Excerpts from the book 'Indus Valley Civilization Script Decoded'



This paper decodes various signs from the Indus Valley Civilization, emphasizing the significance of specific symbols such as the fish in relation to deities in Santali culture. It examines the linguistic and phonetic values associated with these signs, revealing how they connect to religious and cultural beliefs, particularly regarding goddesses and their blessings. The analysis includes the transformations of the words used to represent deities over time and the implications of these changes.

Key takeaways

  • The worship of this deity is absent in other religious creeds; thus, confirming the Santali script to be written on the Indus seals.
  • Similarly, the sign on the Indus seals has been used to depict ripe crops, signifying the Santali phrase gele bale.
  • represents kạkwạ nạkić in Santali, which means, a tooth cut out at each end of karha on which the drag chains are fastened.
  • The sign means a comb, called nạkić in Santali.
  • Since a ploughshare directly implies transplantation or the Santali word ropa, the first letter of this word, i.e., 'R', has been used to give a phonetic value to this Indus sign.