Qur'anic Perspective on Pluralism

2019, Aligarh Journal of Quranic Studies

Islam is undeniably a universal religion. Being so it is relevant to all aspects of human life (social, economic and political) and is deeply concerned with the 'other' living in or around the Muslim societies. It comprises the Guidance revealed by Allah (SWT) to all human beings and does not differentiate among human beings on the basis of gender, race, caste, colour, etc. Islam never calls for bigotry; in fact, It allows the Muslims and non-Muslims to live together happily and peacefully in any country. Islamic doctrine provides for religious freedom (al-Qur'ān, 2: 256; 10: 99). Islam endorses and encourages interactions and relationships between Muslims and Non-Muslims. Nowadays, we strive for the interreligious dialogue for ensuring peaceful coexistence of people adhering to different faiths. This inter-religious dialogue is very important from Islamic point of view as it was also employed by the earlier generations of Muslims for delivering the message of Islam with wisdom and intelligence without involving any elements of coercion and violence (al-Qur'ān, 16:125). The debates on pluralism and multi-culturalism are gaining more and more ground in the present times due to the increasing communication and interaction among people all over the world owing to the phenomenon of globalization. Nobody can deny the fact that pluralism has become an inevitable necessity of the present times when it is impossible to live with complete indifference towards 'others'. But to imbibe the sense of pluralism in the very lives of the citizens, some motivating and inspiring factor is required. Religion has always remained the most powerful motivating factor throughout human history. Keeping in consideration that Islam is the religion followed by the second largest population of the world which is dispersed throughout the globe, the present paper seeks to discuss the Qur'ānic perspective on pluralism.