O destino de Deleuze

2018, Trágica


In What is Philosophy? Deleuze-Guattari say that the destiny of the philosopher is to become their conceptual personae, in what defines a sort of double-becoming, not only of the philosopher who becomes their personae, but also of the personae who are now affirmed as thinkers, philosophers. Certainly, philosophy has many of these personae. Nietzsche for one has a handful, some who attract (Dionysus, Zarathustra), others who repel (the priest, the higher man and so on). My interest here lies in turning this questioning of the very subject of thought, of who in fact thinks in philosophy, towards Deleuze’s philosophy itself. Who are Deleuze's conceptual personae, his heteronyms or subjects of his own philosophy? I identify two, the pervert and the schizo, being the pervert, in my view, dominant in texts as central as Difference and Repetition and The Logic of Sense, and the schizo the persona who supplants the pervert, being not only dominant in the overall project of Capitalism and Schizophrenia, but the persona who truly defines the destiny of Deleuze’s philosophy, the becoming-schizo of his thought.