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This project is funded under the eContentplus programme 1 , a multiannual Community programme to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable.
… Language Resources for the Future–The …
project is funded under the eContentplus programme 1 , a multiannual Community programme to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable. The FLaReNet Book CHAPTER 5 -THE EVALUATION AND VALIDATION OF RESOURCES .
This project is funded under the eContentplus programme 1 , a multiannual Community programme to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable.
The aim of this short paper is to present the FLaReNet Thematic Network for Language Resources and Language Technologies to the Asian Language Resources Community. Creation of a wide and committed community and of a shared policy in the field of Language Resources is essential in order to foster a substantial advancement of the field. This paper presents the background, overall objectives and methodology of work of the project, as well as a set of preliminary results.
In order to overcome the fragmentation that affects the field of Language Resources and Technologies, an Open and Distributed Resource Infrastructure is the necessary step for building on each other achievements, integrating resources and technologies and avoiding dispersed or conflicting efforts. Since this endeavor represents a true cultural turning point in the LRs field, it needs a careful preparation, both in terms of acceptance by the community and thoughtful investigation of the various technical, organisational and practical aspects implied. To achieve this, we need to act as a community able to join forces on a set of shared priorities and we need to act at a worldwide level. FLaReNet -Fostering Language Resources Network -is a Thematic Network funded under the EU eContent program that aims at developing the needed common vision and fostering a European and International strategy for consolidating the sector, thus enhancing competitiveness at EU level and worldwide. In this paper we present the activities undertaken by FLaReNet in order to prepare and support the establishment of such an Infrastructure, which is becoming now a reality within the new META-NET initiative.
This report is the result of a workshop, a number of meetings -formal and informal-, discussionsphysical or email-based-, and information gathering, either obtained from different sources or kindly provided by a number of persons. The following list contains the names of those who -in one way or another-have contributed to its content. Apologies are due to those who may feel their names are missing.
Proceedings of the Third Linguistic Annotation Workshop on - ACL-IJCNLP '09, 2009
Two major projects in the U.S. and Europe have joined in a collaboration to work toward achieving interoperability among language resources. In the U.S., a project entitled "Sustainable Interoperability for Language Technology" (SILT) has been funded by the National Science Foundation under the INTEROP program, and in Europe, FLaReNet Fostering Language Resources Network has been funded by the European Commission under the eContentPlus framework. This international collaborative effort involves members of the language processing community and others working in related areas to build consensus regarding the sharing of data and technologies for language resources and applications, to work towards interoperability of existing data, and, where possible, to promote standards for annotation and resource building. In addition to broad-based US and European participation, we are seeking the participation of colleagues in Asia. This presentation describing the projects and their goals will, we hope, serve to involve members of the community who may not have been aware of the effort before, in particular colleagues in Asia.
The FLaReNet Strategic Agenda highlights the most pressing needs for the sector of Language Resources and Technologies and presents a set of recommendations for its development and progress in Europe, as issued from a three-year consultation of the FLaReNet European project. The FLaReNet recommendations are organised around nine dimensions: a) documentation b) interoperability c) availability, sharing and distribution d) coverage, quality and adequacy e) sustainability f) recognition g) development h) infrastructure and i) international cooperation. As such, they cover a broad range of topics and activities, spanning over production and use of language resources, licensing, maintenance and preservation issues, infrastructures for language resources, resource identification and sharing, evaluation and validation, interoperability and policy issues. The intended recipients belong to a large set of players and stakeholders in Language Resources and Technology, ranging from individuals to research and education institutions, to policy-makers, funding agencies, SMEs and large companies, service and media providers. The main goal of these recommendations is to serve as an instrument to support stakeholders in planning for and addressing the urgencies of the Language Resources and Technologies of the future.
The goal of the ESSNet-Project "Decentralised Access to EU Microdata" was to investigate the legal, technical and administrative feasibility of setting up a network of national Safe-Centres to easy access to the Community Statistics. This report presents the framework, the objectives and the final results as well as the recommendations of the project.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022
Certification status Certified-35.48% Non-certified-48.39% Expired-16.13% Repository type Generic-35.48% Disciplinary-64.52% Domain(s) supported* Social Sciences and Humanities-70.97% Life Sciences-58.06% Natural Sciences-61.29% Engineering Sciences-32.26% Geographical area in Europe** NorthWest -77.42% SouthEast -9.68% SouthWest -6.45% Central-6.45% *This row indicates the percentages of repositories that support each domain. Since one repository can support multiple domains, these percentages cumulatively exceed 100%; **Based on the country codes list from re3data 41
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Proceedings of MOL2NET 2019, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences, 5th edition, 2019
International Journal of Digital Curation, 2013
Internet Archaeology, 2017
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2018