Percepcion de Autoeficacia y empoderamiento

2020, Management Review

There is a growing number of women taking part of the labour market and regardless the efforts to offer the same conditions than their male counterparts , there are still different issues that need to be addressed. In Mexico, labor statistics show that most women are employed in lower paid positions (ENOE, INEGI, 2014) and just a few can have access for better jobs. Evidence show that not only organization policies are responsible for these difficulties but in many cases women discard themselves from the opportunities for a promotion. Resumen Abstract Self-efficacy perception and empowerment are found to be key factors for advancement of women in different areas. The present study aims to identify the presence or lack of self-efficacy and empowerment among female students sample from a small campus of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi in Mexico. Results show a similar level of self-efficacy perception and empowerment which can evidence some correlation but more importantly they represent the need for a deeper analysis of both constructs and limitations due to contextual factors. This study is just a first approach to develop the importance of female empowerment as a competency needed to be provided through courses, activities or programs during their university education aiming for better employment opportunities.