Prototypical Predicate Constructions: Evidence from Slavic

1998, 36th Annual Meeting of the Southern Conference for Slavic Studies

While attempting to capture systematic relations between form and meaning, transformational grammar has relied upon several tools for analysis. Though the generative enterprise has promised to capture linguistically significant generalizations and in doing so provide an explanatory account of linguistic phenomena, some of these generalizations are impossible to capture in terms of these tools. This is primarily due to a fundamental shortcoming of the mechanisms employed most often in transformational approaches; that is, that many linguistically significant generalizations cannot be expressed by means of a derivational relationship. This paper attempts to lay the groundwork for the analysis of prototypical transitive predicates, in which syntactic and functional equivalency of constructions is captured in terms of direct surface relationships as opposed to derived equivalencies. This is accomplished by means of a 'fuzzy' evaluation metric on the topicality of signs, based upon data from Polish word order in Siewierska's (1993) study.