Turkish Nationalists and the Ottoman Imperial Legacy

2012, History Studies


This article covers how Turkish nationalists approached the Ottoman imperial legacy from the early republican period to the end of the Cold War. In order not to discredit the secular Turkish nation-state, the Kemalist republic did not rely on the Ottoman imperial legacy in its national construction. Led by Rıza Nur and Nihal Atsız, chauvinist nationalists outside the grip of the state targeted the multiculturalism of the Ottomans as its weakness. Nevertheless, all nationalists Turkified the empire in their narratives and belittled the contributions of the non-Turkish ruling elite (devshirme). Only after the republic was solidified, did the Kemalist state use the Ottoman imperial legacy cautiously against the rising threat of socialism. Pro-Islamic nationalists found the imperial legacy as a useful political tool to boost up nationalism and combined it with its Islamic legacy paving the road for the reconciliation of Islam and nationalism. The religious Ottoman Muslim image nationalists created became an ideal role model for potential nationalists. Any criticism of the Ottoman Empire was seen as an attack on this role model. This predicament only delayed the objective, academic study of the Ottoman Empire and its legacy.