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1972, California Medicine
An animal model for acute multiple sclerosis (MSa) is experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). EAE is produced by intradermal injection of a protein component of central nervous system (CNS) myelin. Ultrastructural studies of EAE and of a peripheral nerve analog, experimental allergic neuritis (EAN), have revealed an orderly sequence of cellular events leading to the destruction and removal of myelin with sparing of axons (primary demyelination). Acute MS has not been studied electron microscopically, but the ultrastructural similarities between EAN and a case of acute Landry-Guillain-Barre syndrome, a primary demyelinating disease of the peripheral nervous system, suggest that a similar sequence of events might be found in acute MS. While the pathological findings support a cellmediated or delayed hypersensitivity response, there is also evidence for the pathogenetic role of circulating antibodies. Among such evidence is included the finding that sera from animals with EAE and humans with acute MS rapidly produce a reversible block of complex (polysynaptic) electrical activity when applied to CNS tissue cultures, which suggests a possible mechanism for transient symptoms in Ms. Epidemiological and other studies link MS with a viral cause, although no direct evidence that MS is caused by a virus exists. Viral and immunological mechanisrs are not mutually exclusive in considering pathogenetic possibilities for MS, for it can be postulated that a viral infection of the central nervous system acts as a triggering agent for a series of immune responses, including production of a bioelectric blocking antibody and demyelination mediated by sensitized cells, the combination of which ultimately produces the total clinical picture of MS.
QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 1994
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 1995
Eur J Cancer, 1995
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). It is widely assumed that the pathology is a result of autoimmune responses directed against CNS antigens, possibly triggered by an environmental factor, in a genetically susceptible individual. This thesis describes investigations concerning the role of antibodies and antibody forming cells in immunopathogenesis and immunomodulation in MS. In this chapter we introduce some basic understandings with regard to the central nervous system, the pathogenesis and etiology of MS and the presently best available animal model for MS, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). The aim of the study and experiments are described in "Outline of the thesis" (1.8). 1.2 The central nel"VOUS system Most body functions are actively controlled by the CNS. The CNS receives information from sensory organs. Upon processing of this information, the eNS generates and controls body responses. In addition, the information may also be stored in the CNS for future use. The information to and from the CNS is transported via the peripheral nervous system. The major compartments within the CNS are the brain and the spinal cord, which are surrounded by the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and protected by the skull and vertebral column, respectively. CNS tissues are a complex of nerve cells (neurons), supporting cells (glia cells or neuroglia) and blood vessels. Three basic types of glia cells can be identified: astrocytes and microglia, both contributing to the structure and function of nervous tissue, and oligodendrocytes. Nerve fibres are protected by an isolating myelin sheath. The myelin around the axons in the CNS, is formed by layers of oligodendrocyte cell cytoplasm and membranes, which are wrapped many times around one or more axons (figure 1). The myelin sheaths in the peripheral nervous system are formed, in a similar way, by Schwann cells (England and Wakely, 1991). Demyelination is associated with an impaired conductivity, which leads to a vadety of neurological signs and symptoms. Several demyelinating diseases are known of both the peripheral nervous system, e.g. Guillain Barre syndrome, and CNS, e.g. acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. MS is characterized by multi-focal demyelination of CNS white matter, accompanied with perivascular infiltrates of mononuclear cells. Since demyelination in MS-patients is restricted to the CNS, it is possible that remains to be established. Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) can induce a T-cell-mediated demyelinating disease in the Hartley guinea pig (Yoshimura et aI., 1985), the Lewis rat (Yamamura et aI., 1986) and in rabbits (van der Veen et aI., 1986). Therefore, PLP is considered to be an important putative autoantigen in the pathogenesis of MS as well. T-cells reactive with PLP have been isolated from patients with early relapsing remitting MS (Trotter et aI., 1991). PLP reactive T-cells were also detected in blood and CSF from control patients, but these cells were detected in much lower numbers as compared to the frequency in MS patients (Sun et al., 1991). No difference in reactivity to PLP peptide 139-151, a peptide which can induce demyelination in SILII mice, was measured between T-cells from peripheral blood from MS patients as compared to T-cells from normal subjects and from patients with other neurological diseases. These data indicate that the presence of T-cells reactive with putative CNS antigens in sera by itself is not leading to CNS demyelination. Possibly, the autoreactive T-cells are recruited specifically to the site of immune attack, i.e. the CNS tissues, in MS patients and not in healthy subjects or in patients with other neurological diseases.
Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports, 2003
Immunology Today, 1989
MS is a relapsing-remitting disease affec',ing the mature central nervous system (CNS). The disease is characterized by widespread lesions confined to the myelin.
Current Opinion in Neurology, 1994
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) leading to demyelination, axonal damage, and progressive neurologic disability. The development of MS is influenced by environmental factors, particularly the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and genetic factors, which include specific HLA types, particularly DRB1*1501-DQA1*0102-DQB1*0602, and a predisposition to autoimmunity in general. MS patients have increased circulating T-cell and antibody reactivity to myelin proteins and gangliosides. It is proposed that the role of EBV is to infect autoreactive B cells that then seed the CNS and promote the survival of autoreactive T cells there. It is also proposed that the clinical attacks of relapsing-remitting MS are orchestrated by myelinreactive T cells entering the white matter of the CNS from the blood, and that the progressive disability in primary and secondary progressive MS is caused by the action of autoantibodies produced in the CNS by meningeal lymphoid follicles with germinal centers.
Reviews in Medical Virology, 2000
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, demyelinating disease of the CNS in which autoimmunity to myelin plays a role in pathogenesis. The epidemiology of MS indicates that it may be triggered by a virus infection before the age of adolescence, but attempts to associate a speci®c virus with MS have produced equivocal results. Many studies of the aetiology of MS have postulated that a persistent virus infection is involved, but transient virus infection may provide a plausible alternative mechanism that could explain many of the inconsistencies in MS research. The most studied animal model of MS is chronic relapsing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (CREAE), which is induced in susceptible animals following injection of myelin components. While CREAE cannot provide information on the initiating factor for MS, it may mimic disease processes occurring after an initial trigger that may involve transient virus infection. The disease process may comprise separate triggering and relapse phases. The triggering phase may involve sensitisation to myelin antigens as a result of damage to oligodendrocytes or molecular mimicry. The relapse phase could be similar to CREAE, or alternatively relapses may be induced by further transient virus infections which may not involve infection of the CNS, but which may involve the recrudescence of anti-myelin autoimmunity. Although current vaccines have a high degree of biosafety, it is suggested that the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine in particular could be modi®ed to obviate any possibility of triggering anti-myelin autoimmunity.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1984
Frontiers in Immunology
Current Allergy and Asthma Reports, 2007
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) leading to demyelination, axonal damage, and progressive neurologic disability. The development of MS is influenced by environmental factors, particularly the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and genetic factors, which include specific HLA types, particularly DRB1*1501-DQA1*0102-DQB1*0602, and a predisposition to autoimmunity in general. MS patients have increased circulating T-cell and antibody reactivity to myelin proteins and gangliosides. It is proposed that the role of EBV is to infect autoreactive B cells that then seed the CNS and promote the survival of autoreactive T cells there. It is also proposed that the clinical attacks of relapsing-remitting MS are orchestrated by myelinreactive T cells entering the white matter of the CNS from the blood, and that the progressive disability in primary and secondary progressive MS is caused by the action of autoantibodies produced in the CNS by meningeal lymphoid follicles with germinal centers.
Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis in Multiple Sclerosis, 1996
Journal of Neuroimmunology, 1999
In the century and a half since multiple sclerosis MS was first recognized, the pathology of the condition has been defined with increasing detail. From the recognition and definition of MS as a clinical phenomenon, studies of the diseased brain tissue have progressed in a manner dependent on the science of the time. Through multiple generations, the increasingly detailed analysis of the MS lesion itself has lead to an increasingly sophisticated understanding of a complex, apparently diverse, immunopathological process. During this evolution, many hypotheses concerning the pathogenesis of MS have been overturned, and the interpretation of some clearly delineated gross and histological findings have been reversed. This review plots the progress and highlights current theories and emerging concepts regarding one of the most enigmatic of neurological diseases.
Acta Neurologica Belgica, 2007
Financial support: 'Nationaal fonds voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek Vlaanderen (FWO)'
Journal of autoimmune diseases, 2006
Epidemiological data suggest the notion that in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an acquired autoimmune disease and the cause may be an environmental factor(s), probably infectious, in genetically susceptible individuals. Several cases of viral induced demyelinatimg encephalomyelitis in human beings and in experimental models as well as the presence of IgG oligoclonal bands in the cerebrospinal fluid indicate that the infectious factor may be viral. However, the absence of a specific virus identification in MS central nervous system may hardly support this notion. On the other hand, the partial response of patients with MS to immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory therapy support the evidence of an autoimmune etiology for MS. However, the autoimmune hypothesis shares the same criticism with the infectious one in that no autoantigen(s) specific to and causative for MS has ever been identified. Nevertheless, the absence of identifiable infectious agent, especially viral does not rule out its presence at a certain time -point and the concomitant long term triggering of an autoimmune cascade of events thereafter. Several concepts have emerged in an attempt to explain the autoimmune mechanisms and ongoing neurodegeneration in MS on the basis of the infectious -viral hypothesis.
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2009
We tested the performance of MRZ-reaction, an intrathecal humoral immune response against-Measles (M), Rubella (R) and Varicella Zoster (Z) viruses, in multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis. The MRZ-reaction was significantly more positive in MS than in non-MS group with a specificity of 91.9%. In MS group, the RZ-profile was the most prevalent and the R-specific antibody-index was correlated to the number of oligoclonal bands (OCB) in CSF. Interestingly, the MRZ-reaction was detected in 53% of OCB-negative-MS patients. The MRZ-reaction seems to be a relevant CSF diagnostic marker of MS disease. The likely relation between its positivity and the vaccination status deserves to be investigated.
Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews, 2005
Multiple sclerosis (MS) remains a leading cause of neurologic disability among young adults. Clinical manifestations of the disease result from immune-mediated demyelination of the central nervous system. Most patients experience new symptoms in a relapsing-remitting pattern, although the course is highly variable from person to person and even in the same individual over time. Recent neuropathological studies reveal that in addition to the surrounding myelin sheath, nerve axons themselves are targets of injury in MS lesions. Characterization of the inflammatory infiltrates present in MS brain and spinal cord tissue shows that active lesions can be segregated into 1 of 4 subtypes, with each individual having only a single pattern of involvement. Studies in animal models demonstrate that a number of myelin proteins can become immune system targets resulting in demyelination, and these models have also served to define multiple immunological mechanisms of disease. Translational studies using peripheral blood samples have characterized differences in the various myelin protein-reactive immune responses of MS patients and controls, and these investigations have validated some, but not all, of the disease mechanisms uncovered in animals. Adaptive and innate immunity both appear to contribute to disease pathogenesis within the target tissue of the central nervous system. Immunomodulatory therapies have been developed that partially arrest disease relapses and progression. Studies to dissect how these agents work have shed light on underlying disease
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 1973
Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2002
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common chronic and disabling disorders of the central nervous system (CNS), affecting 0.05-0.15% of Caucasians 1 . The disease usually begins in young adulthood and affects women more frequently than men. In 80-90% of cases, MS starts with a relapsing-remitting course (RR-MS). Over time, the number of relapses decreases, but most patients develop progressive neurological deficits that occur independently of relapses (the so-called secondary progressive phase). In 10-20% of patients, MS begins with a primary progressive course (PP-MS) without acute relapses. In general, the progression rate in RR-MS is comparable to that of PP-MS as soon as the patients enter the secondary progressive phase 2 . Imaging studies have revealed differences between RR-MS and PP-MS. In patients that suffer from RR-MS, acute CNS lesions with spontaneous resolution are frequently detected, even in the absence of clinical attacks 3 . These lesions are usually located in areas of white matter, and are often characterized by a disturbance of the blood-brain barrier, local oedema and demyelination -features that are compatible with an inflammatory process. By contrast, when progressing to the secondary phase and in patients with PP-MS, such inflammatory activity is much less conspicuous 3 . Global brain atrophy, however, is more dominant in the progressive stage and seems to correlate with disability 4,5 . These findings indicate that early in the disease, ongoing inflammatory activity is present in most patients and is responsible for the relapsing-remitting course, whereas a distinct process might be operative in the progressive phase of the disease, when inflammatory activity diminishes despite faster evolution of disability.
Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 1989
Multiple sclerosis, an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, is characterized by primary destruction of myelin. This review covers recent advances in neuropathology, immunogenetics, neuroimmunology, and neurovirology that have provided insights regard ing its pathogenesis. Three hypotheses are discussed: (1) autoimmunity, (2) "bystander" demyelination, and (3) immune destruction of persistently infected oligodendrocytes. A paradigm for induction of primary demyelination is proposed in which immune cells recognize "foreign" antigens on the surface of oligodendrocytes in the context of major histocompatibility complex gene products. The final result of this scheme may be "dying-back gliopathy," the alteration being noted first in the most distal extension of the oligodendrocyte-that is, the myelin sheaths. PATHOLOGY Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects scattered areas of the central nervous system with a predilection for periventricular white matter, brainstem, spinal cord, and optic nerves. 1 The plaques are characterized by primary demyelination (destruction of myelin sheaths with preservation of axons) and death of oligodendro cytes (myelin-producing cells) within the center of the lesion. During the early evolution of the plaque, perivascular inflammatory cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages) invade the substance of the white matter and are thought to play a critical role in myelin destruction. 2 This process is followed by extensive
Journal of Neuroimmunology, 1999
In the century and a half since multiple sclerosis MS was first recognized, the pathology of the condition has been defined with increasing detail. From the recognition and definition of MS as a clinical phenomenon, studies of the diseased brain tissue have progressed in a manner dependent on the science of the time. Through multiple generations, the increasingly detailed analysis of the MS lesion itself has lead to an increasingly sophisticated understanding of a complex, apparently diverse, immunopathological process. During this evolution, many hypotheses concerning the pathogenesis of MS have been overturned, and the interpretation of some clearly delineated gross and histological findings have been reversed. This review plots the progress and highlights current theories and emerging concepts regarding one of the most enigmatic of neurological diseases.
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