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Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia
Structure of the media in Indonesia is still dominated by men who lack of gender sensitivity so that the role of women journalists as agents of change towards gender awareness is important to discuss. This study aims to determine the factors that make up the awareness, values and attitudes of women journalists on gender, and the influence of media and community structure in forming the gender awareness of women journalists. As a case study, a journalist of the largest newspaper in Indonesia, Kompas, namely Maria Hartiningsih is chosen. The study is based on the concept of gendered-perspective journalism as a practice of journalistic that informs and questions inequality of the relationship between men and women. The study uses a qualitative approach with the method of Critical Discourse Analysis model of Norman Fairclough. Text analysis is conducted to examine the writings of Maria Hartiningsih in Kompas related to gender issues. The results show that at the textual level—since she ...
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
The purpose of this study is to reveal the representation of women workers in newspaper news discourse that follows the nationalist-secular ideology and the Islamic ideology perspectives. The method of this research is a qualitative content analysis that views the text as a symbolic message and it requires interpretation according to the context. Complementing the research method, a critical discourse analysis approach is also used. The subjects of this research are female workers found in newspaper news discourse that carries the values of Islamic ideology and newspapers that carry nationalist-secular ideology. Data were analyzed through critical discourse analysis techniques in the following steps: (a) description; (b) interpretation; and (c) explanation. This research still considers checking the reliability and the validity. Data analysis is also complemented by confirmation of linguists and peers (triangulation of sources). The main findings of this study show that the practice...
Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 2019
This paper aims to present a typology of woman journalists in media organizations. It utilizes qualitative research method based on in depth interviews with a number of women journalists in the Province of Lampung. Generally, journalist profession is regarded as a man's world. The nature of work in journalism is considered a competition, especially perceived by male journalists. Equality of rights and obligations is also given a positive value by journalists. Likewise, the appreciation of the voice of women in determining institutional policies is a concrete form of institutional recognition of women's own presence. In the context of gender relations, women journalists reported experiencing the patriarchal environment in which they work in. So much so, that even some women journalists adopted patriarchal values at work. In the context of democratization of gender-based media, the typology of women journalists makes it possible for activism efforts. Literatures also reported low participation of women in media institutions, discriminative patterns of relationships, patriarchal environment, low gender awareness as well as gender-sensitive journalistic work. The study found that female journalists are divided into two typologies, which are: hegemonised women journalists and women journalists as actors of resistance. Hegemony and resistance occur at three levels: gender awareness, media institutions and media routine, as well as context of extra media and patriarchal ideology.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
The rapid development of technology effects changes in the delivery of news information from printed media to online media. This positive change was not followed by the changes in media perceptions towards gender. In online media such as, there are still many women as news objects by presenting them in quite interesting photos and videos as well as making tantalizing titles. This research aims to find out how women's representations are shown on the news on How is the reader's position on the news, and who become the subject and object of the news on The research data comes from news on the online news portal for the period November 2019 to March 2020. The data analysis technique in this study uses critical discourse analysis from Sara Mills. The results shows that women are shown on the news in a bad position. They are often shown in interesting photos and videos in order to become a magnet for readers. News writers ...
LONTAR: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
Cases of sexual violence against women are steadily increasing every year, as well as the news of these cases. Despite that, often the media exploits victims and their stories. The news is framed through a patriarchal lens that gives the impression that the victim was the main cause of the events. As a provider of information, the media plays a central role in constructing public opinions. Therefore, the media has a responsibility to support the victims to get their rights. Reporting with gender sensitive journalism is a media reference in advocating for victims/survivors of sexual violence. This study aimed to determine the application of gender sensitive journalism in Harian Kompas as a media advocacy against sexual violence. This study is based on the concept of Gendered Perspective Journalism, Gender Sensitive Journalism, Press Language in Reporting Sexual Violence, and Advocacy Journalism. This research applied qualitative research methods. The results of this study indicated t...
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Indonesian Social and Political Enquiries, ICISPE 2020, 9-10 October 2020, Semarang, Indonesia, 2021
Gender equality is mostly misunderstood as the rebellious movement by woman towards their man counterparts. Nevertheless, the effort to achieve the gender equality in every level of life has been conducted including in journalism. Journalism famously known as a man's world but nowadays, female journalists are cannot be separated from this world. This research aims to understand how the gender equality perception among the journalists in Central Java are. The theory used is Standpoint Theory by Sandra Harding and Julia T. Wood. This theory tries to see the world through woman's perspective. The method used is Focus Group Discussion. The merit of this research is served as a renewal for the gender equality perception among the society.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019), 2019
Political news in the media in fact, in favor of the proclamation of male politicians, rather than female politicians. This study aims to determine the media frame the action ahead of Election 2019 Women Politicians in Indonesia on The theory used is, Female Political Culture, Political Communication and Political Action Women and Representation in Media Coverage of Women Politicians, new media theory and Hierarchy theory influence media content. This empirically using constructivist paradigm, with a qualitative method, and analysis framing, Robert N. Entman, which emphasizes Define problems, Diagnoses Causes, Make Moral Judgment and Treatment Recommendation. The unit of analysis, three samples political news action news Women Politicians in July to December 2018. The results ideology partriaki news for news quantity of women politicians. News theme and visual support more multi-perspective, not only themed humiliation of women only. Capabilities women politicians in the news and in the political field, so as to answer the problems of news. Giving headlines directly describe the content of the news. Sentences that use simple, clear, without the addition of feminism women. Framing news text shows Women Politicians able to address the latest issues, relating to facts that occurred. Moral values, and solutions are provided speakers, revealed fact that political women also have a good Traffic in seeing the standpoint of a problem, this indicates women politicians keep abreast of the latest technology and media and sensitive to the problems that occurred. Recommendations of previous studies, that media sources politicians see women as second choice, after a male speaker. News text analysis, as well as the theme, tends to accentuate the feminine side of women politicians.
Mukt Shabd Journal, 2022
In India, not much has been learned about gender and the media in the past 20 years. Even though women in India are a big part of building the country, the media has not discussed this critical change. This study looks at how women are shown in the news sections of the Amar Ujjala and Dainik Jagran newspapers to find out how they are portrayed. It shows what kinds of stories have women in them and what roles they play in those stories. The study also compares the stories that female journalists cover to those that male journalists cover and looks for patterns. There is also attention paid to the female voice in the print media, both in terms of women as news sources and as news topics. A quantitative content analysis was used to find the information for this study. The content analysis was done on articles from Amar ujjala and Dainik Jagran newspapers. It was based on research questions about how often women and men appear in news stories and what roles women play when they are on the news. The study showed a big difference between men and women in how hard news stories are covered. The study also shows that there is not much effort put into showing women, and there is a clear imbalance in how news stories are given to journalists. These results align with what is already known in the academic world, both globally and locally. Because there has not been much research done on this topic in India, this study is the only one of its kind. Its results are helpful for print media and help fill a gap in the literature.
In analyzing the portrayal of Indonesian woman in Washington Post, the writer used the Discourse Structure by Van Dijk. Discourse structure actually part of The Critical Discourse Analysis from Van Dijk. According to Van Dijk (1998), Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a field that is concerned with studying and analyzing written and spoken texts to reveal the discursive sources of power, dominance, inequality, and bias. It actually focuses on language and the social context. This theory also consists of three part such as; textual analysis, cognitive analysis, and social-cognition analysis. But here, this study only focuses on the textual analysis because the writer just wants to reveal about the portrayal of Indonesian woman in Washington Post. It’s not about the representation so that it’s no need to analyze about the social context. Textual analysis is about the discourse structure, here Van Dijk divided the analysis into three level; Macrostructure, Superstructure, and Microstructure. First, Macrostructure level, it deals with the topic of the text in general. Second, Superstructure level, it’s about the framework or schema of the text. Third, Microstructure level, it concerned with the meaning of the text.
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work, 2019
The role of media has today stretched far beyond the supply of information because of the outreach and technological sophistication. The media as a chronicler of events, an informer, an educator, a transformative space and a tool to change society has the capacity to make a very positive contribution towards social change. By gradually shaping public opinion, personal beliefs and even people's self-perceptions, media influences the process of socialization and shapes ideology and thinking. The ongoing revolution in the field of media had opened up new avenues for accelerating the development and upliftment of women. In the past few years, there has been an improved and enhanced coverage of issues related to women in print media, especially newspapers. News related to them, have started to periodically occupy key slots like editorials, features, news, etc. But portrayal through media reinforces reality as well as stereotypes. It is believed that women in news are more likely to be featured in stories of sexual harassment, domestic violence, and crime and atrocities, rather than in stories about their professional abilities or expertise. Therefore, it has become necessary to know the nature of the portrayal of women and women issues in print media, so that women related issues are adequately represented in media. This research paper tried to analyze the print media coverage of two National newspapers and two Local Newspapers of Kashmir, regarding women to known the amount of coverage given to women and women related issues and the nature of such coverage. The research study found out that the women-related issues get negligible coverage in both local and national level newspapers; it is 0.8% in local newspapers and 2% in national newspapers. This insignificant coverage is dominated mostly by news stories related to Domestic Violence, Sexual Harassment, Suicide and Crime against Women. Introduction Media is the fastest and most popular access to information for the masses in the world today. With the rapid development of communication and the infrastructural development in recent years, media had provided the masses with a lot more access to information. Media determines the public discourse and therefore shapes our political, cultural, and economic priorities. It also determines and shapes the roles of men and women in our society (Joshi, et. al., 2006). It is a mirror to society and acts as an advocate of people. It provides a truthful, comprehensive and intelligent account of the events, by observing the events, transmitting facts about the events and acting as an interpreter of these events. Media through its increased influence over the masses is able to shape ideas, values, behavior, and concepts of the public. This information being delivered is both positive and negative. Of various fields covered by media, coverage, and portrayal of women in media is the focus of special attention in contemporary times, due to progress made by the women in almost all fields of life and also due to the decades of research, advocacy and political lobbying at the international level. All these have compelled the media to portray an enhanced and progressive image of women and women issues.
Whitworth University, 2016
There are two main problems of gender bias which lead to women’s image in mass media: First, lack of women’s role in journalism, which relate to women position on top management level or editorial management and how women journalist explores an unexposed issue. Second is stereotype about women’s roles in society as a mother and housekeep, which is the root of women’s image in advertisement.
Studies in English Language and Education, 2019
This research aimed to describe women’s position in Prohaba Daily News texts based on Sara Mills and Theo van Leeuwen perspective of critical discourse analysis, especially the analysis of actor position, exclusion and inclusion. This is a descriptive qualitative research in which data were collected by documentation technique. The data were Prohaba Daily News texts during 2018. The data were analyzed using Sara Mills’ actor position analysis model and Theo van Leeuwen’s exclusion and inclusion analysis. Actor position analysis included subject position and object position. Exclusion analysis included the passivation, nominalization, and substitution of clauses. While the inclusion analysis included differentiation-indifferentiation, objectivity-abstraction, nomination-identification, nomination-categorization, determination-indetermination, assimilation-individualization, and association-disassociation. The results showed that Prohaba Daily News texts positioned female actors in su...
This paper investigates gender related discourse in headlines of some famous daily newspapers in the USA. Discourse in this case refers to the entire set of social gender relations seen through the media. Based on an interdisciplinary approach to the problem, which includes both cultural and critical studies, the purpose of this research is to offer a critical review of the basic media strategies used in discursive representation of gender relations within the society. Through the critical discourse analysis (CDA) of the data collected from the Internet, the author is to describe the discursive reproduction of social power reflected in the newspaper headlines.
J-KIs: Jurnal Komunikasi Islam, 2021
Permasalahan kesetaraan gender dalam kehidupan jurnalistik masih perlu diperhatikan, diskriminasi gender bahkan pelecehan yang dialami oleh jurnalis perempuan dilakukan ketika sedang melaksanakan peliputan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui diskriminasi yang dihadapi oleh jurnalis perempuan dan cara untuk menghadapi diskriminasi dalam pekerjaan mereka. Jenis metode yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Objek atau sumber pada kajian penelitian ini adalah data sekunder berupa berita-berita terkait diskriminasi yang diterima oleh jurnalis perempuan serta penelitian terdahulu. Penelitian ini merupakan studi pustaka, observasi, dan analisis wacana secara kritis. Peneliti menggunakan instrumen checklist untuk membantu dalam menganalisis data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diskriminasi terhadap perempuan masih banyak terjadi, khususnya di kalangan jurnalis. Diskriminasi gender yang dialami oleh jurnalis perempuan berupa pembedaan pemberia...
Indonesia government policy had already been allocated 30% for women legislative candidates since general election in 2009; it seems to be, there is no cultural and social barrier which obstructs women on leading political stage. Contrariwise, the patriarchy implementation which had been attached to Indonesian society finally makes the existence of women legislative candidates become politic revilement target. This also has been published in one of news site Reportage in this news portal which is according to is the largest site, always set up legislative women candidates to be the idiom and symbols of improper nominee compared to men. To unravel these issues, this research will analyst news coverage of women legislative candidates in using critical discourse analysis approach (CDA) by Theo Van Leeuwen. This research will observe women presence as a social actor, in which, they will be obviated or concealed in those news report through exclusion and inclusion processes. One of the examples is using the categorization by remarking women candidates as “sexy nominee,” identification with attributing “the winner of entertainment program,” irrelevant photos, etc. To intensify the analysis on how those reportages were somehow biased on coveraging women, this reaserch will also use crticical discourse theory by Sara Mills. The type of Sara mill’s critical linguistic theory will depict how each roles of the actors will be presented and how the reader’s and writer’s perspective interposed in the text. The News that have been highlighted women candidates, in which, also written from men’s perspective succeeded reinforce the patriarchy tradition in Indonesia on putting women as an object and will always be interpreted badly by the society itself. With the total viewer 3,271,041/month and hit a peak around 1,193,929,965 viewers/year, the news which published in will beef up the paradigm in Indonesian society if women were not born to be politicians. Yet the government give chance to them, it won’t change women’s status as the second sex, the others, or liyan.
This book demonstrates the crucial link between gender and structures of power in democratic Indonesia, and the role of the online news media in regulating this relationship of power. Using critical discourse analysis (CDA) as a theoretical framework, and social actor analysis as the methodological approach, this book examines the discursive representation of three prominent female Indonesian political figures in the mainstream Indonesian online news media in a period of social-political transition. It presents newfound linguistic evidence in the form of discourse strategies that reflect the women's dynamic relationship with power. More broadly, the critical analysis of the news discourse becomes a way of uncovering and evaluating implicit barriers and opportunities affecting women's political participation in Indonesia and other Asian political contexts, Indonesia's process of democratisation, and the influential role of the online news media in shaping and reflecting political discourse.
Women, Media, and Power in Indonesia, 2021
This book demonstrates the crucial link between gender and structures of power in democratic Indonesia, and the role of the online news media in regulating this relationship of power. Using critical discourse analysis (CDA) as a theoretical framework, and social actor analysis as the methodological approach, this book examines the discursive representation of three prominent female Indonesian political figures in the mainstream Indonesian online news media in a period of social-political transition. It presents newfound linguistic evidence in the form of discourse strategies that reflect the women's dynamic relationship with power. More broadly, the critical analysis of the news discourse becomes a way of uncovering and evaluating implicit barriers and opportunities affecting women's political participation in Indonesia and other Asian political contexts, Indonesia's process of democratisation, and the influential role of the online news media in shaping and reflecting political discourse.
The 4th ICSSED, International Conference of Social Science and Education
This study aims to analyze the portrayal of women through the subject-object position and the position of the reader. This study applied a qualitative method with the Critical Discourse Analysis (AWK) approach developed by Sara Mills. The result of this study indicates that through the subject-object position, VICE Indonesia illustrates women as parties who are often marginalized in polygamy. Additionally, women are considered economically helpless figures and only depend on men. Women are also considered as sources of defamation and sin for men. Polygamy becomes one of psychological violence that is often ignored by women because of the promise of heaven. Hence, an understanding of gender equality in a family is really necessary. Women must get educated as high as possible and have a better knowledge of religion. Meanwhile, according to the viewpoint of the readers, VICE Indonesia generally wants to make the readers as if they appear as women. Whereas, through direct greeting, there are two ways, namely mediation and cultural codes.
This research examines how women read the popular press. The main question of this research is to what extent the popular press has relevance and functional values for women readers? The study was conducted on the readers of two popular newspapers in Indonesia, Merapi in Yogyakarta and Pos Kota in Jakarta. Through in-depth interviews, the study found that women have a pleasure of reading popular press because of its relevance and functionality. Although most of the news tells about crime and violence, those themes are relevant and functional for their daily life. The informants read almost all the criminal news. According to them, the criminal news provide information about what is happening in their environment so that they can always be careful, mainly related to the supervision of their children. In contrast, women do not particularly like political news because it is irrelevant to their life. In this case, political news is considered as male domain. The cultural factors also pr...
This study aims to describe the representation in the case of a woman in the discourse of SEA GAMES gymnastics athlete who was sent back home because of a virginity issue that was published by on the 29th of November, 2019. The discourse is a hot topic because it raises the pros and cons. Besides social context, this study also describes the structure of the text consisting of macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure. The research approach uses critical discourse analysis by Van Dijk. The results of this study indicate that the news text has a main topic, namely the violation againts feminist values. The superstructure of the news text consists of an introduction, main text, and concluding part. through the micro structure chooses to use various diction in delivering news. In addition to diverse diction, the text is also built with cohesion and coherence to unify the meaning of discourse. The social context built by in this discourse, espe...
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