concept of peace remains elusive, occasionally complex and often contested. Militarily imposed peace by a state can be viewed by a sub- national group as repression, as a silencing of dissent. Often, peace by one party becomes the basis of conflict for another when the terms are perceived as unjust. This is the reason that peace treaties so often become the stimulus for the next war, as for example, the Treaty of Versailles, imposed by the victors of the First World War became one of the reasons for the Second World War.