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This dissertation addresses the role of causal knowledge in commonsense reasoning about actions and change within artificial intelligence. By critiquing the use of state constraints in inferring indirect effects and emphasizing the need for a natural language to formalize domains of action, it highlights the limitations of existing methodologies. The work also explores the implications of modeling incomplete knowledge and aims to contribute to a more expressive formalization that better accommodates causal relationships.
Concrete Causation centers about theories of causation, their interpretation, and their embedding in metaphysical-ontological questions, as well as the application of such theories in the context of science and decision theory. The dissertation is divided into four chapters, that firstly undertake the historical-systematic localization of central problems (chapter 1) to then give a rendition of the concepts and the formalisms underlying David Lewis' and Judea Pearl's theories (chapter 2). After philosophically motivated conceptual deliberations Pearl's mathematical-technical framework is drawn on for an epistemic interpretation and for emphasizing the knowledge-organizing aspect of causality in an extension of the interventionist Bayes net account of causation (chapter 3). Integrating causal and non-causal knowledge in unified structures ultimately leads to an approach towards solving problems of (causal) decision theory and at the same time facilitates the representation of logical-mathematical, synonymical, as well as reductive relationships in efficiently structured, operational nets of belief propagation (chapter 4).
Causation, 2020
Causation is defined as a relation between facts: C causes E if and only if C and E are nomologically independent facts and C is a necessary part of a nomologically sufficient condition for E. The analysis is applied to problems of overdetermination, preemption, trumping, intransitivity, switching, and double prevention. Preventing and allowing are defined and distinguished from causing. The analysis explains the direction of causation in terms of the logical form of dynamic laws. Even in a universe that is deterministic in both temporal directions, not every fact must have a cause and present facts may have no future causes.
A new theory of causality based on an empirical analysis of causality and its language in everyday life, craft, the practical arts, the technologies and the sciences.
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 2016
We will explore the use of disjunctive causal rules for representing indeterminate causation. We provide first a logical formalization of such rules in the form of a disjunctive inference relation, and describe its logical semantics. Then we consider a nonmonotonic semantics for such rules, described in (Turner 1999). It will be shown, however, that, under this semantics, disjunctive causal rules admit a stronger logic in which these rules are reducible to ordinary, singular causal rules. This semantics also tends to give an exclusive interpretation of disjunctive causal effects, and so excludes some reasonable models in particular cases. To overcome these shortcomings, we will introduce an alternative nonmonotonic semantics for disjunctive causal rules, called a covering semantics, that permits an inclusive interpretation of indeterminate causal information. Still, it will be shown that even in this case there exists a systematic procedure, that we will call a normalization, that allows us to capture precisely the covering semantics using only singular causal rules. This normalization procedure can be viewed as a kind of nonmonotonic completion, and it generalizes established ways of representing indeterminate effects in current theories of action.
Philosophical Studies, 1986
THE LOGIC OF CAUSATION is a treatise of formal logic and of aetiology. It is an original and wide-ranging investigation of the definition of causation (deterministic causality) in all its forms, and of the deduction and induction of such forms. The work was carried out in three phases over a dozen years (1998-2010), each phase introducing more sophisticated methods than the previous to solve outstanding problems.
The Open Psychology Journal, 2010
This article traces the philosophical and psychological connections between causation and the conditional, if...then, across the two main paradigms used in conditional reasoning, the selection task and the conditional inference paradigm. It is argued that hypothesis testing in the selection task reflects the philosophical problems identified by Quine and Goodman for the material conditional interpretation of causal laws. Alternative formal theories to the material conditional only became available with the advent of possible worlds semantics . The relationship proposed by this semantics between counterfactual and indicative conditionals is outlined and it is concluded that moving away from the abstractions of possible worlds proposes a central role for prior knowledge in conditional inference. This conclusion is consistent with probabilistic approaches to conditional inference which provide measures of the strength of a dependency between the antecedent and the consequent of a conditional similar to those proposed in causal learning. Findings in conditional inference suggest that people are influenced not only by the strength of a dependency but also by the existence of the structural relationship, the broader causal framework in which a dependency is embedded, and the inhibitory and excitatory processes like those required to implement Causal Bayes nets or neural networks. That these findings may have a plausible explanation using the tools of current theories in causal learning suggests a potentially fruitful convergence of research in these two areas.
Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2003
We introduce a logical formalism of irreflexivc causal production relations that possesses both a standard monotonic semantics, and a natural nonmonotonic semantics. The formalism is shown to provide a complete characterization for the causal reasoning behind causal theories from [McCain and Turner, 1997]. It is shown also that any causal relation is reducible to its Horn sub-relation with respect to the nonmonotonic semantics. We describe also a general correspondence between causal relations and abductive systems, which shows, in effect, that causal relations allow to express abductive reasoning. The results of the study seem to suggest causal production relations as a viable general framework for nonmonotonic reasoning.
Cognitive science has developed many different theoretical approaches to causality. All of these approaches assume (sometimes implicitly) that we conceptualize causality in terms of cause and effect. It is argued that the elements-the conceptual primitives-of a cause and of an effect have not been identified yet. Thus, this paper sets out to carry out cognitive-linguistic analysis (systematic sentence manipulations) to answer the following two questions: (1) What are the mental elements that make up a cause? And what are the mental elements that make up an effect? It is argued that Talmy's force dynamics-with three revisions-can be used as a basic framework to identify these elements. The causal concepts investigated are: successful causation (CAUSE), failed causation (DESPITE), negative causation (PREVENT), and disengaged potential negative causation (ENABLE). This account of "force-dynamic elementary causality" is then also compared with other variants of force-dynamic theory. It is furthermore demonstrated how forcedynamic elementary causation can be integrated with epistemic and with counterfactual and probabilistic accounts. Finally, it is discussed how these causal elements might manifest in mental spatiotemporal structure.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2006
The paper builds on the basically Humean idea that A is a cause of B iff A and B both occur, A precedes B, and A raises the metaphysical or epistemic status of B given the obtaining circumstances. It argues that in pursuit of a theory of deterministic causation this 'status raising' is best explicated not in regularity or counterfactual terms, but in terms of ranking functions. On this basis, it constructs a rigorous theory of deterministic causation that successfully deals with cases of overdetermination and pre-emption. It finally indicates how the account's profound epistemic relativization induced by ranking theory can be undone. 1 Introduction 2 Variables, propositions, time 3 Induction first 4 Causation 5 Redundant causation 6 Objectivization 1 The major cycles have been produced by David Lewis himself. See Lewis ([1973b], [1986], [2000]). Hints to further cycles may be found there. 2 It is first presented in (Spohn [unpublished]). 3 See, e.g. the April issue of the Journal of Philosophy 97 (2000), or the collection by Collins et al. ([2004]). See also the many references therein, mostly referring to papers since 1995.
We explore the relationships between causal rules and counterfactuals, as well as their relative representation capabilities, in the logical framework of the causal calculus. It will be shown that, though counterfactuals are readily definable on the basis of causal rules, the reverse reduction is achievable only up to a certain logical threshold (basic equivalence). As a result, we will argue that counterfactuals cannot distinguish causal theories that justify different claims of actual causation, which could be seen as the main source of the problem of ‘structural equivalents’ in counterfactual approaches to causation. This will lead us to a general conclusion about the primary role of causal rules in representing causation.
The four main concepts of causality are: causation (deterministic causality) and natural spontaneity (non-volitional indeterminism), and volition (free will by human or other souls) and influence (things intuited, perceived or conceived, making will easier or harder, without however annulling its freedom). We use the term ‘causality’ to signify a genus for these four species of cause-effect relations.
Artificial Intelligence, 2004
In this paper we present a new approach to reasoning about actions and causation which is based on a conditional logic. The conditional implication is interpreted as causal implication. This makes it possible to formalize in a uniform way causal dependencies between actions and their immediate and indirect effects. The proposed approach also provides a natural formalization of concurrent actions and of the dependency (and independency) relations between actions. The properties of causality are formalized as axioms of the conditional connectives and a nonmonotonic (abductive) semantics is adopted for dealing with the frame problem.
Causation, natural laws and explanation, 1999
Four general approaches to the metaphysics of causation are current in Australasian philosophy. One is a development of the regularity theory (attributed to Hume) that uses counterfactuals (Lewis, 1973; 1994). A second is based in the relations of universals, which determine laws, which in turn determine causal interactions of particulars (with the possible exception of singular causation, Armstrong, 1983). This broad approach goes back to Plato, and was also held in this century by Russell, who like Plato, but unlike the more recent version of Armstrong (1983), held there were no particulars as such, only universals. A third view, originating with Reichenbach and revived by Salmon (1984), holds that a causal process is one that can be marked. This view relies heavily on ideas about the transfer of information and the relation of information to probability, but it also needs uneliminable counterfactuals. The fourth view was developed recently by Dowe (1992) and Salmon (1994). It holds that a causal process involves the transfer of a non-zero valued conserved quantity. A considerable advantage of this approach over the others is that it requires neither counterfactuals nor abstracta like universals to explain causation. The theory of causation offered here is a development of the mark approach that entails Dowe’s conserved quantity approach. The basic idea is that causation is the transfer of a particular token of a quantity of information from one state of a system to another. Physical causation is a special case in which physical information instances are transferred from one state of a physical system to another. The approach can be interpreted as a Universals approach (depending on ones approach to mathematical objects and qualities), and it sheds some light on the nature of the regularity approach. After motivating and describing this approach, I will sketch how it can be used to ground natural laws and how it relates to the four leading approaches, in particular how each can be conceived as a special case of my approach. Finally, I will show how my approach satisfies the requirements of Humean supervenience. The approach relies on concrete particulars and computational logic alone, and is the second stage of constructing a minimal metaphysics, started in (Collier 1996, The necessity of natural kinds).
ArXiv, 2017
Actual causation is concerned with the question "what caused what?". Consider a transition between two subsequent observations within a system of elements. Even under perfect knowledge of the system, a straightforward answer to this question may not be available. Counterfactual accounts of actual causation based on graphical models, paired with system interventions, have demonstrated initial success in addressing specific problem cases. We present a formal account of actual causation, applicable to discrete dynamical systems of interacting elements, that considers all counterfactual states of a state transition from t-1 to t. Within such a transition, causal links are considered from two complementary points of view: we can ask if any occurrence at time t has an actual cause at t-1, but also if any occurrence at time t-1 has an actual effect at t. We address the problem of identifying such actual causes and actual effects in a principled manner by starting from a set of ba...
Causation can be understood as a computational process once we understand causation in informational terms. I argue that if we see processes as information channels, then causal processes are most readily interpreted as the transfer of information from one state to another. This directly implies that the later state is a computation from the earlier state, given causal laws, which can also be interpreted computationally. This approach unifies the ideas of causation and computation.
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