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以歷史文化為基底的漢堡綠色網絡計畫 氣候變遷全球暖化,讓以景觀角度的都市規劃顯得急迫而成主流,台灣因為特殊的歷史背 景,使許多地方的城市規劃難有整體的樣貌,造成綠色都市規劃的介入有技術上的困難。 若要突破困境,需借鏡其他成功案例來了解如何循序漸進地完成綠色城市願景。 漢堡是著名的德國海港城市,不只有豐富的經濟資源,也有豐富的歷史文化景觀資源,許 多景點也被列為世界文化遺產。漢堡城從 Alster 河周圍開始發展,因為特殊的政治因素與 地理因素,城市剛開始從漢堡,阿托納(Altona),哈堡(Harburg)三個聚落漸漸發展成為漢 堡大城,但城市發展的過程並沒有整體計畫,工業革命造成的人口短時間往都市集中,都 市的空間與衛生問題也浮上檯面。 自從十九世紀末歷經一場霍亂的肆虐,讓當時的城市規劃者 Fritz Schumacher 深刻思考著 城市整體發展的重要性。他著眼於漢堡特殊的自然地貌與現有舊城市紋理,在 1919 年以 舊城牆紋理,發展出手掌形的規劃方式,結合漢堡,阿托納與阿堡三個聚落結合成漢堡港 都大城。他重整都市樣貌,以當地最喜歡的赭紅磚(德文稱 Klinker)規定特色建築物的外觀 材質。由於漢堡不只是港都也是國際商業大城,他規劃了一區商業住宅區,許多著名建築 師在商業區發揮創意設計具北德特色的辦公建築,例如磚造表現主義代表建築師 Fritz Höger 設計的智利屋(Chilehaus),不只將磚造建築的磚造美學完美呈現,也代表著漢堡的 都市意象重要的標誌之一,這些革命性的商業建築群,被列為世界文化遺產。 Fritz Schumacher 有遠見的城市規劃,讓一直擴展的漢堡城市仍然有系統,綠地空間比例 控制相當得宜,之後景觀規劃師進行的漢堡綠色網絡(Grünes Netz Hamburg)計畫以他的計 畫再發展為兩個環跟十二道綠廊道的 2030 綠色城市願景計畫,綠色廊道中包括腳踏車 道,人行道,墓園,綠地,住家花園,公園紀念物,遊戲場與都市廣場公共空間等,兩環 則是內環的拆掉的舊城門,也就是歷史中心,以市政廳為中心,半徑約八公里範圍的歷史 與綠地核心區,屬於輕量交通區。第二環則是將已有的公園,公共空間與墓園整合成綠色 腳踏車道,讓城市的人們可以到郊區享受到完整的休閒綠帶,讓漢堡居民就近親近大自 然。其他如光芒般的十二道綠帶從核心區如光芒般地發散,就是都市發展的綠色軸線,不 只可以控制綠地比,也可以讓每一個外邊的住宅區都能享有各區的綠色設施。 本研究以介紹漢堡的城市發展,了解漢堡城如何以原來的歷史城市樣貌,以世界文化遺產 的地區為中心,漸漸發展出綠地比相當高的綠色首都城,提供台灣都市規劃兼具文化與綠 色設施共融共存的都市規劃參考典範。
How did people in the Han (漢) Dynasty project their attachment to and imagination of hometown? What does this “hometown”refer to? These are the two questions which this thesis wants to ask. This thesis especially emphasizes the political context which personal feelings depend on and tries to explore how people in the Han Dynasty removed themselves from the indulgence and restraint of homesickness. How did an individual still keep different ways of emotional expression while sharing the same homesick atmosphere? The exhibition of these differences is called agency in this thesis. Chapter One explores how Liu Bang(劉邦) and Xiang Yu(項羽) felt homesick and their different relations and reactions to“hometown” according to the examples of choosing capital cities. What is involved includes not only emotional aspects but political calculations and rational reasoning. The two’s every decision was to seek for a balance between attachment with hometown and political calculations. In addition, th...
Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2020
With popularizing the Internet, more and more resources and services have emerged along with social networking sites. The Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation's online support group on Facebook was set up for patients with burn and scald injuries. It provides a platform for patients to possibly restart a new life via support groups. The purpose of this study is to explore the participants' mental model of Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation Support Group on Facebook, and to understand the underlying thoughts and needs of patients of burn and scald injuries by using the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET). This study recruited 8 patients as research participants and collected a total of 72 pictures. The ZMET was applied to understand each participant's thoughts, while metaphor analysis was used to investigate the results and core values, which were then drawn into consensus map for further analysis. In conclusion, three main findings are as follows: (1) The mental model of participants on online support group is to get back to their normal life, participate in education and learning, and need spiritual support. (2) Patients receive hope and goal of life from online support group. (3) The participants need the online support group for enhancing themselves, to promoting social values and developing future. According to these results, some suggestions are made for patients of burn and scald injuries and social welfare organizations and departments.
2013 年9、10 月間,中國國家主席習近平利用訪問中亞四國與印尼的機會,分別提出建設「絲綢之路經濟帶」與「21 世紀海上絲綢之路」的構想。而這樣的戰略意圖到底是如同中國外長王毅所強調的「不是地緣工具……不能用冷戰思維看待」,亦或是如解放軍少將喬良所稱「是跟美國戰略東移的一次對沖」。事實上,中國崛起在國際認知上,從來就沒有一致的認知,是否將會因經濟實力的變遷,而衝擊當前國際秩序,原本就在不同學派認知的爭議中劇烈衝撞。攤開地緣戰略地圖,如此大規模的跨區域戰略布局,不可能僅止於經濟、貿易、通商等低位階的安排,而不去調動高位階的國際政治與權力結構關係。因此,如何觀察這樣一個戰略安排的本質,如何理解其中的權力轉換,如何思考崛起中國在歐亞世界島的權力位置,而如此龐大的跨區域整合、鉅額的投資需求,複雜的權力重組,將會帶來的是無限美好的發展藍圖,亦或是新一輪冷戰的再起,基本上都是本文所關切,而亟欲思考、解決的議題。透過戰略局勢的地緣觀察,筆者認為,地緣的本質不變性與變動性,恰正可以提供超越意識形態認知的一條思維途徑。
Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship, 2020
This publication is a report summarizing findings from the first wave of the Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship (e-Citizenship) project, funded by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China, under its Theme-based Research Scheme [Project No. T44-707/16-. It was jointly conducted by researchers from The University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
This study investigated early and recent news reports on typhoons and typhoon-related disasters released by United Daily News from the perspectives of language construction, core meanings, and reporting trends. This study collected news reports from January 1, 1986 to December 31, 1996, and from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2016, representing early and recent news respectively. The study employed text mining and frame analysis methods and studied the "frame" difference of news media over the past three decades. An analysis of the language construction of the news reports revealed that, concerning the subject of social communication, recent typhoon reports often utilized opinions from different social "actors" to increase the conflicts and violations of norms and human rights. From early to recent period, it is found that news frame are transiting from the early "response to nature" to the recent "response to society". The former focuses on the information transmission of natural ...
法鼓佛學學報, 2008
This article takes various expressions using the Chinese term "speak" (shuo) as the basis for its investigation of Nāgārjuna's linguistic strategy. These include speak, unspeakable, unspoken, and spoken by prajñapti in the Chinese version of the Mūlamadhyamakākarikā. I first point out the two background causes that make the Buddha withdraw from preaching and remain in silence: the profundity of the Dharma and the limits of people's capacities. In response, the Mūlamadhyamakākarikā seems to reveal a two-sided strategy, i.e., confirmation and negation. On the one hand, it emphasizes the unspeakable to get rid of people's attachment, until at last all prapañcas have ceased, and one arrives at the unspoken. On the other hand, Mūlamadhyamakākarikā positively approves of the conventional truth and prajñapti to express that conventional linguistic cognition is necessary. The Mūlamadhyamakākarikā's theory of pratītya-samutpāda and śūnyatā, therefore, reveal double the aspects of negation and confirmation in Buddhist Philosophy and lead people to the way of nirvāṇa.
圖書資訊系統是圖書館作為徵集、組織與服務圖書資訊資源的重要工具,隨著資訊技術的發展,圖書資訊系統也從傳統的卡片目錄逐漸蛻變成不同的多元樣貌,如整合式圖書館系統、聯合目錄、電子資源管理系統、亞馬遜網路書店與Google圖書等。本文旨在探討圖書資訊系統的歷史發展與未來方向,採取個案研究為方法,以主要趨勢的演變歷程為主軸,依序選取4類14個案進行討論,分析各式圖書資訊系統的特色,進而從物件類型、物件精細度、資源範圍、組織方式、聚合方式、聚合資源、呈現方式、軟體導入模式、社會化線上目錄、設計方式、運作方式與取用方式等12種觀點提出研究發現與建議。Library information systems are an essential tool for libraries to acquire and organize information resources to deliver services to users. With advancement of information technologies, library information systems have also evolved from card catalogue into diverse ones, such as integrated library system, elec- tronic resource management system, and Google Books. This article aims to review the historical development of library information systems as a basis to explore the future landscape of library information systems. Case study is adopted as research methodology to analyze fourteen library informa- tion systems. Furthermore, research findings and discussions are organized in the following points: type,...
Generally speaking, people believe that the living conditions of the new area will be better, then they make decision to migrate to another place to live. In the theory of migration, it can be divided into individual factors and structural factors. No matter which factor, migration will have an effect on the development of immigrant society. In 1949, there were over 1.2 millions of the people who migrated from mainland China to Taiwan. Undoubtedly, it was caused by the structural and political factors that pushed the "great migration". Because the immigrants moving into Taiwan accounted for a considerable proportion of the population, they formatted an ethnic group so-called "mainlanders". This paper attempts to use migration as an approach to review and explore the development of society in Taiwan in the second half of the 20th century. The time frame is between the year of 1949 when the Nationalist government immigrated to Taiwan and the year of 1996 when direct presidential election took place in Taiwan.
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Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM), 2020
Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2011
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021
Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2011
東吳中文研究集刊 第11期, 2004
National Sun Yat-sen University Master Thesis, 2006
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2009
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2010
Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2012
Nihon Shinri Gakkai Taikai happyo ronbunshu, 2011