The Cailleach in Place-Names and Place-Lore

2020, The Journal of Scottish Name Studies 14


The principal aim of this article is to refine our understanding of the Gaelic place-name element cailleach. This will be done primarily through analysis of a cluster of cailleach-names and associated place-lore from one area of the island of Muile/Mull in the Inner Hebrides. The main geographical area of focus is small but its namescape is dynamic and the analysis has implications for our understanding of this place-name element furth of the island and, indeed, furth of Scotland. The evidence lies in a range of published and unpublished textual and oral sources; in place-names, place-lore, linguistics and song. It will be argued that, when considered together, these sources provide evidence of a dynamic namescape which has been shaped by its associated place-lore and which has, in turn, fed the creative imaginations of local place-name users. It is argued that the namescape of north-west Muile/Mull is a microcosm of dynamism in language and lore. Furthermore, the argument has implications for our understanding of other place-name elements, including the Gaelic elements coileach, achlais and dròbh (also drògh).