Atnaf et al

Thirty six (36) genotypes (eight parents and 28 F 1 diallel crosses) were grown in randomized complete block design with two replicates during 2006 at Mandura, North western Ethiopia. The experiment was executed to study the inheritance of two primary yield component traits: number of seeds per pod and 1000 seed weight. Statistical significant difference was observed between genotypes, parents and crosses for the traits considered. The mean square due to general combining ability was significant for the two traits. However, specific combining ability mean square was significant only for number of seeds per pod. Thus, both additive and non-additive types of gene actions were important in the inheritance of number of seeds per pod. Significant b 1 component was obtained for number of seeds per pod. The b 2 and b 3 components however, were insignificant, suggesting the absence of gene asymmetry. From Wr/Vr graph, inheritance of seeds per pod was governed by partial dominance with additive gene action.