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2020, International Scientific Researches Congress 2020 Gümüşhane
37 pages
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Morality concerns an individual’s growing sense of what is right and wrong, in order to obtain a certain place in society and to adapt the society and its rules. The purpose of this study is, while examining the individual developmental stages also to emphasize the importance of moral development in terms of adaptation to the environment in which individuals live. Education systems in societies aim to carry individuals to the upmost knowledge and culture level, and to endow them with all necessary requirements of the fields or occupations in which they are interested. Moreover, education systems also aim to control the behaviors of the individuals in a society, and to provide them with some social and individual values. Each society has national, cultural, historical, moral and spiritual etc. values. It is also important for an individual to acquire these values through education curriculum, after he got them from his family, in terms of general structure and future of the society. Educational institutions, together with individuals’ knowledge and education, try hard in order to ensure them as being a member of the society in which they live, to learn these values and turn them into behaviors. These institutions also include these values into curriculum to achieve this goal.
International Scientific Researches Congress 2020, 2020
Öz Ahlak gelişimi bireyin, toplumun değer yargılarını benimseyerek yaşadığı çevreye uyum sağlaması doğru veya yanlışı ayırt edebilmesi ve toplum içinde belli bir yer edinebilmesi için benimsediği davranış biçimleri ve kurallardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bireyin gelişim evrelerini incelerken, Ahlak gelişiminin de bireyin yaşadığı çevreye uyum sağlaması açısından ne kadar önemli bir rol oynadığını vurgulamaktır. Toplumlardaki eğitim-öğretim sistemleri bireylerin daima en üst düzeyde bilgi ve kültür seviyesine ulaşmasını, bireyin ilgilendiği alanın ya da mesleğin bütün gerekli donanımına sahip olabilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Ancak bununla birlikte eğitim-öğretim, toplumdaki bireylerin davranışlarını kontrol etmeyi; bireyi bazı toplumsal ve bireysel değerlerle donatabilmeyi de hedefler. Toplumlar kendilerine ait millî, kültürel, tarihî, ahlaki, manevi vb. bazı değerlere sahiptir. Bireyin aileden aldığı eğitim ve değerlerin ardından eğitim öğretim programları ile bu değerleri edinmesi de toplumun genel yapısı ve geleceği açısından oldukça önemlidir. Eğitim kurumları da bireylerin bilgi ve eğitimin yanında yaşadıkları toplumun birer üyesi olarak topluma ait değerleri öğrenip bu değerleri toplum içerisinde davranışa dökebilmelerini sağlamak için gayret sarf etmekte, bu değerleri eğitim-öğretim programlarına ekleyerek bunu sağlamaya çalışmaktadırlar. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kültür , değer, edebiyat, eğitim. Morality concerns an individual’s growing sense of what is right and wrong, in order to obtain a certain place in society and to adapt the society and its rules. The purpose of this study is, while examining the individual developmental stages also to emphasize the importance of moral development in terms of adaptation to the environment in which individuals live. Education systems in societies aim to carry individuals to the upmost knowledge and culture level, and to endow them with all necessary requirements of the fields or occupations in which they are interested. Moreover, education systems also aim to control the behaviors of the individuals in a society, and to provide them with some social and individual values. Each society has national, cultural, historical, moral and spiritual etc. values. It is also important for an individual to acquire these values through education curriculum, after he got them from his family, in terms of general structure and future of the society. Educational institutions, together with individuals’ knowledge and education, try hard in order to ensure them as being a member of the society in which they live, to learn these values and turn them into behaviors. These institutions also include these values into curriculum to achieve this goal.
Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi / Journal of Eurasian Inquiries
Tarihi Kültürü ve Sanatıyla III. Eyüp Sultan Sempozyumu, 1999
The curtain motif in Ottoman wall painting has been widely used as an ornamental element since the 18th century. The curtain motif, whose place in Turkish culture dates back to the Huns, has been lovingly used in ceramics, miniatures, painting and architecture for centuries. The mystical meaning of the curtain motif in the wall paintings adorning the interior of the mihrab is based on the belief in the afterlife. The curtain motif applications in the mihrab seen in Anatolia and the Balkans have survived to the present day. The curtain decoration applied to the original buildings or added in later repairs was made with wet paint on dry plaster, that is, with the fresco sekko technique.
Kuzey Makedonya'da Türk Kimliğinin Yaşatılmasında Kültler-Cults Maintain Of Turkish Identity In North Macedonia, 2022
From the second half of the IV. century, the pre-Turks called Hun, Avar, Proto Bulgar, Pecheneg, Oguz, Caspian and Cuman Turks began to settle in the Balkan geography, and these settlements continued with the Seljuk Turks until the XII. Century. With the dominance of the Ottoman state in the region, the Turks in Anatolia were also settled in the Balkan region, so that the Turkish presence in the region was the dominant population. In Turkish culture, there is a belief that “cult” is a way of respecting the ancestors and the elements of nature, which are believed to be divine, and that these elements are a means to reach God. It is possible to see cults in the transition periods of life, in celestial events, in feast ceremonies and celebrations, in the detection and treatment of diseases in folk medicine, in many practices in tombs and places of visit, and in folk narratives. Cults that are secret or open in every moment of life are important elements that make up identity. The preservation of cultural, national and religious elements, which are expressed as elements of common identity, and their transmission over generations are realized through memory. Cults are transferred through memory within the circle of culture through imitation, with the meanings attributed to objects, with narratives about people and events considered sacred. In this thesis, the traditional world views of the Turks, their beliefs in all periods of their lives, the implicit mythical elements in the narratives, the functions of the cults in the survival of the identity of the Turks of North Macedonia, who have become a minority in a geography that has been a Turkish homeland for more than a thousand years, have been analyzed depending on the written sources and the information obtained in the field research. According to the analysis, one of the functions of cults in the connection of common identity expressions with memory is to ensure that identity is preserved and kept alive. Just as there is no culture without memory, one cannot speak of an identity without culture. Cults in all areas of life are a part of identity thanks to mimeric, objects, communicative and cultural memory that covers all memory types. Cults, symbolized in ceremonies, places and narratives, in the mimeric memory learned through imitation, in the memory of objects reminding the past and ancestors, especially in the communicative memory that is effective in remembering the recent past, ensure that the identity remains alive in the cultural memory. Cultural memory, which includes other memory types, gives meaning to cults and expresses them by enlivening them. Community memory has no neurological foundations and cults in narratives, ceremonies and rituals that provide the transfer of cultural memory are important elements that guarantee the continuity of identity. In order to see the place of cults in memory, cult elements identified were tabulated under the headings of "objects and cults", "cults in ceremonies, places and narratives".
Son yillarda populer kulturun gencler arasinda yayginlasmasi ve kulturel yozlasmaya dogru onlari suruklemesi, halk kulturu calismalarini onemli hale getirmektedir. Halk kulturunun onemli bir parcasi olan geleneksel cocuk oyunlari, gelisi guzel bir sekilde belirlenmeyip yuzyillardir sure gelen kulturel birikimin sonucunda ortaya cikmaktadir. Fakat geleneksel cocuk oyunlari gunumuzde unutulmaya yuz tutmus kultur ogeleri arasinda sayilmaktadir. Kulturel mirasin korunmasi ve gelecek nesillere aktarilmasi amaciyla cocuklarin bu mirasi edinecekleri en onemli yollardan birisi olan cocuk oyunlari, ozellikle cocuk ve aile ile ilgili olan devlet kurumlari tarafindan onemsenmektedir. Bu calisma, unutulmaya yuz tutmus geleneksel cocuk oyunlarinin ortaya cikarilmasini ve yeniden yasatilmasi icin oneriler sunmayi hedeflemektedir. Bu amacla Balkanlardan goc ederek Samsun ili Tekkekoy ilcesine yerlesen gocmenlerin cocukken oynadiklari oyunlarin ortaya cikarilmasi icin kendileriyle yapilan gorusmele...
Yeni Turk Edebiyati Arastirmalari
Karapinar yoresinin sosyal ve ekonomik yapisi icerisinde oldukca onemli bir yere sahip olan tulu dokumalar ayni zamanda yorenin gelenek ve goreneklerini yansitan, kulturunu gecmisten gelecege tasiyan gunluk kullanim urunleridir. Bu calismada Karapinar tulu dokumalari kaybolmaya yuz tutmus kulturel miras kapsaminda degerlendirilmistir. Calismanin amaci Karapinar Tululeri hakkinda ortaya cikan verilerin literature kazandirilmasi, guncel tasarimlara kaynak olusturulmasi ve bu sekilde geleneksel dokuma kulturunun gelecek kusaklara aktarimina katki saglanmasidir. Calismada veri toplama araclari olarak literatur taramasi, kaynak kisi gorusmesi ve fotograf ile belgeleme teknikleri kullanilmistir. Ulasilan tulu dokumalardan Karapinar Yoresine ait olanlarinin gozlem fisleri olusturulmus, renk, hammadde, boyut gibi ozellikleri kayit altina alinmis, teknik ve desen ozellikleri acisindan da detayli bir inceleme yapilmistir. Inceleme sirasinda tulu dokumalarin daha eski gorunmeleri icin kimyasal...
Avrupalı Türkler Avrupa Türk Tarihi, 2024
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Karadeniz Arastirmalari Merkezi, 2017
Çukurova Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021
İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2018
Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 1993
Uluslararası Öğrencilerin Gözüyle Yaşayan Balkan Halk Kültüründen Bazı Örnekler , 2019
Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Dergisi, 2018
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2016
Balkanlar'da Tarihi Türk Dizileri ve Kültürel Diplomasi, 2024
Türkbilig, 2019