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2016, Communication Today
74 pages
1 file
About the journal: Communication Today is a scientific journal from the mass media and marketing communication field. The journal contains professional scientific reflections on the media, media competence; it also offers academic discourses on the limits of reality, media thinking, new media, marketing and media relations, new trends in marketing including their types and specifics, psychology and sociology of marketing communication, as well as new knowledge about the structure of media contents, marketing strategies and communication sciences. The professional public is offered an interdisciplinary, focused, targeted discussion in these pages. Communication Today is indexed in citation databases as follows: Cabell’s Directories, CEJSH, EBSCO, CEEOL, ProQuest, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Index Copernicus, ERIH PLUS, SCOPUS and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) – Web of Science Core Collection. Content of the issue: THEORETICAL STUDIES The Personalistic Aspect of Truth and Dialogue in the Context of Karol Wojtyła’s Philosophy: John Paul II’s Ethics of Media, Arkadiusz Modrzejewski................................................................................................. 4 Controversial Themes in Advertisements: On Manipulating the Emotions of Audiences and Extending the Boundaries of the Social ‘Taboo’, Małgorzata Koszembar-Wiklik......................................................... 18 Media Education of Children and Youth as a Path to Media Literacy, Božena Šupšáková..............................32 The Beginnings of Market Research and Measurement of Market Advertising Effectiveness, Dušan Pavlů .....52 RESEARCH STUDIES Ambient Marketing Practices in the United States: A Professional View, Amiee J. Shelton - Łukasz P. Wojciechowski - Jamie Warner ................................................................................................66 Search Engine Optimisation and Google Answer Box, Andrej Miklošík - Ferdinand Daňo ...........................82 Execution of Advertising and Celebrity Endorsement, Peter Mikuláš - Jaroslav Světlík ................................92 Czech Local Press Content: When More is Actually Less, Lenka Waschková Císařová.............................. 104 INTERVIEW Some Notes on the Translation as an Interpretative Art and Communication as well. Interview with Juraj Vojtek, Ján Višňovský - Jana Radošinská ................................................................................118 REVIEWS Handbook of Brand Semiotics, Pavol Minár .......................................................................................... 128 Current Issues of the Journalistic Theory and Practice in the Era of the Internet, Lenka Rusňáková ........... 129 The New Rules of Sales and Customer Service, Alena Kusá .................................................................... 133 Speech Communication, Dominika Rašová .......................................................................................... 134 TODAY “Back to the Future” sci-fi at (KO)Media, Katarína Fichnová ................................................................. 137 Umberto Eco (1932 - 2016), Ladislav Volko ........................................................................................ 138 Igor Ševčík (1951 - 2003), Ladislav Volko ........................................................................................... 140
A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Brand Journalism Ethics: User Perceptions in Serbia and Pakistan, 2023
Given that there are different views on what brand journalism is, this article studies the ethics of brand journalism to provide a more thorough and accurate description. Not all cultures have adopted this phrase, including Serbia and Pakistan. The lack of research on user perceptions of and trust in brand journalism (Koch, Riehl & Viererbl, 2021) led scholars to poll young people, including 60 students from Pakistan and 50 from Serbia. According to Serbian and Pakistani student surveys, brand journalism is expected to grow in popularity as a career in these cultures. Additionally, it is not utilized; instead, terms like public relations or content marketing are used. The ethical aspects of brand journalism are the primary subject of the study. The findings demonstrate that brand journalism upholds ethical principles, while also occasionally violating them, including impartiality, objectivism, and independence.
Innovative Models, Strategies and Conceptualization in PR, 2024
This study focuses on corporate advertising, which is considered a form of public relations and is advertising that directly features the organization itself rather than its services or products. The concept has been defined with many different terms such as "public relations advertising", but today it continues to exist as "corporate advertising". This type of advertising, which has many contributions to internal and external stakeholders, can be considered as a manifestation of the identity, prestige and culture of the organization. Within the framework of this study, it is seen that there are four sub-types: Image, Defense or Issue, Crisis and Social Responsibility. Each of these subtypes is used for a different purpose. Narrative strategies in corporate advertising can be listed as demonstration, testimonial, slices of life or problem solving, use of presenter or voiceover, product as star, documantry, fantasy, musical, vignette, narrative story, use of sexuality, use of nature and analogy. In light of this information, the Mavi commercial "It will make a lot of noise" and the Vestel commercial "The Story of Adem Brother and The Stork Yaren" are given as examples. In these types of advertisements, narrative forms suitable for the purpose, type and target audience of the advertisement are used together or alone, and this use makes the advertisement versatile.
Journal homepage: "Current issues of mass communication" is a professional scientific publication of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The journal publishes original, completed contributions in the field of mass communication, reflecting current trends in this domain in Ukraine and the world, patterns, processes, structures, and forms of mass communication relations. Priority is given to the studies of mass communication trends in technological development, media, journalism, publishing, advertising, public relations, social informatics, document science, library science, etc., which is relevant for the Ukrainian and world audience. Our journal has the following sections: Discussions (contains scholarly and journalistic columns or comments of the editorial board, editor-inchief, members of the editorial board regarding results of research that have not been reviewed but are of interest. These publications are not scientific articles). Review articles (scientific literature reviews on a particular issue. Reviews are a kind of scientific article. Our journal publishes reviews that use the method of meta-analysis). Research articles (with results of scientific research that correspond to the journal's profile, have been reviewed and approved for publication as scientific articles). Such article should have empirical data at its core. Interdisciplinary research (peer-reviewed scientific articles that present original research results but go beyond the narrow profile of the journal, and their authors are scholars from other fields. However, such research articles should be at least partially related to mass communication). Reviews (reviews on various scientific publications in the field of mass communication, including reviews on books, scientific articles, reviews of opponents on the dissertation). The journal's audience includes scientists, teachers, students, professionals in media and communications, and a wide range of readers interested in current trends in the development of the communication space. The journal is included in the "List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, which may publish the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Sciences, Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Philosophy. Category "B".
FMK UCM in Trnava, 2022
CBU International Conference Proceedings ..., 2015
This study examines the nature of the social discourse of advertising used as a brand positioning technique. The focus is on consumer advertising that is directed at the promotion of selected products or services to the general public. The study is neither meant to exhaust all aspects of this particular discourse, nor present the answers to all the problems posed. The aims of this paper include analyzing varying commercial advertisements (both product/non-product ads) to investigate the intentions and techniques of consumer product companies for reaching more consumers and selling more products. Norman Fairclough's '3-D model' and Kress and van Leeuwen's 'grammar of visual design' present methods for use by professionals in this respect, but we focus on the use of stereotypes in our study. Traditionally, stereotypes are defined as patterns or schemes by which people organize their behaviors and activities. Psychologists have been extremely interested in the persuasion techniques used by advertisers. The implicit question that most of these studies have entertained is whether advertising has become a force that molds cultural mores and individual behaviors, or whether it constitutes no more than a 'mirror' of deeper cultural tendencies within urbanized contemporary society. The one thing which everyone agrees upon, is that advertising has become one of the most recognizable and appealing forms of social communication to which everyone in society is exposed. However, it could be said from the results of this study that the producers of ads generally use power and ideology to change people's behavior and thoughts. In cases where 'old' stereotypes were effective, there was no attempt to change the consumer's habits, but rather the power of the ad was in preserving their customary behaviors. This is achieved through reinforcing behaviors known to be similar to the traditional values identified by customers. When we considered gender stereotypes we looked at notions about the supposedly traditional behaviors of men and women, and the characteristics and standards of these behaviors, which are grounded in our culture and society. Producers use these ideas to make customers feel they belong in the society, and become psychologically involved, in the story presented by the advertisement. Culture involves human values, actions, patterns, ideas, and material and artificial surroundings that enable interaction among people. The content of culture determines the particular qualities of certain groups of people, which potentially governs their consumer characteristics. This indicates the importance of understanding the way in which culture affects individuals. In today's information area, the media are the primary means of transmitting and reproducing cultural information. Today's media shape the image of culture in people's consciousness. Finally, this study provides an analysis of varying ads, using different means of interpretation. All materials are taken from Latvian media.
The Role of Language and Symbols in Promotional Strategies and Marketing Schemes. IGI Global, 2018
The aim of the chapter is a reflection of the trends in marketing and advertising. The author concentrates on the changing role of marketing, its forms and especially its language, this being documented by the current advertising. First, the chapter deals with the role of communication in general, creating the basis for the understanding of the role of marketing communication and the philosophy behind it. The contribution describes the development in the last years, the current trends and the limits of text analysis in the digital marketing communication today. The main aim is to show how far the words and pictures change the original meaning of words and change the understanding of marketing tools. Examples from CEE (Czech Rep.) show the shift of marketing approaches, description of special characteristics and their consequences. The study describes the redundancy of information and words with regard to their declining quality, contributing to the process of trivialization. Selected literature sources are being elaborated on to deal with the abundance of information on the one hand, and the loss of significance in the media communication on the other hand.
As communication axis, communication philosophy interrogates the idea that in postmodern society communication constructs reality. The philosopher is called to achieve a new synthesis, between philosophy and media communication, to assume the condition of man of media communication. Media has a decisive influence in relation to the constitution of reality in post-modern consciousness. Communication is related to relationships, to construct interhuman relationships, changing the attitudes of the other, decisions or behavior of others, the perceptions of reality and action according to the requirements of this perception. Secularization as a positive value of modernity does not eliminate the presence of the sacred in modern political imaginary also from communication. Advertising is by exellence the bearer of a deep dimension of reality construction as art of seduction, persuasion, communication. “Advertising constructs reality”, professor Sandu Frunza’s book, published in 2014 by Tritonic Publishing , Bucharest, represents a high level analisys and point out the “reality construction” through advertising as a communication mean of regaining authenticity. Storing an imaginary universe, which allows for the sacred to be manifest in the life of postmodern man, advertising supports the human being in its self quest through reaching harmony with the surrounding things, with other people and with the world. Advertising is not a new form of religion, even though several of its aspects could be said to be displaying religious dimensions. “We can, says Sandu Frunza, however, state generically that advertising ultimately lodges posmodern man’s religious creativity. In this way, advertising does not propose to challenge or oppose in any fashion the traditional religious patterns of interpreting and living within our world. Instead, it supplies a complementary authenticity, one matching man’s status in a communication-based society”. Advertising offers an alternative view on the world, man and man’s own choice to act coherently upon this view.
Popularidade e atividade nas redes sociais: uma análise dos seus impactos nas séries online chinesas.
SHS Web Conf. The International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Issues of Linguistics and Didactics: The Interdisciplinary Approach in Humanities and Social Sciences” (CILDIAH-2018), 2018
The development dynamics of information and communication technologies (ICTs), especially network providing expansion of interpersonal and mass communications, radically changes the existing practice of distribution and representation of a media product. Abundant information flows in the Web form interactive competitive communication media that produce a new integrative approach to the creation of modern media models being a cumulative product of journalism, PR, marketing and advertising. An example of such model in Russian media is a branded media text which production is based on a variety of factors, both objective and subjective. Today the scientific community discusses the public adaptation of innovative media text models that could provoke comprehension of its cultural code with its possible retranslation. These parameters provide a competitive advantage and survival of any media structure. However, the conception of consumer's involvement in a media project at the stage of its creation is often an insoluble problem for journalistic department. Based on the performed studies, authors of this article, on one hand, verify the hypothesis of productivity and functionality of branded media text and, on the other hand, define the reasons for discrepancies in the approaches of leading Russian media to the use of this communicative-integration model.
Masters in Media Studies (MMS) MEDS 501 Communication and Media Theories (3 cr hrs) This course is aimed at developing strong theoretical understanding of communication and media among the students. It also aims at enabling the students to approach and analyze various social and cultural phenomena from the perspective of communication. It deals with various aspects of communication theory with special reference to the trajectories of communication theorization, classic and recent media theories and the multicultural, multidisciplinary and multi-paradigmatic turn of the communication discipline. Glocal discernment of communication through this course is aimed at preparing the students for coping with contemporary discursive practices in the academia with special reference to communication theory. Contents include various traditions of and approaches to communication theory, inter/multi-disciplinarity of communication/media studies with special reference to philosophy and various social science disciplines, selected theories of communication and media, De-Westernization of and generative ideas for communication theorization and analysis of recent academic endeavors with regard to theorizing media.
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Methodology and Specific Methods in Social Sciences with an Accent on Marketing Communication. Bratislava: European Institute of Education and Media, 172 p. ISBN 978-83-964060-0-2, 2022
Communication Today, 2016
Methodology and Specific Methods in Social Sciences with an Accent on Marketing Communication, 2022
Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence
Journal of Communication, 2004