School-Based Assessment Framework Version 2.0 (The New Normal)



With the sudden change of education landscape worldwide brought by COVID-19 pandemic this year 2020, DepEd Philippines strategized concrete policy guidelines in ensuring the continuity of teaching and learning in the basic education level across the country, and this was made possible through the issuance of The Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan in the Time of COVID-19 in May of this year. As Sec. Leonor Magtolis Briones stated in this issuance, the issued continuity plan of the department is an integrated output of DepEd from a series of consultation with partners and advisers, legislators, executives and directors, teachers, parents, learners, and the general public (p. 1). To ensure the continuity of schoolchildren’s education despite the community quarantine protocol of the government, DepEd implemented major adjustments from all levels of governance at a magnitude never done before (p. 28.) These adjustments include: (1) the streamlining of the K to 12 Curriculum into the Most Essential Learning Competencies or MELCs; (2) introducing different learning delivery modalities; (3) the updating of learning resources; (4) the strategies for Kindergarten to Grade 3; (5) the learning assessment; (6) the strengthening of the Alternative Learning System or ALS; and (7) the establishment of a committee for the development, acquisition, and deployment of learning resources (pp. 28-40). So, in order to address the needs of teachers and learners in the assessment of learning, this school-based assessment framework as a localized and contextualized version of DepEd’s perspective of learning assessment anchored on Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (1978, as cited in DepEd Order 8, s. 2015) is hereby revised/updated based on the existing guidelines of DepEd. Similar to the previously crafted paradigm, this localized/contextualized framework is a product of a series of internal and external stakeholders’ common interpretation and understanding on the importance and sanctity of a valid and reliable assessment in ensuring a culture of quality teaching and learning engagement at all times.