Studies of the RIG VEDA: Hymns to Mitra and Varuna

2011, Hymns to Mitra and Varuna in the Rigveda


1 The Secret of the Veda, p. 518 2 The active cosmic Truth of things diffused and arranged in their mutability and divisibility of Time and Space veils the eternal and unchanging Truth of which it is a manifestation. 3 The eternal Truth is the goal of the divine Light which arises in us and journeys upward into higher and higher heavens through the shining upper ocean. 4 The entire plenitude of the divine wealth in its outpourings of knowledge, force and joy. 5 The One, the Deva veiled by his form of the divine Sun. Cf. Isha Upanishad, "That splendour which is thy fairest form, O Sun, that let me behold. The Purusha who is there and there, He am I." 6 Tad ekam, tat satyam-phrases always carefully misinterpreted by the commentators. 7 Devavīti, devatāti.