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2020, International Journal of Sciences and Arts
Pedophilia is an increasingly common occurrence nowadays that wemust confront, educate children how to recognize „bad uncles“, not to keep silent aboutsexual abuse and prove to themthat they are not guilty. This paper will address the personality of the child victim of sexual assault as well as the relationship with the perpetrator. Inthepaperwewill consultliteratureandtalkwitha childpsychologist. Wewillmake proposalsfor protection of children fromsexual abuse. Children are our future and we must work on their proper psychophysical development which will be built into healthy people without trauma, we must put an end to all forms of violence against them, all forms of coercion. Pedophilia can be a lifelong condition, but pedophile disorderincludes elementsthat may change over time (troubles, psychosocial disorders, tendency to act as needed).3 Keywords: children, victim, protection, pedophilia, perpetrator
The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences, 2014
Every human being has the sexual desire, which is sometimes distributed by way and objects that are not reasonable, that if the urge arises of course be done how to fulfill that desire, as well as for people with pedophilia. However, attention is often focused on children who become victims, even though the patient also has the right to deliver their sexual drive. This study was conducted to determine how the history of the formation of pedophilia disorders. By knowing what causes a person to have a pedophilia sexual orientation, this study expected to maximize the treatment given to people with pedophilia. This research is a qualitative research case study approach. The subject of this research are 2 people who are undergoing prison sentence associated with cases of sexual abuse in children. The research was conducted in prison, Singaraja. Data collection methods used were interviews and psychological tests. The data validation done using source triangulation. Results from this stu...
Institute of knowledge International Journal Vol 35.5, 2019
Nowadays pedophilia is on a large scale. Every day we hear and read about new cases of pedophilia, both in urban and rural areas. This topic always aroused empathy for me, and I always wanted to work on preventing pedophilia. Publicity should be a boost to this topic which is still a taboo among the many numbers in many states in the state and needs to be dealt with even deeper, with the help of all subjects in society, from parenting to preschool , to pedagogy and psychology to educational institutions, to non-governmental organizations, to the professional institutions we know about. Children are our future and we must work on their proper psycho-physical development to build healthy individuals without traumas, we must put an end to all forms of violence against them, all forms of coercion. The paper will look at the identity of the victim and the perpetrator, their relationship, the prevention, and suggestions for crime prevention. It will cover primary and secondary prevention and the family, school, other institutions as well as NGOs that play a role in the prevention of pedophilia.
Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 2020
Paedophilia is a specific disorder in a spectre of sexual affinities in humans, which is in the nomenclature of the World Health Organization in the group of sexual preference disorders or paraphilia. Due to mobility, inventiveness, and invisibility, there is no relevant statistical data about this deviation’s volume and extensiveness. This paper aims to determine the prevalence of paedophiles in the general population based on an anonymous survey, the number of processed perpetrators of sexual offenses toward children, and the number of unique visitors of the Internet “decoy”. The research data were gathered through an anonymous survey (the survey was created for this research purposes, and it was an indirect, written survey) that enveloped a total of 658 individuals (60.49% males and 39.51% females) through the creation of a virtual Internet profile (1095 visitors, 89.86% males and 10.14% females), as well as through the statistical data of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic...
Family Court Review, 2003
Sex offenses against children are considered the worst of cnrnes, even arnong cnminals thernselves. Attitudes have changed frorn blaming the victim to holding the perpetrator responsible for the actions. The prevalence of such offenses continues unabated despite the stigma for the offender and the irreparable trauma to the victim. Society and the medical and legal comrnunities have to present a more feasible definition ofthe problern, addressing specifically the acts that fdl under the term ofpedophilia. A plan needs to be formulated by various disciplines working together for the common goal of identifj4ng the most effective method to deal with the victims and perpetrator and also to lower the incidence and recidivism rates. Different psychological and biological tests have been devised for investigations but fall short of the desired purpose. Various treatment modalities have been suggested and tried, but much work still needs to be done in that area.
Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2020
As the technology progress and human civilization, crime which is happened not only involve a crime towards life and property, but also a crime towards morality that is increasing. As a social problem criminal act of sexual violence in nowadays has been done by adult or elderly, even from a father to his children, and most of the victim are women and children. Sexual violence is a violence which is happened because of sexuality issues. The subject of this journal is to know how the protection law for the young victim of sexual violence which is done by their parents. Discussion method which is used is Act Approach (The Statute Approach). Sexual violence usually is done toward their partner. This violence includes all of sexual violence types which are done by anyone to his sexual partner. Including sexual violence which is done by a husband to his wife, just because he wants to satisfy his biological lust. Criminal act of rape is worried, moreover when the victim are children which...
Forensic and Medico-legal Aspects of Sexual Crimes and Unusual Sexual Practices, 2008
Societies worldwide have time and again turned a cold shoulder towards the heinous offence of child sexual abuse, until recent times when such hidden skeletons have walked out of closed cupboards, ranging from clergymen to the preposterously grotesque Nithari incident. This paper throws light on the growing foothold of child sexual abuse in the country by analysing it through varying dimensions. The paper seeks to examine the veracity of the situation of children, especially in a country like India, where the victim, irrespective of his innocence and fragility, loses his voice in the hullabaloo of the dogmas of the society. It is for such societal barriers that the rights of children did not see the light of the day till the year 2012. This article discusses the attempts made to check the child sexual abuse which have been made through legal initiatives and judicial decisions, both at the national and international level. The paper analyses the current situation in India with regard to child sexual abuse, while primarily drawing attention to the recent Protection of Children from Sexual offences Act, 2012 and pointing out the lacunae and shortcomings of the Act in dealing with the peculiar nature of the problem.
Jornal De Pediatria, 2005
Objective: To review single aspects, which involve sexual abuse in childhood and adolescence, giving subsidies for accurate diagnosis and management, emphasizing the short and long-term consequences. Sources of data: National and international literature review of the MEDLINE and LILACS databases, using abuse and sexual violence as keywords (1988 to 2005), in addition to the authors theoretical and practical experiences. Summary of the findings: Sexual abuse has a great impact on child and adolescent physical and mental health, affecting development and causing lifelong damage. Its early detection allows for adequate treatment and follow-up, with minimum consequences. Family involvement must be taken into consideration, and any kind of improper relationship should be evaluated and treated, so that it can be discouraged and eliminated; otherwise, intergenerational abuse will result and probably recur. The identification of domestic violence and of physical and psychological warning signs concerning sexual abuse is part of the general evaluation. Conclusions: Pediatricians should be able to identify the signs and symptoms sexually abused children and adolescents carry with them. They have to listen carefully to the patients, perform the necessary clinical examination and establish the proper treatment. They should also be able to deal with psychological aspects and have enough knowledge about the laws and about legal and social protection measures, which are always very useful in assisting victims of sexual violence.
Orvosi hetilap, 2004
Authors review the epidemiology of child sexual abuse. They summarize the individual, social and medico-legal aspects of sexual violence. They present an achievable approach for managing and preventing sexual crime concerning the circumstances of public health and the current laws in Hungary. Searching for specific signs and symptoms will facilitate the recognition of the cases and the success of the official procedure. In order to explore and to prevent child sexual abuse an interdisciplinary instruction is recommended on different educational levels.
Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, 1998
In 1997, 52 child victims of sexual abuse were examined at Oporto Institute of Forensic Medicine.
Although mature and vibrant, Latin American scholarship on sexuality still remains largely invisible to a global readership. In this collection of articles translated from Portuguese and Spanish, South American scholars explore the values, practices, knowledge, moralities and politics of sexuality in a variety of local contexts. While conventionally read as an intellectual legacy of Modernity, Latin American social thinking and research has in fact brought singular forms of engagement with, and new ways of looking at, political processes. Contributors to this reader have produced fresh and situated understandings of the relations between gender, sexuality, culture and society across the region. Topics in this volume include sexual politics and rights, sexual identities and communities, eroticism, pornography and sexual consumerism, sexual health and well-being, intersectional approaches to sexual cultures and behavior, sexual knowledge, and sexuality research methodologies in Latin America. Child sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children and pedophilia: different names, different problems?* Laura Lowenkron** 1. Sexual violence against children: a contemporary social phenomenon This article discusses the emergence of "sexual violence against children" as a current "social problem" and its breakdown into different modalities such as "child sexual abuse", "sexual exploitation of children" and "pedophilia". Although focused on a "problem" whose repercussions and visibility are not limited by national borders, it does not intend to account for all the different levels of this phenomenon. Instead, it aims to contribute to the understanding of one of this problem's local manifestations, within the Brazilian legal, social and political context. Where relevant, references will be made to the international scene. The first point I would like to emphasize is how I understand "violence against children" as a contemporary social phenomenon. Over the last few decades, we have seen a discursive explosion around this topic, which has been accompanied by a censure of "silence", understood as "omission" and "complicity". Faced with new rumors and the rise in accusations 1 , two possible interpretations emerge: * Translated from Portuguese by Ana Lopes.
This article is discussing as a highly noteworthy problem, child abuse, and the destructive act of abuse by studying the traumatic post-effects of it on children. The included data—based on the fulfilled researchers in Turkey in previous years— demonstrates how the abuse is a serious issue to be taken seriously. The study discusses types of experienced trauma and the emergence of that breed in later years. Studies suggest methods to prevent child abuse by informing children. Besides, various types of trauma occurring after sexual abuse are explained explicitly. In this context, the studies from the standard profiles of the exploiters under the DSM 5 diagnostic criteria book of pedophilia, as well as information on acute PTSD and chronic PTSD developing, are discussed.
Pedophilia is an issue that has not been addressed as much as the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) issues lately, although it has been going on for many years. It can contribute to a negative impact on children and society. This issue has undermined the family institution, community, and religion as it shows that most pedophile offenders who often make headlines are Malay Muslims. The question arises is, is there any discussion in the content of such revelations, or any Quranic verses discussing on this problem through specific methods. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to analyse Quranic verses on pedophilia or sexual abuse of children. By using qualitative method in collecting of Quranic verses and looking at the view of the infidelity regarding on pedophilia. This article found that the Quran is the best source in dealing with issues that faced by Muslims nowadays. Hence, this article as an effort to find solutions of pedophilia issues ...
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 2006
There is almost a theoretical vacuum concerning sexuality and eroticism when it comes to sexual abuse towards children. This paper can be seen as an attempt to, in some degree, fill this vacuum. Various theories claim that sexual abuse is not primarily an act of sexuality. Instead, sexual abuse is motivated by aggression, hostility, revenge and a need to reclaim power and control. This paper, which is built upon in-depth interviews with 29 perpetrators of child sexual abuse, addresses the problem of a lacking sexual dimension. The perpetrators' resistance to talk about sexual acts and erotic feelings, as well as unwillingness among professionals to ask, will be discussed and the consequences this ''denial'' might have for the abused child. A deeper understanding of the dynamics behind sexual abuse towards children it is hoped will result in more efficient treatment methods, with the aim of reducing the risk of new perpetrations. A more profound understanding of concrete sexual actions directed towards the child will also be of value to the adult helping the exposed child to work through experiences of sexual abuse.
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research
The current paper presents the various points related to Pedophilia. Pedophilia is a psychosexual disorder in which individual is attracted towards to pre-pubertal children. It is a psychiatric disorder. Infantophilia and Hebephilia are sub types of Pedophilia. A Pedophile is an adult who experiences a sexual attraction towards children aged between infants to 13 years old. Pedophilia is a type of paraphilia. Different case studies related to Pedophilia are studied and based on that characteristics of an individual having Pedophilia, causes and effects are discussed in this paper. Symptoms are also included in this. Pedophilia is different than child molestation. Child sexual abusers are not Pedophiles. Pedophile may have an involuntarily sexual feeling towards the children. Pedophilia can be diagnosed by various methods which are described in this paper. This paper is spreading awareness about Pedophilia.
Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira, 2014
To analyze the demographic and epidemiological profile of children and adolescents victims of sexual violence treated in a Unit of Forensic Medicine and the relationship between victims and perpetrators. Methods: A descriptive study, with data collection from information gathered from sex abuse reports performed in 2009 on victims of sexual violence aged less than 18 years. The data collection tool was a form filled out with demographic information about the victim-gender and age-and information regarding the sexual violence-, location of the occurrence, time elapsed between abuse and expert report, complaints reported, sexological examination findings, description of lesions outside the genital region, and aggressor's relationship to victim. Results: In 2009, 421 individuals victim of sexual violence were assisted. Of those, 379 (90%) were younger than 18 years, and 66 cases were excluded from these reports. Most were female (81.2%). The most affected age group was 10 to 13 years old (36.7%), followed by 5 to 9 year-olds (30.7%). In most cases (86.3%), there were family or friendship ties between victims and perpetrators, being most frequently accused an acquaintance or friend of the family (42.3%), followed by the stepfather (16.6%) and the father (10.9%). Conclusion: The results are similar to other studies conducted in the country. This work aims at filling a gap caused by the lack of research on this topic in the State, hoping to collaborate to improve public policies against child sexual abuse. Uniterms: Sexual violence; child and adolescent protection; crime victims.
Jornal De Pediatria, 2005
Objective: To review single aspects, which involve sexual abuse in childhood and adolescence, giving subsidies for accurate diagnosis and management, emphasizing the short and long-term consequences. Sources of data: National and international literature review of the MEDLINE and LILACS databases, using abuse and sexual violence as keywords (1988 to 2005), in addition to the authors theoretical and practical experiences. Summary of the findings: Sexual abuse has a great impact on child and adolescent physical and mental health, affecting development and causing lifelong damage. Its early detection allows for adequate treatment and follow-up, with minimum consequences. Family involvement must be taken into consideration, and any kind of improper relationship should be evaluated and treated, so that it can be discouraged and eliminated; otherwise, intergenerational abuse will result and probably recur. The identification of domestic violence and of physical and psychological warning signs concerning sexual abuse is part of the general evaluation. Conclusions: Pediatricians should be able to identify the signs and symptoms sexually abused children and adolescents carry with them. They have to listen carefully to the patients, perform the necessary clinical examination and establish the proper treatment. They should also be able to deal with psychological aspects and have enough knowledge about the laws and about legal and social protection measures, which are always very useful in assisting victims of sexual violence.
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2013
Pedophilia and sexual abuse offenses against morality and dignity of minors in Albania, presents a serious problem for the actual Albanian society, and to the future generation. Pedophilia is no longer an isolated phenomenon, but has become an "epidemic" of modern society. Other countries of the civilized world are affected by this phenomenon, but that they have the necessary legal mechanisms, social and psychological, and awareness of society which control and mitigate to the maximum of this phenomenon. The paper provides the latest optics on psychosocial aspects, legal and criminological phenomenon of pedophilia in Albania in recent years. From the review and analysis of comparative statistical data of justice and police aim to provide dynamics and trends of pedophilia taken during the study.Through this paper we intend to diagnose psycho-social factors, criminogenic causing the spread of this phenomenon with great impact on the family environment, social and political country. In addition, the article analyzes the problems of law, criminal policy, police preventive aspects, social and psychological measures and the involvement of all stakeholders towards reducing this disturbing phenomenon. In the paper, cases study were taken to several court cases to analyze typical problems that exist in the area of sentencing of some offenders. The paper is realized through a methodological approach combined with official statistical data, case studies, the authors study the profiles of sexual violence against minors, the phenomenology, social and psychological context etc.
Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2023
Objective: Sexual and reproductive health is an integral part of the health and well-being of adolescents. In this paper, the authors summarized the outline of the problems of sexual violence against children, with special emphasis on that against girls. The commentary was written from the point of view of general gynaecologists, sexologists, obstetrics and gynaecology nurses, clinical psychologist, and dermatologist. Mechanism: For the convenience of the readers' better understanding, we described things in the following order; first, we explained the concept of child sexual abuse, then we discussed symptoms of sexual violence against children, and special attention was given to the issue of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD). Lastly, we emphasized general principles of physical diagnostics in the case of suspicion of sexual harassment of children. Findings in Brief: This work reveals the importance of holistic care of sexual assault victims. Conclusions: The cooperation of gynaecologists with dermatologists, medical examiners, paediatricians, psychologists, and dieticians is essential to interdisciplinary collaboration for children. Acquaintance by doctors with symptoms that can be a sign of sexual abuse of a child is necessary. If they appear in the form of physical injuries or STDs, they will probably be possible to diagnose only by medical service.
Roczniki Teologiczne, 2016
For the full and harmonious development of their personality children should grow up in a family environment in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. In many families, children are not provided with fundamental rights and fulfillment of their needs: safety, love, acceptance, and respect. Their sense of dignity collapses, they are prohibited from revealing emotions and thoughts. All this triggers a sense of shame, anger and fear, which are often passed on to the child's functioning in different environments. The phenomenon of violence against children in the family-care deprivation, negligence of their emotionality as well as of bringing up, physical and mental harm, beatings, abuse, and sexual abuse are not uncommon. The issue of various types of child abuse, its recognition, intervention as well as prevention, and helping those children is a concern and a great challenge not only for teachers, educators, psychologists, therapists, but for the whole society, too. In the first part of the considerations theoretical framework for difficult issues posed by sexual violence against children has been presented. An attempt at defining the problem has been presented: a form of sexual abuse, signals that may indicate that the child was the object of sexual violence and direct and long-term consequences of sexual violence against a child. In the second part, in a form of commentary the results of the author's own research regarding the various categories of respondents, who are employees of the social services on sexual violence against a child have been thoroughly analyzed.
Human Resource Management Research, 2017
Sexual abuse is defined as a use of a child in any sexual activity with or without consent and often without child's understanding. The purpose of this research is to study on child sexual abuse. This study was conducted by a secondary data which is compilation of journal and analysis. The findings revealed that talking to children honestly and from an early age, about not letting others touch their private parts and telling them that it is unappropriated. The social and economic costs of child abuse and neglect are difficult to calculate. Some costs are straightforward and directly related to maltreatment, such as hospital costs for medical. In a way is a loss for the company, if their staff member being a victims, these lead to affect their company's business and performance. Found that government need to make a campaign to educated the parents also the society about protect the child. Furthermore parents need support as much as possible in order to raise their children's.
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