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This paper decodes various signs from the Indus Valley Civilization, emphasizing the significance of specific symbols such as the fish in relation to deities in Santali culture. It examines the linguistic and phonetic values associated with these signs, revealing how they connect to religious and cultural beliefs, particularly regarding goddesses and their blessings. The analysis includes the transformations of the words used to represent deities over time and the implications of these changes.
-- Decipherment of inscriptions: M1118, H-9, M-298, K-34, K-37, M-304, M-1181 -- Alloymetal work cargo manifests -- Tvāṣṭra, ṭhaṭṭhāra ‘brass-worker’; field symbols are related to script text of signs -- Source for images: Shamashis Sengupta, 2023, Fish Symbolism in Indus Valley Epigraphy and Protohistoric Accounts, Studia Orientalia Electronica 11(1) (2023): 86–102 M-1118. पोळ [ pōḷa ] m A bull dedicated to the gods, marked with a trident and discus, and set at large. पोळी [ pōḷī ] dewlap. पोळा [ pōḷā ] 'zebu, bos indicus taurus' rebus: पोळा [ pōḷā ] 'magnetite, ferrite ore: Fe3O4' aya, ayo 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'metal' (Rigveda) circumscript PLUS gaṇḍa 'four' rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements' H-09 ayo 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'alloy metal' (R̥ gveda) PLUS khambhaṛā 'fish-fin rebus: kammaṭa 'mint, coiner, coinage' gaṇḍa 'four' rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements' PLUS kolmo 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'. Together, smithy,forge (for) implements; Vikalpa. eae 'seven' (Santali); rebus: eh-ku 'steel'
Sign 323 This sign is explained in the context of the body of the young bull on a pectoral m1656. "Pendant or medallion [from Mohenjo-daro] pictures the unicorn combined with many sacred symbols of the Indus religion. The body of the figure has a womb-shaped symbol in its belly, the same motif is elaborated to form the frame for the pendant, which is also a common design for shell inlay. Two leaf shapes of the sacred pipal tree are depicted at the animals shoulders and rump. A ritual offering stand is placed in front of the image. The deeply incised frame and the symbols on the unicorn would have been set with inlay." (J.M. Kenoyer, Indus Civilization, p. 188) m1656 Mohenjodro Pectoral. The body of the young bull has the pictograph signified on the body. Arka flipped vertically and signified on the body of the young bull on pectoral, as shown below. The young bull signifies Hieroglyph: kõda 'young bull-calf'. Rebus: kundaṇa 'fine gold'; kār-kund 'manager'. The overflowing pot atop the one-horned young bull is an Indus Script hypertext. The rebus reading in Meluhha of the overflowing pot is: lokhaṇḍa 'metal tools, pots and pans, metalware' (Marathi) The expression is composed of two words: '(pot etc.) to overflow' and 'water'. The rebus readings are: 1. (B) {V} ``(pot, etc.) to ^overflow''. See `to be left over'. @B24310. #20851. Re(B) {V} ``(pot, etc.) to ^overflow''. See `to be left over'. (Munda ) Rebus: loh ‘copper’ (Hindi) . காண்டம்² kāṇṭam, n. < kāṇḍa. 1. Water; sacred water; நீர். துருத்திவா யதுக்கிய குங்குமக் காண்டமும் (கல்லா. 49, 16). Rebus: khāṇḍā ‘metal tools, pots and pans’ (Marathi). Thus, the overflowing pot is a hypertext to signify metal tools, pots and pans of copper, made by .the young bull kār-kunda 'manager' who works as an artisan with the metallurgical competence of 'lapidary, goldsmith, turner' in mint. Overflowing pot is an abiding metaphor on Ibni Sharrum cylinder seal and many other Ancient Near East artifacts. The inverted heart on belly of the young bull appears as a gold pendant. Image result for gold pectoral bharatkalyan97Image result for gold pectoral bharatkalyan97m1656 Pectoral. Gold Pendant. Harappa. National Museum, New Delhi Sun's rays arka 'sun, rays of sun' rebus: arka 'copper, gold' eraka 'moltencast'. Orthography of the young bull clearly shows sun’s rays on the belly of the bovine. So, Sign 323 signifies arka 'sun's rays' rebus: arka 'copper, gold' as in Kannada arkalgud, a place name. agasale 'goldsmith workshop'. Belly is kōttha ʻ belly ʼ. [Cf. *kōtthala -- , kṓṣṭha -- 1?]Pk. kottha -- ʻ pertaining to the belly ʼ; Or. kothā ʻ corpulent ʼ, kothala, ˚thāḷa ʻ pot -- bellied ʼ; -- X *gōdda<-> in kodā, ˚dāḷiā ʻ id. ʼ?(CDIAL 3510). Rebus: koda 'workshop'. Thus, the inverted heart symbol Sign 323 on the belly of the young bull signifies a goldsmith's workshop. This is a semantic determinative of the word kunda which signifies fine gold.
Ibni-Sharrum cylinder seal of ca. 2350-2170 BCE is a wealth-accounting, metalwork catalogue in Meluhha, Indus Script. The Indus Script hieroglyphs of the gaur, ox, gaur or wild buffalo and water-buffalo are signifiers of R̥gveda gomr̥ga rendered rebus in vernacular Indian sprachbund Meluhha dialects as raṅga 'tin, pewter, tin foil'. *mēṇḍhī ʻ lock of hair, curl ʼ. [Cf. *mēṇḍha -- 1 s.v. *miḍḍa -- ] S. mī˜ḍhī f., ˚ḍho m. ʻ braid in a woman's hair ʼ, L. mē̃ḍhī f.; G. mĩḍlɔ, miḍ˚ m. ʻ braid of hair on a girl's forehead ʼ; M. meḍhā m. ʻ curl, snarl, twist or tangle in cord or thread ʼ.(CDIAL 10312) Rebus: mẽṛhẽt, meḍ ‘iron’ (Mu.Ho.Santali) The adorant with six curls on hair: bhaṭa ‘six' (Gujarati) rebus: bhaṭa ‘warrior’; meḍhā 'curl' rebus: mẽṛhẽt, meḍ bhāḍ 'iron furnace'. Thus, the message of the adorant with six curls of hair signifies: meḍ bhāḍ 'iron furnace'. The overflowing pots held by the adorants signify: lokhãḍ 'metal implements, pots and pans, metalware'. bhaṭa ‘six' (Gujarati) rebus: bhaṭa ‘warrior’ rebus: baṭa ‘iron’ (Gujarati) bhāḍ 'furnace' (Marathi) 9656 bhráṣṭra n. ʻ frying pan, gridiron ʼ MaitrS. [√bhrajj] Pk. bhaṭṭha -- m.n. ʻ gridiron ʼ; K. büṭhü f. ʻ level surface by kitchen fireplace on which vessels are put when taken off fire ʼ; S. baṭhu m. ʻ large pot in which grain is parched, large cooking fire ʼ, baṭhī f. ʻ distilling furnace ʼ; L. bhaṭṭh m. ʻ grain -- parcher's oven ʼ, bhaṭṭhī f. ʻ kiln, distillery ʼ, awāṇ. bhaṭh; P. bhaṭṭh m., ˚ṭhī f. ʻ furnace ʼ, bhaṭṭhā m. ʻ kiln ʼ; N. bhāṭi ʻ oven or vessel in which clothes are steamed for washing ʼ; A. bhaṭā ʻ brick -- or lime -- kiln ʼ; B. bhāṭi ʻ kiln ʼ; Or. bhāṭi ʻ brick -- kiln, distilling pot ʼ; Mth. bhaṭhī, bhaṭṭī ʻ brick -- kiln, furnace, still ʼ; Aw.lakh. bhāṭhā ʻ kiln ʼ; H. bhaṭṭhā m. ʻ kiln ʼ, bhaṭ f. ʻ kiln, oven, fireplace ʼ; M. bhaṭṭā m. ʻ pot of fire ʼ, bhaṭṭī f. ʻ forge ʼ. -- X bhástrā -- q.v. bhrāṣṭra -- ; *bhraṣṭrapūra -- , *bhraṣṭrāgāra -- . Addenda: bhráṣṭra -- : S.kcch. bhaṭṭhī keṇī ʻ distil (spirits) ʼ. 9657 *bhraṣṭrapūra ʻ gridiron -- cake ʼ. [Cf. bhrāṣṭraja -- ʻ pro- duced on a gridiron ʼ lex. -- bhráṣṭra -- , pūra -- 2] P. bhaṭhūhar, ˚hrā, bhaṭhūrā, ˚ṭhorū m. ʻ cake of leavened bread ʼ; -- or < *bhr̥ṣṭapūra -- . 9658 *bhraṣṭrāgāra ʻ grain parching house ʼ. [bhráṣṭra -- , agāra -- ] P. bhaṭhiār, ˚ālā m. ʻ grainparcher's shop ʼ. 9684 bhrāṣṭra m. ʻ gridiron ʼ Nir., adj. ʻ cooked on a grid- iron ʼ Pāṇ., ˚ka -- m. (n.?) ʻ frying pan ʼ Pañcat. [NIA. forms all < eastern MIA. *bhāṭha -- , but like Pk. none show medial aspirate except G. with -- ḍ -- poss. < -- ḍh -- . -- bhráṣṭra -- , √bhrajj]Pk. bhāḍa -- n. ʻ oven for parching grain ʼ; Phal. bhaṛ<-> ʻ to roast, fry ʼ (NOPhal 31 < bhr̥kta -- with ?); L. bhāṛ ʻ oven ʼ; Ku. bhāṛ ʻ iron oven, fire, furnace ʼ; Bi. bhār ʻ grain -- parcher's fireplace ʼ, (N of Ganges) bhaṛ -- bhū̃jā ʻ grain -- parcher ʼ; OAw. bhārū, pl. ˚rā m. ʻ oven, furnace ʼ; H. bhāṛ m. ʻ oven, grain -- parcher's fireplace, fire ʼ; G. bhāḍi f. ʻ oven ʼ, M. bhāḍ n.*bhrāṣṭraśālikā -- . 9685 *bhrāṣṭraśālikā ʻ furnace house ʼ. [bhrāṣṭra -- , śāˊlā -- ]H. bharsārī f. ʻ furnace, oven ʼ. This is an addendum to: Farmana Indus Script seal deciphered, water-buffalo with rings on neck 'pewter workshop',koDiyum, torc (neck-ring) of Cernunnos on Gundestrup cauldron, Pillar of Boatmen khaṇṭi ‘buffalo bull’ (Tamil) Rebus: khãḍ '(metal) tools, pots and pans' (Gujarati) Hypertext: overflowing pot: lokhãḍ ‘overflowing pot’ Rebus: ʻtools, iron, ironwareʼ (Gujarati) The overflowing pot is a signifier of production of metal implements. See: (embedded) When this is demonstrated on seals in front of a bull or buffalo, the the bovine is a signifier of metal alloys. The 'star' hieroglyph shown on one seal reads: मेढ mēḍha The polar star. मेढंगमत, मेढजोशी, मेढदाई, मेढमत mēḍhaṅgamata, mēḍhajōśī, mēḍhadāī, mēḍhamata See मेढेमत, मेढेजोशी, मेढेदाई &c. मेढेजोशी mēḍhējōśī m A stake-जोशी; a जोशी who keeps account of the तिथि &c., by driving stakes into the ground: also a class, or an individual of it, of fortune-tellers, diviners, presagers, seasonannouncers, almanack-makers &c. They are Shúdras and followers of the मेढेमत q. v. 2 Jocosely. The hereditary or settled (quasi fixed as a stake) जोशी of a village. मेढेमत mēḍhēmata n (मेढ Polar star, मत Dogma or sect.) A persuasion or an order or a set of tenets and notions amongst the Shúdra-people. Founded upon certain astrological calculations proceeding upon the North star. Hence मेढेजोशी or डौरीजोशी. Rebus: मेध mēdha m Yajna; In comp. as अश्वमेध, नरमेध.मेध a sacrificial animal , victim VS. Br. S3rS.; an animal-sacrifice , offering , oblation , any sacrifice (esp. ifc.) ib. MBh. &c मेधा f. mental vigour or power , intelligence , prudence , wisdom (pl. products of intelligence , thoughts , opinions) RV. &cIntelligence personified (esp. as the wife of धर्म and daughter of दक्ष) MBh. R. Hariv. Pur.a form of सरस्वती; = धन नैघण्टुक , commented on by यास्क ii , 10. kneeling adorant బత్తుడు battuḍu. n. A worshipper.பத்தர்³ pattar, n. < bhakta. 1. Devotees, votaries Rebus: பத்தர்² pattar, n. < T. battuḍu. A caste title of goldsmiths; தட்டார் பட்டப்பெயருள் ஒன்று. பத்தர்&sup5; pattar, n. perh. vartaka. Merchants; வியாபாரிகள். Cylinder seal of Ibni Sharrum (Louvre Museum) "This chlorite cylinder seal belonged to Ibni-sharrum, scribe of King Sharkalisharri, king of Akkad (present-day Iraq), son and successor of Naram-sin (3rd millennium BC), as indicated by the cuneiform inscription between two animals. It depicts two heroes watering buffaloes with gushing vases, probably two acolytes of the great Sumero-Chaldean god ENKI (Ea)." Courtesy, The Louvre, Paris, respectively copyright RMN/Franck Raux and RMN/Thierry Ollivier. More at "Cylinder Seal of Ibni-Sharrum, described as "one of the most striking examples of the perfection attained by carvers in the Agade period [2350–2170 BCE]. . . . The decoration, which is characteristic of the Agade period, shows two buffaloes that have just slaked their thirst in the stream of water spurting from two vases held by two naked kneeling heroes." It belonged to Ibni-Sharrum, the scribe of King Sharkali-Sharri, who succeeded his father Naram-Sin. The caption cotinues: "The two naked, curly-headed heroes are arranged symmetrically, half-kneeling. They are both holding vases from which water is gushing as a symbol of fertility and abundance; it is also the attribute of the god of the river, Enki-Ea, of whom these spirits of running water are indeed the acolytes. Two arni, or water buffaloes, have just drunk from them. Below the scene, a river winds between the mountains represented conventionally by a pattern of two lines of scales. The central cartouche bearing an inscription is held between the buffaloes' horns." The buffalo was known to have come from ancient Indus lands by the Akkadians." • Héros acolytes d'Ea abreuvant des buffles " A masterpiece of glyptic art This seal, which belonged to Ibni-Sharrum, the scribe of King Sharkali-Sharri, who succeeded his father Naram-Sin, is one of the most striking examples of the perfection attained by carvers in the Agade period. The two naked, curly-headed heroes are arranged symmetrically, half-kneeling. They are both holding vases from which water is gushing as a symbol of fertility and abundance; it is also the attribute of the god of the river, Enki-Ea, of whom these spirits of running water are indeed the acolytes. Two arni, or water buffaloes, have just drunk from them. Below the scene, a river winds between the mountains represented conventionally by a pattern of two lines of scales. The central cartouche bearing an inscription is held between the buffaloes' horns. A scene testifying to relations with distant lands Buffaloes are emblematic animals in glyptic art in the Agade period. They first appear in the reign of Sargon, indicating sustained relations between the Akkadian Empire and the distant country of Meluhha, that is, the present Indus Valley, where these animals come from. These exotic creatures were probably kept in zoos and do not seem to have been acclimatized in Iraq at the end of the 3rd millennium BC. Indeed, it was not until the Sassanid Empire that they reappeared. The engraver has carefully accentuated the animals' powerful muscles and spectacular horns, which are shown as if seen from above, as they appear on the seals of the Indus. The production of a royal workshop The calm balance of the composition, based on horizontal and vertical lines, gives this tiny low relief a classical monumental character, typical of the style of the late Akkadian period. Seals of this quality were the preserve of the entourage of the royal family or high dignitaries and were probably made in a workshop whose production was reserved for this elite."
NOTE: This is an unprovenanced seal posted on a website citing an exhibition held in 2017. I have called it Mehrgarh Pasupati seal -- and silver-capped twisted, crumpled ancient 'unicorn' horn as medhā koḍ 'iron workshop' Silver-capped twisted, crumpled ancient 'unicorn' horn is read as mer̥ha deren 'crumpled horn'. tešk loop, curve of horn.(Toda), tere 'a wave' (Kannada):Ta. tiraṅku (tiraṅki-) to be wrinkled, crumpled, dry up as dead leaves, be folded in as the fingers of a closed hand, be curled up as the hair; tirakku (tirakki-) to be crumpled, shrivel, wrinkle; tiraṅkal being strivelled, wrinkled, crumpled; tirai (-v-, -nt-) to become wrinkled as the skin by age, be wrinkled, creased as a cloth, roll as waves; (-pp-, -tt-) to roll as waves; gather up, contract, close as the mouth of a sack, plait the ends of a cloth as in dressing, tuck up as one's cloth; n. wrinkle as in the skin through age, curtain as rolled up, wave, billow, ripple; tiraiyal wrinkling; tiraivu wrinkling as by age, rolling as of waves. Ma. tira wave, billow, curtain; tiraccal wrinkles; tirekkuka to roll as waves; tirappu rolling. To. terf- (tert-) to make a loop (of cane); tešk loop, curve of horn. Ka. tere a wave, billow, curtain, cloth for concealing oneself used by huntsmen. Koḍ. (Shanmugam) tere wave, dress, screen. Tu. śerè, serè a wave, billow; serasarè, serasrè curtain, screen. Te. tera screen, curtain, wave. Br.trikking to wither up, change colour, fade. / Cf. Sgh. tiraya curtain, veil (delete from Turner, CDIAL, no. 5825); (Burrow 1967, p. 41).(DEDR 3244) Rebus reading of mer̥ha 'crumpled' is: meḍ 'iron' (Ho.Mu.); medhā 'yajna, dhanam'. meḍhi 'twist' Rupaka, 'metaphor' or rebus reading: meḍ 'iron' (Mu.Ho.) med 'copper' (Slavic languages)The horn hieroglyph: koḍ 'horn' rebus: koḍ 'workshop'. Thus, the crumpled, curved, twisted horn of the unicorn is read as medhā koḍ 'iron workshop which produces dhanam, wealth of metals'. Mehrgarh Paśupati seal Below the platform:a pair of haystacks: mēṭa 'stack of hay' rebus: medhā 'yajna, dhanam' PLUS dula 'pair' rebus; dul 'metal casting'.Thus, wealth of metal castings Hypertext: shoggy face with brisltles of hair on the face of the person: sodo bodo, sodro bodro adj. adv. rough, hairy, shoggy, hirsute, uneven; sodo [Persian. sodā, dealing] trade; traffic; merchandise; marketing; a bargain; the purchase or sale of goods; buying and selling; mercantile dealings (G.lex.)sodagor = a merchant, trader; sodāgor (P.B.) id. (Santali) Face:muhã ʻ face, mouth, head, person ʼRebus:mũhã̄ 'the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native furnace' Bi. mũh ʻ opening or hole (in a stove for stoking, in a handmill for filling, in a grainstore for withdrawing) ʼ(CDIAL 10158) Seated person in penance: kamaḍha 'penance' Rebus:kammaṭa 'mint, coiner' Bangles on arms: karã̄ n. pl.wristlets, bangles' Rebus: khãr 'blacksmith' Buffalo horns: rango 'water buffalo' Rebus: rango ‘pewter’. ranga, rang pewter is an alloy of tin, lead, and antimony (anjana) (Santali). Hieroglyhph: buffalo: Ku. N. rã̄go ʻ buffalo bull ʼ (or < raṅku -- ?).(CDIAL 10538, 10559) Rebus: raṅga3 n. ʻ tin ʼ lex. [Cf. nāga -- 2, vaṅga -- 1] Pk. raṁga -- n. ʻ tin ʼ; P. rã̄g f., rã̄gā m. ʻ pewter, tin ʼ (← H.); Ku. rāṅ ʻ tin, solder ʼ, gng. rã̄k; N. rāṅ, rāṅo ʻ tin, solder ʼ, A. B. rāṅ; Or. rāṅga ʻ tin ʼ, rāṅgā ʻ solder, spelter ʼ, Bi. Mth. rã̄gā, OAw. rāṁga; H. rã̄g f., rã̄gā m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; Si. ran̆ga ʻ tin ʼ.(CDIAL 10562) B. rāṅ(g)tā ʻ tinsel, copper -- foil ʼ.(CDIAL 10567) Stars on horns: meḍha 'polar star' (Marathi). meḍ 'iron' (Ho.Mu.); medhā 'yajna, dhanam' Twigs on hair-dress: kūdī 'bunch of twigs' (Sanskrit) rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter furnace' (Santali) Two adoring, offering adorants with vases in their hands: पूतभृत् pūtábhr̥ta 'soldier offering purified soma in a smelter'--पूतभृत् pūtábhr̥ta 'Soma purified, carried in a vessel) by a worshpper, The Indus Script inscription the Mehrgarh Pasupati seal (i on the photo, top line) is: \ Slanted line PLUS " Sign 99 'splinter' Reading of Sign 267 PLUS Sign 99: kancu ʼmũh sal 'bell-metal ingot workshop'. Reading of Sign 307: kamaḍha 'archer' Rebus:kammaṭa 'mint, coiner' Reading of Slanted line: ḍhāḷ = a slope; the inclination of a plane (G.) Rebus: : ḍhāḷako = a large metal ingot Reading of Sign 342: Sign 342 'rim-of-jar'कर्णक m. (ifc. f(आ).) a prominence or handle or projection on the side or sides (of a vessel &c ) , a tendril S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Rebus: कर्णिक having a helm; a steersman; m. pl. N. of a people VP. (Monier-Williams) rebus:karṇī 'supercargo', 'engraver' (Marathi) Thus, together, the text message of the Mehrgarh Pasupati seal is: steersman's, supercargo's mint with bell-metal ingot workshop, largemetal ingots. Variants of Sign 307 (Bow and arrow) kamaṭha m. ʻ bamboo ʼ lex. 2. *kāmaṭha -- . 3. *kāmāṭṭha -- . 4. *kammaṭha -- . 5. *kammaṭṭha -- . 6. *kambāṭha -- . 7. *kambiṭṭha -- . [Cf. kambi -- ʻ shoot of bamboo ʼ, kārmuka -- 2 n. ʻ bow ʼ Mn., ʻ bamboo ʼ lex. which may therefore belong here rather than to kr̥múka -- . Certainly ← Austro -- as. PMWS 33 with lit. -- See kāca -- 3] 1. Pk. kamaḍha -- , °aya -- m. ʻ bamboo ʼ; Bhoj. kōro ʻ bamboo poles ʼ.2. N. kāmro ʻ bamboo, lath, piece of wood ʼ, OAw. kāṁvari ʻ bamboo pole with slings at each end for carrying things ʼ, H. kã̄waṛ, °ar, kāwaṛ, °ar f., G. kāvaṛ f., M. kāvaḍ f.; -- deriv. Pk. kāvaḍia -- , kavvāḍia -- m. ʻ one who carries a yoke ʼ, H. kã̄waṛī, °ṛiyā m., G. kāvaṛiyɔ m. 3. S. kāvāṭhī f. ʻ carrying pole ʼ, kāvāṭhyo m. ʻ the man who carries it ʼ. 4. Or. kāmaṛā, °muṛā ʻ rafters of a thatched house ʼ;G. kāmṛũ n., °ṛī f. ʻ chip of bamboo ʼ, kāmaṛ -- koṭiyũ n. ʻ bamboo hut ʼ. 5. B. kāmṭhā ʻ bow ʼ, G. kāmṭhũ n., °ṭhī f. ʻ bow ʼ; M. kamṭhā, °ṭā m. ʻ bow of bamboo or horn ʼ; -- deriv. G. kāmṭhiyɔ m. ʻ archer ʼ. 6. A. kabāri ʻ flat piece of bamboo used in smoothing an earthen image ʼ. 7. M. kã̄bīṭ, °baṭ, °bṭī, kāmīṭ, °maṭ, °mṭī, kāmṭhī, kāmāṭhī f. ʻ split piece of bamboo &c., lath ʼ.(CDIAL 2760) Rebus: kammaṭa 'mint, coiner' kaṇḍa 'arrow' Rebus: 'stone (ore)metal'; kaṇḍa 'fire-altar'. ayaskāṇḍa is explained in Panini as 'excellent quantity of iron'. variants of Sign 307 variants of sign 305 Sign 28 ciphertext is composed of Sign 1 and Sign 307. kāˊṇḍīra ʻ armed with arrows ʼ Pāṇ., m. ʻ archer ʼ lex. [ kāˊṇḍa -- ]H. kanīrā m. ʻ a caste (usu. of arrow -- makers) ʼ.(CDIAL 3026). Hypertext reads: kamaḍha 'archer' Rebus:kammaṭa 'mint, coiner' Sign 267 is oval=shape variant, rhombus-shape of a bun ingot. Like Sign 373, this sign also signifies mũhã̄ 'bun ingot' PLUS kanac 'corner' rebus: kancu 'bell-metal'.kaṁsá1 m. ʻ metal cup ʼAV., m.n. ʻ bell -- metal ʼ Pat. as in S., but would in Pa. Pk. and most NIA. lggs. collide with kāˊṁsya -- to which L. P. testify and under which the remaining forms for the metal are listed. 2. *kaṁsikā -- .1. Pa. kaṁsa -- m. ʻ bronze dish ʼ; S. kañjho m. ʻ bellmetal ʼ; A. kã̄h ʻgong ʼ; Or. kãsā ʻ big pot of bell -- metal ʼ; OMarw. kāso (= kã̄ -- ?) m. ʻ bell -- metal tray for food, food ʼ; G. kã̄sā m. pl. ʻ cymbals ʼ; -- perh. Woṭ. kasṓṭ m. ʻ metal pot ʼ Buddruss Woṭ 109.2. Pk. kaṁsiā -- f. ʻ a kind of musical instrument ʼ; A. kã̄hi ʻ bell -- metal dish ʼ; G. kã̄śī f. ʻ bell -- metal cymbal ʼ, kã̄śiyɔ m. ʻ open bellmetal pan ʼ. (CDIAL 2756) Sign 272 cyphertext is a composite of Sign 267 and smoke, flame signifying a portable furnace. Lozenge, corner, signifier of portable furnace smoke/fire. Lozenge or oval shapes are mũhã̄ 'bun-ingot' shapes. kammaṭa 'portable furnace to melt metals', rebus: Ta. kampaṭṭam coinage, coin. Ma. kammaṭṭam, kammiṭṭam coinage, mint. Ka. kammaṭa id.; kammaṭi a coiner (DEDR 1236). Thus, kancu ʼmũh kammaṭa bronze, bell-metal ingot mint. Sign 276 Variant Sign 278. The hypertext is composed of Sign 267 and a hieroglyph,'splinter': sal 'splinter' rebus: sal 'workshop'. Thus Sign 276 reads, kancu ʼmũh sal 'bell-metal ingot workshop'. Sign 278 has a circumscript: four short strokes: gaṇḍā 'four' rebus: kaṇḍa 'fire-altar'. kã̄dur m. ʻ oven ʼ (Kashmiri).: kándu f. ʻ iron pot ʼ Suśr., °uka -- m. ʻ saucepan ʼ.Pk. kaṁdu -- , kaṁḍu -- m.f. ʻ cooking pot ʼ; K. kō̃da f. ʻ potter's kiln, lime or brick kiln ʼ; -- ext. with -- ḍa -- : K. kã̄dur m. ʻ oven ʼ. -- Deriv. Pk. kaṁḍua -- ʻ sweetseller ʼ (< *kānduka -- ?); H. kã̄dū m. ʻ a caste that makes sweetmeats ʼ. (CDIAL 2726)*kandukara ʻ worker with pans ʼ. [kándu -- , kará -- 1]K. kã̄dar, kã̄duru dat. °daris m. ʻ baker ʼ. (CDIAL 2728) Tu. kandůka, kandaka ditch, trench. Te. kandakamu id. Konḍa kanda trench made as a fireplace during weddings. Pe.kanda fire trench. Kui kanda small trench for fireplace. Malt. kandri a pit.(DEDR 1214)
This paper brings together studies published over the last fifteen years which clarify aspects of the so-called Oešo/ ivĀ problem. Essentially, the problem revolves around the identification of the figure on Kuṣ ṇa coins and seĀls which hĀs some ' ivĀ' mĀrkers āut is inscriāed 'Oešo'. The prevailing opinion that the figure is ivĀ cannot be maintained in light of the information from the recent findings, discussed below, in the following sequence:
The topic is not a novel one. Most of the scholars, especially the epigraphists W acquainted with a symbol which occurs at the beginning of a Pala record engraved oh & stone, a copper plate or on the pedestal of an image. This developed form have not been taken into serious consideration regarding the dating of an epigraph oi-more specifically an image by scholars and art-historians when the actual dating is absent.
Hieroglyph: श्री--वत्स a partic. mark or curl of hair on the breast of विष्णु or कृष्ण (and of other divine beings ; said to be white and represented in pictures by a symbol resembling a cruciform flower) (महाभारत); the emblem of the tenth जिन (or विष्णु's mark so used) श्री-वत्स an epithet of Viṣṇu. -2 a mark or curl of hair on the breast of Viṣṇu; प्रभानुलिप्त- श्रीवत्सं लक्ष्मीविभ्रमदर्पणम् R.1.1.; ˚अङ्कः, ˚धारिन्, ˚मृत्, ˚लक्ष्मन्, ˚लाञ्छन m. epithets of Viṣṇu; तमभ्यगच्छत् प्रथमो विधाता श्रीवत्सलक्ष्मा पुरुषश्च साक्षात् Ku.7.43. -वत्सकिन् m. a horse having a curl of hair on his breast.Rebus:श्री-वत्स " favourite of श्री " N. of विष्णु Śrivatsa on the chest of red sandstone figure of a Tīrthānkara, ca. 2nd cent See: Divinity Narayana is shown with śrivatsa motif on his chest on a bronze śilpa. This is an evocation of Śr, 'wealth' associated with divinity Narayana in the śrivaiṣṇava tradition. Bronze statue 14.5" X 8" X 4"; 9.6 Kg See: Srivastava, A. L., 1979. The Srivatsa Symbol in Indian Art. In: EW, N. S., Vol. XXIX(1-4): 37-60. Bapat, P. V., 1953. Four Auspicious Things of the Buddhists: Srivatsa, Svastika, Nandyavarta and Vardhamana. In: Indica, The Indian Hist. Res. Inst. Silver Jubilee Comm. Vol., Bombay, pp. 38-4 S’rivatsa on the chest, zoomed.Red sandstone figure of aTirthankara, ca. 2 nd cent. The śrivatsa motif is shown on the chest of all tirthankara. It is so important. (See fn. 37 “Shrivatsa in the earlier images is generally a vertical line with an S- shaped mark on its left, and its mirror image on the right. Later the symbol changed into a lozenge shaped four-petalled flower. In Hinduism it represents "Shri" the Goddess of fortune. It is the special mark of Vishnu. In Jainism Shrivatsa is found on the chests of Tirthankaras all over Northern India but not in South India. The symbol appears sometimes on the images of the Buddha but not on the chest. (C. Siva Ram Murti in Ancient India, No. 6, pp. 44-46).” (loc. cit. Ashok Kumar Roy, 1984, A History of the Jains, New Delhi, Gitanjali Publishing House). Ebook at S’risuktam is a sukta of 15 verses and is a Rigveda khila. Sayana, Prithvidhara and Nanjiyar have commented on this sukta. One view of the sukta is that it is a tribute to the metal, gold – associating s’ri with wealth. Listen to the suktam rendered by MN Venkata Sastry: Also at The suktam and translation are at S’ri is said to have two children: kardama and ciklita. Association is with a_pah, ‘waters’. The very first line refers to: s’ri_m as, harin.i_m, suvarn.a rajata srajam. This evokes association with gold and silver. The sukta is also an invocation to soma (interpreting cikli_ra as cikri_ta, ‘the purchased one, that is soma’. The literal meanings of kardama and cikli_ta are ‘mud’ and ‘mire, ooze’. At Arikamedu was found one square copper coin with the motifs: an elephant, a ritual umbrella, S’rivatsa symbol, and the front of a horse.[ K. V. Raman, “A Note on the Square Copper Coin from Arikamedu” in The Ancient Port of Arikamedu, p. 391-392.] A stone s’ilpa of matsya in Dhaka museum may be seen at the exquisite Huntington Archive Suvarn.a matsya or a pair of fishes with their noses touching each other with uplifted tails is an auspicious motif of the bauddha tradition. It is interesting that a metal magnet was called matsya mantra to determine direction while on high seas, indicating the association of matsya with metal. In Pali texts, matsya people are associated with Surasena. Matsya is a mahajanapada mentioned in the bauddha tradition of 16 janapada. “How can You be purified, therefore, by the dust of the path traversed by the brahmanas, and how can You be glorified or made fortunate by the marks of Srivatsa on Your chest? “ (Srimadbhagavatam, Canto 3, Chapter Sixteen, ‘The two doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Jaya and VIjaya, cursed by the sages’. Right quadrant of ayagapatta showing s’rivatsa motif Site: Manoharpura (on the Delhi-Jaipur highway), Kusana late 1st-3rd century, 50 CE - 299 CE Red sandstone, Lucknow state museum (A curving fish-tail enveloping the tied fish in the center, that is, one S motif and its inverse on either side tie up the fish in the center). Location: India Site: India Monument/Object: architectural fragment Current Location: Madras Government Museum, Madras, Tamil Nadu, India Subject: triratna and lotus medallion Period: Satavahana Date: 1st century BCE - 1st century CE Material: stone, white Scan Number: 12037 Photo Date: 1984 Image Source: Huntington Archive Location: Bharhut Village, Satna Dt., Madhya Pradesh, India Site: Bharhut Village Monument/Object: Bharhut Stupa, architectural fragment, vedika (railing) pillar, roundel, relief sculpture Current Location: Allahabad Municipal Museum, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India Subject: triratna Photo Depicts: bottom section Period: Sunga and Related Periods Date: 2nd - 1st century BCE Religious Affiliation: Buddhist Material: sandstone Scan Number: 11535 Photo Date: 1984 Image Source: Huntington Archive Location: Manoharpura, Mathura Dt., Uttar Pradesh, India Site: Manoharpura Monument/Object: ayagapatta Current Location: National Museum, New Delhi, India Subject: twin fish and srivatsa Photo Depicts: top section Period: Kusana (India) Date: late 1st - 3rd century CE Religious Affiliation: Jain Material: sandstone, red Scan Number: 53016 Copyright: Huntington, John C. and Susan L. Image Source: Huntington Archive Location: Manoharpura, Mathura Dt., Uttar Pradesh, India Site: Manoharpura Monument/Object: ayagapatta Current Location: Lucknow State Museum, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India Subject: Srivatsa Photo Depicts: right quadrant Period: Kusana (India) Date: late 1st - 3rd century CE Religious Affiliation: Jain Material: sandstone, red Scan Number: 53011 Copyright: Huntington, John C. and Susan L. Image Source: Huntington Archive Triratna carved on a medallion of a vedic pillar. Fifth pillar E from N gate.Sunga. C. 100 BCE. Stone. Structural. Location: Sanchi, Raisen Dt., Madhya Pradesh, India Site: Sanchi Monument/Object: Sanchi Buddhist Monastery complex, Stupa 2, pillar, medallion Subject: triratna motif Photo Depicts: 5th pillar east from north gate (proceeding east, left to right), middle section, medallion Locator Information: vedika (railing) interior Period: Sunga and Related Periods Date: ca. 100 BCE Religious Affiliation: Buddhist Material: stone Scan Number: 11183 Copyright: Huntington, John C. and Susan L. This is the cental motif of twin fish enveloping the central motif, thus constituting the s’rivatsa. The second image of the second section of the ayagapatta also found at Manoharpura, is now at National Museum, New Delhi.
Introduction, translation & edition of Ch. 7 of the Black Pillar, root text of the Bon Phurpa tantras. Examining its indigenous deity binary, Hawks and Wolves, we consider Bon influence on Tibetan Buddhist Heruka iconography. Pages 153-170 of "From Bhakti to Bon. Festschrift for Per Kværne", ed. Charles Ramble and Hanna Havnevik. The Institute for Comparative Religion in Human Culture/ Novus Forlag, Oslo 2015.
Mohenjo-daro Seal impression. m0296 Two heads of one-horned bulls with neck-rings, joined end to end (to a standard device with two rings coming out of the top part?), under a stylized tree-branch with nine leaves. saṅghara 'chain link' rebus: sangara 'trade'; samgaha ‘catalogue, list’. खोंद [ khōnda ] n A hump (on the back): also a protuberance or an incurvation (of a wall, a hedge, a road). Rebus: kō̃da -कोँद । इष्टिकाभ्राष्ट्रः f. a brick-kiln. (Kashmiri) kõdār 'turner' (Bengali). Rebus: खोदणें [ khōdaṇēṃ ] v c & i ( H) To dig. 2 To engrave. खोद खोदून विचारणें or -पुसणें To question minutely and searchingly, to probe.गोट [ gōṭa ] m ( H) A metal wristlet. An ornament of women. 2 Encircling or investing. v घाल, दे. 3 An encampment or camp: also a division of a camp. 4 The hem or an appended border (of a garment).गोटा [ gōṭā ] m A roundish stone or pebble. 2 A marble (of stone, lac, wood &c.) 3 fig. A grain of rice in the ear. Ex. पावसानें भाताचे गोटे झडले. An overripe and rattling cocoanut: also such dry kernel detached from the shell. 5 A narrow fillet of brocade.गोटाळ [ gōṭāḷa ] a (गोटा) Abounding in pebbles--ground.गोटी [ gōṭī ] f (Dim. of गोटा) A roundish stone or pebble. 2 A marble. 3 A large lifting stone. Used in trials of strength among the Athletæ. 4 A stone in temples described at length under उचला 5 fig. A term for a round, fleshy, well-filled body. Rebus: गोटी [ gōṭī ] f (Dim. of गोटा) A lump of silver: as obtained by melting down lace or fringe. Hieroglyph: lo = nine (Santali); no = nine (B.) on-patu = nine (Ta.) [Note the count of nine fig leaves on m0296] Rebus: loa = aspecies of fig tree, ficus glomerata, the fruit of ficus glomerata (Santali.lex.) Epigraph: 1387 kana, kanac = corner (Santali); Rebus: kan~cu = bronze (Te.) Ligatured glyph. ara 'spoke' rebus: ara 'brass'. era, er-a = eraka = ?nave; erako_lu = the iron axle of a carriage (Ka.M.); cf. irasu (Ka.lex.) [Note Sign 391 and its ligatures Signs 392 and 393 may connote a spoked-wheel, nave of the wheel through which the axle passes; cf. ara_, spoke]erka = ekke (Tbh. of arka) aka (Tbh. of arka) copper (metal); crystal (Ka.lex.) cf. eruvai = copper (Ta.lex.) eraka, er-aka = any metal infusion (Ka.Tu.); erako molten cast (Tu.lex.) Rebus: eraka = copper (Ka.)eruvai = copper (Ta.); ere - a dark-red colour (Ka.)(DEDR 817). eraka, era, er-a = syn. erka, copper, weapons (Ka.)Vikalpa: ara, arā (RV.) = spoke of wheel ஆரம்² āram , n. < āra. 1. Spoke of a wheel. See ஆரக்கால். ஆரஞ் சூழ்ந்தவயில்வாய்நேமியொடு (சிறுபாண். 253). Rebus: ஆரம் brass; பித்தளை.(அக. நி.)kund opening in the nave or hub of a wheel to admit the axle (Santali) Rebus: kō̃da -कोँद । इष्टिकाभ्राष्ट्रः f. a brick-kiln. (Kashmiri) kõdār 'turner' (Bengali). kuṭi = a slice, a bit, a small piece (Santali.lex.Bodding) Rebus: kuṭhi ‘iron smelter furnace’ (Santali) kuṭhī factory (A.)(CDIAL 3546) Thus, the sign sequence connotes a copper, bronze, brass smelter furnace Ayo ‘fish’; kaṇḍa ‘arrow’; rebus: ayaskāṇḍa. The sign sequence is ayaskāṇḍa ‘a quantity of iron, excellent iron’ (Pāṇ.gaṇ) ayo, hako 'fish'; a~s = scales of fish (Santali); rebus: aya = iron (G.); ayah, ayas = metal (Skt.) kaṇḍa ‘fire-altar’ (Santali) DEDR 191 Ta. ayirai, acarai, acalai loach, sandy colour, Cobitis thermalis; ayilai a kind of fish. Ma. ayala a fish, mackerel, scomber; aila, ayila a fish; ayira a kind of small fish, loach. kole.l 'temple, smithy' (Ko.); kolme ‘smithy' (Ka.) kol ‘working in iron, blacksmith (Ta.); kollan-blacksmith (Ta.); kollan blacksmith, artificer (Ma.)(DEDR 2133) kolme = furnace (Ka.) kol = pan~calo_ha (five metals); kol metal (Ta.lex.) pan~caloha = a metallic alloy containing five metals: copper, brass, tin, lead and iron (Skt.); an alternative list of five metals: gold, silver, copper, tin (lead), and iron (dhātu; Nānārtharatnākara. 82; Man:garāja’s Nighaṇṭu. 498)(Ka.) kol, kolhe, ‘the koles, an aboriginal tribe if iron smelters speaking a language akin to that of Santals’ (Santali) Zebu and leaves. In front of the standard device and the stylized tree of 9 leaves, are the black buck antelopes. Black paint on red ware of Kulli style. Mehi. Second-half of 3rd millennium BCE. [After G.L. Possehl, 1986, Kulli: an exploration of an ancient civilization in South Asia, Centers of Civilization, I, Durham, NC: 46, fig. 18 (Mehi II.4.5), based on Stein 1931: pl. 30. adar ḍangra ‘zebu’ (Santali); Rebus: aduru ‘native metal’ (Ka.);ḍhan:gar ‘blacksmith’ (WPah.) ayir = iron dust, any ore (Ma.) aduru = gan.iyinda tegadu karagade iruva aduru = ore taken from the mine and not subjected to melting in a furnace (Ka. Siddha_nti Subrahman.ya’ S’astri’s new interpretation of the Amarakos’a, Bangalore, Vicaradarpana Press, 1872, p. 330) DEDR 192 Ta. ayil iron. Ma. ayir, ayiram any ore. Ka. aduru native metal. Tu. ajirda karba very hard iron V326 (Orthographic variants of Sign 326) V327 (Orthographic variants of Sign 327) loa = a species of fig tree, ficus glomerata, the fruit of ficus glomerata (Santali.lex.) Vikalpa: kamaṛkom ‘ficus’ (Santali); rebus: kampaṭṭam ‘mint’ (Ta.) patra ‘leaf’ (Skt.); rebus: paṭṭarai ‘workshop’ (Ta.) Rebus: lo ‘iron’ (Assamese, Bengali); loa ‘iron’ (Gypsy) lauha = made of copper or iron (Gr.S'r.); metal, iron (Skt.); lo_haka_ra = coppersmith, ironsmith (Pali); lo_ha_ra = blacksmith (Pt.); lohal.a (Or.); lo_ha = metal, esp. copper or bronze (Pali); copper (VS.); loho, lo_ = metal, ore, iron (Si.) loha lut.i = iron utensils and implements (Santali.lex.) koṭiyum = a wooden circle put round the neck of an animal; koṭ = neck (G.lex.) kōṭu = horns (Ta.) kōḍiya, kōḍe = young bull (G.) Rebus: koḍ = place where artisans work (Gujarati) dol = likeness, picture, form (Santali) [e.g., two tigers, two bulls, duplicated signs] me~ṛhe~t iron; ispat m. = steel; dul m. = cast iron (Santali) [Thus, the paired glyph of one-horned heifers connotes (metal) casting (dul) workshop (koḍ)] The standard device A variant may be seen. 1.Finely burnished gold fillet (headband) with holes at both ends to hold a cord. Each end is decorated with a punctuated design of standard device. 42 x 1.4 cm. Mohenjodaro Museum, MM 1366; Marshall 1931: 220.527. Pl. CXVIII, 14 (for punctuated design) 2. Detail of gold fillet with punctuated design of standard device at both ends of the gold fillet. (After Fig. 7.32, Kenoyer, 1998)
Exotic India Art, 2016
Simple graphics or an iconic image, in his symbols man has sought across ages a moral-boosting energy and support. In art or in the course of day-today life, man has been using for millenniums symbols for portraying probabilities – the course that things might take as they occur or progress, and also for embodying the divine forces that steered his efforts into desired direction. The ‘desired’ being the goal of man’s efforts he would resort to anything that takes him nearer to it.
Deities with a dual character on Ancient Near East cylinder seals, 2019
In this paper I discuss five imprints of cylinder seals depicting deities with a dual character: they are servant as well as queen, father as well as mother, and one of them is the god of the constellation Gemini.
This article interprets the iconographic motifs on three seal impressions discovered at the north Syrian Tell Mozan site, which are dated to the last third of third millennium B.C. In ancient times, the city was known as Urkesh and the population of Hurrians played an important role there. The motif on the first seal impression is that of a herd and a dog gazing at a bird. The seal impression is damaged, but it is likely that the bird bore a human figure, which allows us to associate this scene with the Legend of Etana. The motif on the second impression is a double-faced god, most likely Isimud/Usmu. These two motifs show numerous thematic and stylistic Akkadian elements, which demonstrate southern Mesopotamian influences on the culture of Urkesh. The third motif is an anthropomorphic figure in the mountains. Even here some comparisons can be considered but no close textual parallel has been found. All three impressions are analyzed and interpreted through a comparison with parallel themes in mythological texts and in Akkadian glyptic. A mythological background seems very likely in the case of the first and second motifs but cannot be ascertained regarding the third one. The provenance of the first two motifs is uncertain and there is no conclusive proof of Urkesh origin. The seals could come from the Akkadian cultural enviroment, but it is possible that their content was known in the Hurrian city because of the spread of scribal tradition. There are fewer common features between the third motif and Akkadian glyptic, which makes its origin in Urkesh more probable.
The bilingual inscription on the seal constitutes a bi-lingual Rosetta Stone for the Indus Writing System. Aḍḍa, bi-lingual dub-sar inscribes Indus Script hypertexts, of آهن āhan ‘ironsmith, āra kammaṭa ‘brass mint’, The characteristic one-horned young bull of the highest frequency on Indus script corpora is deployed on the cylinder seal to signify the professional title, life-activity of Aḍḍa, scribe kō̃da ‘smelter, engraver, turner’ kundaṇa ’fine gold’ lapidary worker. Ta. kuntaṉam interspace for setting gems in a jewel; fine gold (< Te.). Ka. kundaṇa setting a precious stone in fine gold; fine gold; kundana fine gold. Tu. kundaṇa pure gold. Te. kundanamu fine gold used in very thin foils in setting precious stones; setting precious stones with fine gold.(DEDR 1725) अशनिः m., f. [अश्नुते संहति, अश् अनि Uṇ 2.11] 1 Indra's thunderbolt; शक्रस्य महाशनिध्वजम् R.3.56. -2 Flash of lightning; अनुवनमशनिर्गतः Sk.; अशनिः कल्पित एष वेधसा R.8.47; अशनेरमृतस्य चोभयोर्वशिनश्चाम्बुधराश्च योनयः Ku.4.43. -3 A missile. अष्टचक्रां महाघोरामशनिं रुद्रनिर्मिताम् Mb.7.175.96. -4 The tip of a missile. -5 A sacrificial rite (अनुयाज) to kill an enemy. -6 A master. -Comp. -दण्डः The thunderbolt. निर्भिद्याशनिदण्डचण्डतरया चञ्चूवाधुना वक्षसि Nāg.4.27. -नि m. 1 Indra. -2 Fire. -3 Fire produced from lightning (Apte) British Museum.Greenstone seal of Adda. Akkadian, about 2300-2200 BCE From Mesopotamia Height: 3.900 cm Diameter: 2.550 cm Acquired by E.A.W. Budge ME 89115 Room 56: Mesopotamia meḍ kuṭhi kammaṭa ‘iron smelter, mint’ The one-foot of the winged divinity which quivers of arrows is next to a tree. Just signifying one foot is the clearest demonstration of the hieroglyphic nature of the writing system of the cylinder seal. This writing system is cognate with the hypertext signifiers on Indus Script Cipher. The narrative signifies: meḍ ‘step’ rebus: meḍ ‘iron’ + kuṭi ‘tree’ rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelter’. Thus, meḍ kuṭhi ‘iron smelter’. Arrows emanate from the shoulder of the divinity. Khambha ‘shoulder’ rebus: kammaṭa ‘mint’. Together, the hypertext signifier is: meḍ kuṭhi kammaṭa ‘iron smelter, mint’ Fishes with fins on the field joined with a human body, pine cone and liquid measure.. A 14th-century B.C.E relief depicts a "fish-man" carrying a pinecone and bucket. Temple of Adda, storm-god in Aleppo. ranku ‘liquid measure’ rebus: ranku ‘tin’ Hieroglyphs: kandə ʻpineʼ, ‘ear of maize’. Rebus: kaṇḍa ‘tools, pots and pans of metal’. Rebus: kāḍ ‘stone’. Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ, (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone (DEDR 1298). Hypertext: ayo ‘fish’ rebus: aya ‘iron’ ayas ‘alloy metal’ PLUS khambhaṛā m. ʻ fin (Lahna) rebus: Ta. kampaṭṭam coinage, coin. Ma. kammaṭṭam, kammiṭṭam coinage, mint. Ka. kammaṭa id.; kammaṭi a coiner. (DEDR 1236).Thus, ayokammaṭa khaṇḍa ‘alloy metal mint,metal equipment’. Hieroglyph: కండె [ kaṇḍe ] kaṇḍe. [Telugu] n. A head or ear of millet or maize. జొన్నకంకి. खांदा [ khāndā ] An arm or a large bough of a tree; khānda खांद (Usually खांदी) A bough or branch (esp. a large one.) खांड [ khāṇḍa ] A chump or division of a tree.(Marathi) Hieroglyph: Ash. piċ -- kandə ʻ pine ʼ, Kt. pṳ̄ċi, piċi, Wg. puċ, püċ (pṳ̄ċ -- kəŕ ʻ pine -- cone ʼ), Pr. wyoċ, Shum. lyēwič (lyē -- ?).(CDIAL 8407). Cf. Gk. peu/kh f. ʻ pine ʼ, Lith. pušìs, OPruss. peuse NTS xiii 229. The suffix –kande in the lexeme: Ash. piċ-- kandə ʻ pine ʼ may be cognate with the bulbous glyphic related to a mangrove root: Koḍ. kaṇḍe root-stock from which small roots grow; ila·ti kaṇḍe sweet potato (ila·ti England). Tu. kaṇḍe, gaḍḍè a bulbous root; Ta. kaṇṭal mangrove, Rhizophora mucronata; dichotomous mangrove, Kandelia rheedii. Ma. kaṇṭa bulbous root as of lotus, plantain; point where branches and bunches grow out of the stem of a palm; kaṇṭal what is bulb-like, half-ripe jackfruit and other green fruits; R. candel. (DEDR 1171). Rebus: khaṇḍa ‘tools, pots and pans of metal’. Together, the hypertext signifies: sangaḍa ‘joined parts (man + fish-fin+pine cone+liquid messure)’ rebus: sã̄gah, 'catalogue' of ranku, ayo kammaṭa khaṇḍa ‘tin, alloy metal , metal implements mint’. ’ Akkadian dub-sar is a scribe. Bhāratīya sprachbund (speech union) kō̃da is an engraver. Cuneiform text is used to inscribe the syllables of the name and function: Aḍḍa, dub-sar. Indus Script hypertexts are used to detail metallurgical work descriptions of iron smelter, brass mint, equipment, thunderbolt weapon, alloy metal forging, engraver catalogue. The cylinder seal of Aḍḍa, dub-sar ‘scribe’ details – in unambiguous hieroglyphs: mẽṛhẽt kō̃da ‘iron smelter’, makes khaṇḍa ‘implements’, श्येन sēna’hawk’ ã̄šun ‘thunderbolt’, in ahan āra kammaṭa ‘blacksmith brass mint’ Aḍḍa, as kō̃da ‘engraver, turner’ is signified by kō̃da ‘young, one-horned, recumbent bull’ on the seal, next to the mountain-range. kō̃da 'young bull' ir rebus: kō̃da ‘turner, engraver’, 'fire-altar' (Kashmiri) payĕn-kō̃da पयन्-कोँद । परिपाककन्दुः f. a kiln (Kashmiri). Also a worker in fine gold: kundaṇa ‘fine gold’ kunda ‘nidhi of Kubera’. The key narratives on the cylinder seal relate to the semantics of ‘step’: 1. A winged lady steps her one foot on the mountain; 2. A horned person with waters, fishes overflowing from his shoulders, steps his foot on the mountain. The step is the cipher: meḍ ‘step’ rebus: meḍ ‘iron’ (Mu.Ho.) The word ahan, ‘blacksmith’ evolves semantically as a Sarasvati Civilization lingua franca idiom to signify goods and chattels as seen from the following expressions of Hindi, Kannda,Marathi: सरंजाम sarañjāma m ( P) Materials, apparatus, implements, furniture; articles appertaining unto or necessary for. 2 (Means of supporting or maintaining.) Villages and lands granted in inám to persons from whom the maintaining of forts or troops for the public service is required, or upon whom a horse, a pálkhí, or other honorable yet expense-involving gift has been conferred. सरंजाम is distinguished into जातसरंजाम & फौजसरंजाम. सरंजामी sarañjāmī a (सरंजाम) Given in inám for one of the purposes stated under the preceding word;--used of lands, districts, villages. 2 That holds villages &c. as saranjám. सरंजामी फौज An army or a body of troops maintained for the service of the state by a chieftain: as opp. to खासगी फौज. ... Aḍḍa, scribe, is a maker of aśáni ‘thunderbolt’(R̥gveda), is آهن ګر āhangar, ‘ironsmith’ signifier of aśáni ‘thunderbolt’. Cognate is sēna ‘hawk’ rebus: sēna ‘thunderbolt’. .
Enlil, Ninlil, Suen, Ningal, Dumuzid, Utu and Inanna, three divine generations depicted on one cylinder seal, 2018
On a seal the inscription reads Nin-IGI-KUL.LAB, oracle priest of Enlil. The word “Nin” means “owner” or “lord,” and tells us that IGI-KUL.LAB is the owner of the seal. But “Nin” also means “lady” or “mistress” and that may be the reason why three ladies or mistresses are depicted on this imprint: Ninlil, Ningal and Inanna.
Supercargo is a representative of the ship's owner on board a merchant ship, responsible for overseeing the cargo and its sale. M. kārṇī m. ʻ prime minister, supercargo of a ship ʼ, kul -- karṇī m. ʻ village accountant ʼ.kāraṇika m. ʻ teacher ʼ MBh., ʻ judge ʼ Pañcat. [kā- raṇa -- ]Pa. usu -- kāraṇika -- m. ʻ arrow -- maker ʼ; Pk. kāraṇiya -- m. ʻ teacher of Nyāya ʼ; S. kāriṇī m. ʻ guardian, heir ʼ; N. kārani ʻ abettor in crime ʼ(CDIAL 3058) This Supercargo is signified by the hieroglyph कर्णक kárṇaka, kannā 'legs spread', 'person standing with spread legs'. This occurs with 48 variants. See: Another hieroglyph which also signifies 'Supercargo' is 'rim-of-jar' hieroglyph', the most frequently occurring hypertext on Indus Script Corpora. See, for example, Daimabad seal. kárṇaka m. ʻ projection on the side of a vessel, handle ʼ ŚBr. [kárṇa -- ]Pa. kaṇṇaka -- ʻ having ears or corners ʼ; Wg. kaṇə ʻ ear -- ring ʼ NTS xvii 266; S. kano m. ʻ rim, border ʼ; P. kannā m. ʻ obtuse angle of a kite ʼ (→ H. kannā m. ʻ edge, rim, handle ʼ); N. kānu ʻ end of a rope for supporting a burden ʼ; B. kāṇā ʻ brim of a cup ʼ, G. kānɔ m.; M. kānā m. ʻ touch -- hole of a gun ʼ.(CDIAL 2831) Thus, the two hieroglyphs: 1.spread legs and 2. rim of jar are conclusive determinants signifying language used by the artisans: Prakrtam (mleccha/meluhha) and the underlying language basse for the hypertexts of Indus Script Corpora. Rakhigarhi extending over 350 hectares is the largest site of Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization. Two seals with identical messages found in both Rakhigarhi and Banawali signify a karNika, Supercargo (functionary of the metalwork guild; Rebus kañi-āra 'helmsman' karaṇī 'scribe'. ). This points to the possibility that Rakhigarhi and Banawali were both sites on Sarasvati River Basin which provided a navigable channel for seafaring artisans'/merchants' guilds (with a Supercargo, supervising the shipment), right upto Dholavira-Dwaraka and beyond through the Persian Gulf. I suggest that both Rakhigarhi seal and Banawali seal convey the identical message signifying a Supercargo (karNika), with a seafaring vessel (cargo boat), supervising the merchandise of dhAtu 'strands of rope' rebus: dhAtu 'minerals' from a fire--altar; sal 'splinter' rebus: sal 'workshop' (Hieroglyph: gaNDa 'four'Rebus: kanda 'fire-altar' khaNDa 'implements') PLUS ayo, aya 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron, ayas 'metal' PLUS adaren 'lid' rebus: aduru 'unsmelted metal'.PLUS khambhaṛā 'fish-fin' rebus: kammaTa 'mint, coin, coiner, coinage'. The tiger is horned: koD 'horn' rebus: koD 'workshop' kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter' kolle 'blacksmith' Thus, horned tiger signified smelter-workshop of blacksmith. The Supercargo karNika, signified with the standing person with legs spread is shown as possessing a sangaDa 'a cargo boat'. Hieroglyph: सांगड sāṅgaḍa lathe, portable furnace Rebus: sangaDa 'cargo boat'. Rakhigarhi seal replicates Banawari. Seal 17. Text 9201 Found in a gold-silversmith's residence.. Hornd tiger PLUS lathe + portable furnace. Banawali 17, Text 9201 Find spot: “The plan of ‘palatial building’ rectangular in shape (52 X 46 m) with eleven units of rooms…The discovery of a tiger seal from the sitting room and a few others from the house and its vicinity, weights ofchert, and lapis lazuli beads and deluxe Harappan pottery indicate that the house belonged to a prominent merchant.” (loc.cit. VK Agnihotri, 2005, Indian History, Delhi, Allied Publishers, p. A-60) Message on metalwork: kol ‘tiger’ (Santali); kollan ‘blacksmith’ (Ta.) kod. ‘horn’; kod. ‘artisan’s workshop’ PLUS śagaḍī = lathe (Gujarati) san:gaḍa, ‘lathe, portable furnace’; rebus: sangath संगथ् । संयोगः f. (sg. dat. sangüʦü association, living together, partnership (e.g. of beggars, rakes, members of a caravan, and so on); (of a man or woman) copulation, sexual union.sangāṭh संगाठ् । सामग्री m. (sg. dat. sangāṭas संगाटस्), a collection (of implements, tools, materials, for any object), apparatus, furniture, a collection of the things wanted on a journey, luggage, and so on. --karun -- करुन् । सामग्रीसंग्रहः m.inf. to collect the ab. (L.V. 17).(Kashmiri) Hieroglyph multiplex: gaNDa 'four' Rebus: khaNDa 'metal implements' aya 'fish' Rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'metal' aDaren 'lid' Rebus: aduru 'native metal' Hieroglyph: sal 'splinter' Rebus: sal 'workshop' Hieroglyph: dhāˊtu 'strand' Rebus: mineral: dhāˊtu n. ʻ substance ʼ RV., m. ʻ element ʼ MBh., ʻ metal, mineral, ore (esp. of a red colour) ʼ Mn., ʻ ashes of the dead ʼ lex., ʻ *strand of rope ʼ (cf. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ RV., ayugdhātu -- ʻ having an uneven number of strands ʼ KātyŚr.). [√dhā]Pa. dhātu -- m. ʻ element, ashes of the dead, relic ʼ; KharI. dhatu ʻ relic ʼ; Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ (whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M.dhāū, dhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ); -- Si. dā ʻ relic ʼ; -- S. dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, L. dhāī˜ f. (CDIAL 6773). Alternative: Hieroglyhph: Ko. gōṭu ʻ silver or gold braid ʼ Rebus: M. goṭ metal wristlet ʼ P. goṭṭā ʻ gold or silver lace ʼ, H. goṭā m. ʻ edging of such ʼ (→ K. goṭa m. ʻ edging of gold braid ʼ, S. goṭo m. ʻ gold or silver lace ʼ); P. goṭ f. ʻ spool on which gold or silver wire is wound, piece on a chequer board ʼ; (CDIAL 4271) Hieroglyph-multiplex: body PLUS platform: meD 'body' Rebus: meD 'iron' PLUS Hieroglyhph: pī˜ṛī ʻplatform of lingamʼ Rebus: Mth. pĩṛ, pĩṛā ʻlumpʼ Thus, the message of the hieroglyph-multiplex is: lump of iron. कर्णक kárṇaka, kannā 'legs spread', Rebus: karNika 'Supercargo'' merchant in charge of cargo of a shipment, helmsman, scribe. Rebus kañi-āra 'helmsman' karaṇī 'scribe'. Citadel Within the citadel of Rakhigarhi (RGR-2), mud-brick podiums like those at Kalibangan have been found. Here the podium has in-built oblong pit chambers, used possibly for ritualistic purpose. These chambers have deposits of charcoal bits.and cattle bones. In another fire altar of Rakhigarhi (RGR-2) the floor and niches were coated with mud plaster. Significantly, a terracotta bull figurine has been found.on the floor near the western niche. Most likely, the structure was a place of worship, and the bull a sacred, revered animal. Next to this structure, a T-shaped fire altar with carved ends has been found. Fire altars (Rakhigarhi) To the north, in the same alignment, a brick-lined redctangular pit containing animal bones predominantly of the bovine family has been found. Almost from the same level three circular fire altars positioned in a semi-circular fashion reminiscent of those at Banawali have been excavated. Fine brushing over the surface of these altars has revealed white patches of possibly burnt hard shell of fruits offered at the fire altar. Nearest to Rakhigarhi, gold panning or washing has been known in the upper reaches of Sutlej and Beas. Source: Published: January 7, 2016 00:00 IST | Updated: January 7, 2016 02:06 IST January 7, 2016 Rakhigarhi could unlock mystery of Indus civilisation • Jason Burke To the casual onlooker, Rakhigarhi is unimpressive. Yet the fields around and under this Indian village in Haryana are set to deliver the answer to one of the deepest secrets of ancient times Wazir Chand is explaining life 4,000 years ago. He points to the rocky mounds looming over a huddle of brick houses, a herd of black buffalo and a few stunted trees. A low rise was a fortification, Chand says, and a darker patch of red earth hides the site of an altar. He points to a slight depression. This, apparently, was a pit that may have been a reservoir. To the casual onlooker, Rakhigarhi is unimpressive. Yet the rubbish-strewn mounds and fields around and under this Indian village are set to deliver the answer to one of the deepest secrets of ancient times. Rakhigarhi is a key site in the Indus Valley civilisation, which ruled a more than 1m sq km swath of the Asian subcontinent during the bronze age and was as advanced and powerful as its better known contemporary counterparts in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Archaeologists have learned much about the civilisation since it was discovered along the Indus river in present day Pakistan about a century ago. Excavations have since uncovered huge carefully designed cities with massive grain stores, metal workshops, public baths, dockyards and household plumbing, as well as stunning distinctive seals. But many perplexing questions remain unanswered. One has stood out: who exactly were the people of the Indus civilisation? A response may come within weeks. “Our research will most definitely provide an answer. This will be a major breakthrough. I am very excited,” said Vasant Shinde, the archaeologist leading the current excavations at Rakhigarhi, which was discovered in 1965. Shinde’s conclusions will be published in the new year. They are based on DNA sequences derived from four skeletons — of two men, a woman and a child — excavated eight months ago and checked against DNA data from tens of thousands of people from all across the subcontinent, central Asia and Iran. “The DNA is likely to be incredibly interesting and it has the potential to address all sorts of challenging questions about the population history of the people of the Indus civilisation,” said Dr. Cameron Petrie, an expert in south Asian and Iranian archaeology at the University of Cambridge. The origins of the people of the Indus Valley civilisation has prompted a long-running argument that has lasted for more than five decades.
Goat, fin, fin of fish are recurring images of Ancient Near East and also on Indus Script Corpora. These three significant hieroglyphs relate to minwork catalogues. Variant ligatures on 'fish' hieroglyph are also explained in positional analyses describing the processes involved in working with aya 'iron' ayas 'metal'. Steven Bonta (2010) has presented a semiologic approach on the Indus Valley Script and offers some insights: “What is beyond reasonable dispute is that the Harappan signary is a sophisticated system of signs that represent, possibly quite elliptically, the language or languages employed by the Harappans…Whatever the irretrievable details of their culture and history, the preliminary evidence from their inscriptions appears to suggest that their voice may have been Indo-Aryan.” Michael Korvink presents a positional anaysis of 'fish' signs and highlights the ligatures to derive variants of the message conveyed by the basic glyph. Some ligatures are accents indicating 'fins' of fish read rebus as related to mintwork. What are recorded as Sumerian SUHUR.MASH, Akk. suhurmashu/i sometimes interpreted as 'sea-goat' and kulullû fish-man may relate to two Meluhha expressions:1. mr̤ēka 'goat': Ka. mēke she-goat; mē the bleating of sheep or goats. Te. mē̃ka, mēka goat. Kol. me·ke id. Nk. mēke id. Pa. mēva, (S.) mēya she-goat. Ga. (Oll.) mēge, (S.) mēge goat. Go. (M) mekā, (Ko.) mēka id. ? Kur. mēxnā (mīxyas) to call, call after loudly, hail. Malt. méqe to bleat. [Te. mr̤ēka (so correct) is of unknown meaning. Br. mēḻẖ is without etymology; see MBE 1980a.] / Cf. Skt. (lex.) meka- goat. (DEDR 5087) Rebus: milakkhu, mleccha, mlecchamukha 'copper' (Pali. Samskrtam) 2. ayo, ayu 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'metal' (Samskrtam) 3. kammaṭa 'mint': khambhaṛā ʻfinʼ rebus: kammaṭṭam, kammiṭṭam coinage, mint Ta. kampaṭṭam coinage, coin. Ma. kammaṭṭam, kammiṭṭam coinage, mint. Ka. kammaṭa id.; kammaṭi a coiner. (DEDR 1236) Thus, the goat-fish message relates to copper, iron mintwork. A person ligatured to a fish w/fin is ayaskara 'metalsmith' -- working in khambhaṛā ʻfinʼ rebus: kammaṭṭam, kammiṭṭam coinage, mint. కమ్మటము (p. 0247) [ kammaṭamu ] Same as కమటము. కమ్మటీడు kammaṭīḍu. [Tel.] A man of the goldsmith caste. He wears a bracelet with a safflower hieroglyph. करडी [ karaḍī ] f (See करडई) Safflower Rebus: करड [ karaḍa ] 'hard alloy'. A fish-apkallu drawn by AH Layard from a stone relief, one of a pair flanking a doorway in the Temple of Ninurta at Kalhu. British Museum. Reproduced in Schlomo Izre'el, Adpa and the South Wind, Language has the power of life and death, Eisenbrauns, 2001. See: Below, a fish-man in a sea from a bas-relief in the palace of the Assyrian king Sargon II, ca. 721-705 BCE at Dur-Sharken, modern Khorsabad. (p. 131. fig. 107. "merman and mermaid." Jeremy Black and Anthony Green. Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, An Illustrated Dictionary. London, British Museum, in association with the University of Texas Press. Austin. 1992. ISBn 0-292-70794-0. paperback) Below, sun-dried clay figures. Upper: a goat-fish (Greek: Capricorn) emblem of the god Enki (Ea) of Eridu. Lower: a fishman. Placed in a building to ward off evil in the Assyrian period (p. 92. figure 70. "goat-fish." Jeremy Black and Anthony Green. Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, An Illustrated Dictionary. London, British Museum, in association with the University of Texas Press. Austin. 1992. ISBn 0-292-70794-0. paperback). Note: I understand that Ea (Enki) who gave his servant Adapa wisdom or knowledge but denied him immortality has been recast as Yahweh in the Garden of Eden. Please click here for the details. Below, fish-men figurines, the so-called "seven sages" (apkallu), sun-dried clay, from the foundations of a priest's house in Asshur ca. 721-705 BCE (p. 18. Jeremy Black and Anthony Green.Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, An Illustrated Dictionary. London, British Museum, in association with the University of Texas Press. Austin. 1992. ISBN 0-292-70794-0. paperback). Below, p. 131. fig. 108. "merman and mermaid." Jeremy Black and Anthony Green. Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, An Illustrated Dictionary. London, British Museum, in association with the University of Texas Press. Austin. 1992. ISBN 0-292-70794-0. paperback). Below, a cylinder seal showing "fishmen" holding pine cones (?) and pollen-buckets (?), adoring a sacred tree. Above the tree is the sun-god with eagle wings and tail (perhaps Utu, Shamash or Asshur?). This tree appears in other Neo-Assyrian art forms as a highly stylized Date-palm with a vine lattice and leaves, sometimes bearing fruits such as grapes (?). To this day, Arabs in Lower Mesopotamia drape grapevines about Date-palms in their gardens. Could the Neo-Assyrian highly stylized grapevine tendril motif associated with the Date-palm be what is represented in this art form? In the Epic of Gilgamesh, a plant of rejuvenation lies at the bottom of the sea, could this be the plant the Fishmen are adoring? Or are they adoring the Mesu tree or Kiskanu tree at Eridu where Adapa and the apkallu served? (For the below picture cf. p. 15. figure 7. "Fish Gods at the Tree pf Life; Assyria, c. 700 BC." Joseph Campbell. The Masks of God: Creative Mythology. New York. Viking Penguin. 1968. Reprinted 1976) kuTi 'tree' rebus: kuThi 'smelter'. Below, sun-dried clay figures. Upper: a goat-fish (Greek: Capricorn) emblem of the god Enki (Ea) of Eridu. Lower: a fishman. Placed in a building to ward off evil in the Assyrian period (p. 92. figure 70. "goat-fish." Jeremy Black and Anthony Green. Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, An Illustrated Dictionary. London, British Museum, in association with the University of Texas Press. Austin. 1992. ISBn 0-292-70794-0. paperback). Note: I understand that Ea (Enki) who gave his servant Adapa wisdom or knowledge but denied him immortality has been recast as Yahweh in the Garden of Eden. Please click here for the details
This is an addendum to: Anthropomorphs as Indus Script hypertexts, professional calling cards and Copper Hoard Cultures of Ancient India Like the Dholavira sign board, the anthropormorph if displayed on the gateway of workers' quarters or locality is a proclamation symbol of मांझीथा Majhīthā sadya 'member of mã̄jhī boatpeople assembly (community)'. The pictrographs of young bull, ram's horns, spread legs, boar signify: goldsmith, iron metalworker, merchant, steersman. [Details: कोंद kōnda ‘engraver' (one-horned young bull hieroglyph); kundana 'fine gold' (Kannada) PLUS bāṛaï 'carpenter' bari barea 'merchant' (boar hieroglyph) PLUS karṇaka कर्णक steersman ('spread legs'); meḍho 'ram' rebus: mẽṛhẽt, meḍ 'iron'] Brāhmī inscription on Indus Script anthropomorph reads (on the assumption that Line 3 is an inscription with Indus Script hypertexts): śam ña ga kī ma jhi tha mū̃h baṭa baran khāṇḍā samjñā 'symbol, sign' kī ma jhi tha 'of Majhitha' Sha (?) Da Ya शद sad-a 'produce (of a country)'.-shad-ya, m. one who takes part in an assembly, spectator Meaning: Line 1 (Brāhmī syllables): samjñā 'symbol, sign' (of) Line 2 (Brāhmī syllables): kī ma jhi tha 'of Majhitha locality or mã̄jhī boatpeople community or workers in textile dyeing: majīṭh 'madder'. The reference may also be to mañjāḍi (Kannada) 'Adenanthera seed weighing two kuṉṟi-mani, used by goldsmiths as a weight'. Line 3 (Indus Script hieroglyphs): baṭa 'iron' bharat 'mixed alloys' (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin) mū̃h 'ingots' khāṇḍā 'equipments'. Alternative reading of Line 3 (if read as Brāhmī syllables): Sha (?) Da Ya शद sad-a signifies: 'produce (of a country' or -shad-ya, m. one who takes part in an assembly, spectator. Thus,an alternative reading is that the threelines may signify symbol of मांझीथा Majhīthā sadya 'assembly participant' or member of mã̄jhī boatpeople assembly (community). Thus, this is a proclamation, a hoarding which signifies the Majitha locality (working in) iron, mixed alloys (bharat) ingots and equipments. Alternative reding is: symbol (of) produce of Majhitha locality or community Alternatives: A cognate word signifies boatman: *majjhika ʻ boatman ʼ. [Cf. maṅga -- ?] N. mājhi, mã̄jhi ʻ boatman ʼ; A. māzi ʻ steersman ʼ, B. māji; Or. mājhi ʻ steersman ʼ, majhiā ʻ boatman ʼ, Bi. Mth. H. mã̄jhī m.(CDIAL 9714).மஞ்சி2 mañci, n. 1. cf. mañca. [M. mañji.] Cargo boat with a raised platform; படகு. Thus, a majhitha artisan is also a boatman. A cognate word is: mañjiṣṭhā f. ʻ the Indian madder (Rubia cordifolia and its dye) ʼ Kauś. [mañjiṣṭha -- ] Pa. mañjeṭṭhī -- f. ʻ madder ʼ, Pk. maṁjiṭṭhā -- f.; K. mazēṭh, dat. ˚ṭhi f. ʻ madder plant and dye (R. cordifolia or its substitute Geranium nepalense) ʼ; S. mañuṭha, maĩṭha f. ʻ madder ʼ; P. majīṭ(h), mãj˚ f. ʻ root of R. cordifolia ʼ; N. majiṭho ʻ R. cordifolia ʼ, A. mezāṭhi, maz˚, OAw. maṁjīṭha f.; H. mãjīṭ(h), maj˚ f. ʻ madder ʼ, G. majīṭh f., Ko. mañjūṭi; -- Si. madaṭa ʻ a small red berry ʼ, madaṭiya ʻ the tree with red wood Adenanthera pavonina (Leguminosae) ʼ; Md. madoři ʻ a weight ʼ.māñjiṣṭha -- .Addenda: mañjiṣṭhā -- [Cf. Drav. Kan. mañcaṭige, mañjāḍi, mañjeṭṭi S. M. Katre]: S.kcch. majīṭh f. ʻ madder ʼ.(CDIAL 9718) மஞ்சிட்டி mañciṭṭi, n. < mañjiṣṭhā. 1. Munjeet, Indian madder, Rubia cordifolia; நீர்ப்பூடுவகை. (I. P.) 2. Arnotto. See சாப்பிரா. (L.) 3. Chayroot for dyeing; சாயவேர். (L.) மஞ்சாடி mañcāṭi, n. [T. manḍzādi, K. mañjāḍi.] 1. Red-wood, m. tr., Adenanthera paronina; மரவகை. 2. Adenanthera seed weighing two kuṉṟi-mani, used by goldsmiths as a weight; இரண்டு குன்றிமணிகளின் எடை கொண்ட மஞ்சாடிவித்து. (S. I. I. i, 114, 116.) The wor manjhitha may be derived from the root: मञ्ज् mañj मञ्ज् 1 U. (मञ्जयति-ते) 1 To clean, purify, wipe off. Thus, the reference is to a locality of artisans engaged in purifying metals and alloys. Such purifiers or assayers of metal are also referred to as पोतदार pōtadāra m ( P) An officer under the native governments. His business was to assay all money paid into the treasury. He was also the village-silversmith. (Marathi) Subhash Kak has suggested alternate readings, see: The reading of the Munjals is reproduced below: Sa Thi Ga Ki Ma Jhi Tha Sha (?) Da Ya Subhash Kak reads the letters as: śam ña ga kī ma jhi tha ta ḍa ya that is शं ञ ग की म झि थ त ड य शं झ ग śam ña ga की म झी थ kī ma jhi tha Figure 1. The copper object and the text together with the reading in Munjal, S.K. and Munjal, A. (2007). Composite anthropomorphic figure from Haryana: a solitary example of copper hoard. Prāgdhārā (Number 17). Third line of Brāhmī inscription: Line 3 त ड य ta ḍa ya (This third line has to be read as Indus Script hieroglyphs/hypertexts and NOT as Brami syllables). Subhash Kak suggests that this third line taḍaya may signify"punishment to inimical forces." Third line read as Indus Script hieroglyphs/hypertexts is deciphered as: mū̃h baṭa 'iron ingot', baran, bharat 'mixed copper, zinc, tin alloy metal' and khāṇḍā metalware. Anthropomorph found in a foundation of a house in a village called Kheri Gujar in Sonepat District in Haryana. The house itself rests on an ancient mound that has been variously dated to Late Harappan. The object is about 2 kg. and has dimensions of 30×28.5 cm. It is possible that Line 3 is a composition of Indus Script Hieroglyphs (and NOT Brāhmī syllables). Framed on this hypothesis, the message of Line 3 signifies: mū̃h baṭa 'iron ingot', baran, bharat 'mixed copper, zinc, tin alloy metal' and khāṇḍā metalware. Hypertext of Sign 336 has hieroglyph components: muka 'ladle' (Tamil)(DEDR 4887) Rebus: mū̃h'ingot' (Santali).PLUSSign 328 baṭa 'rimless pot' rebus: baṭa 'iron' Sign 48 is a 'backbone, spine' hieroglyph: baraḍo = spine; backbone (Tulu) Rebus: baran, bharat 'mixed alloys' (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin) Sign 211 'arrow' hieroglyph: kaṇḍa ‘arrow’ (Skt.) H. kãḍerā m. ʻ a caste of bow -- and arrow -- makers (CDIAL 3024). Or. kāṇḍa, kã̄ṛ ʻstalk, arrow ʼ(CDIAL 3023). ayaskāṇḍa ‘a quantity of iron, excellent iron’ (Pāṇ.gaṇ) Thus ciphertext kaṇḍa ‘arrow’ is rebus hypertext kāṇḍa 'excellent iron', khāṇḍā 'tools, pots and pans, metal-ware'. saṁjñāˊ f. ʻ agreement, understanding ʼ ŚBr., ʻ sign ʼ MBh. [√jñā]Pa. saññā -- f. ʻ sense, sign ʼ, Pk. saṁṇā -- f.; S. sañaṇu ʻ to point out ʼ; WPah.jaun. sān ʻ sign ʼ, Ku. sān f., N. sān; B. sān ʻ understanding, feeling, gesture ʼ; H. sān f. ʻ sign, token, trace ʼ; G. sān f. ʻ sense, understanding, sign, hint ʼ; M. sã̄j̈ f. ʻ rule to make an offering to the spirits out of the new corn before eating it, faithfulness of the ground to yield its usual crop ʼ, sã̄jẽ n. ʻ vow, promise ʼ; Si. sana, ha˚ ʻ sign ʼ; -- P. H. sain f. ʻ sign, gesture ʼ (in mng. ʻ signature ʼ ← Eng. sign), G. sen f. are obscure. Addenda: saṁjñā -- : WPah.J. sā'n f. ʻ symbol, sign ʼ; kṭg. sánku m. ʻ hint, wink, coquetry ʼ, H. sankī f. ʻ wink ʼ, sankārnā ʻ to hint, nod, wink ʼ Him.I 209.(CDIAL 12874) meḍ 'body', meḍho 'ram' rebus: mẽṛhẽt, meḍ 'iron' (ram hieroglyph, (human) body hieroglyph) कर्णक m. du. the two legs spread out AV. xx , 133 , 3 rebus: कर्णिक having a helm; a steersman (Monier-Williams) ayas 'alloy metal' (fish hieroglyph) कोंद kōnda ‘engraver' (one-horned young bull hieroglyph); kundana 'fine gold' (Kannada). bāṛaï 'carpenter' (boar hieroglyph) bari barea 'merchant' (boar hieroglyph) The anthropomorphs are dharma samjña, signifiers of responsibilities of the metalsmith-carpenter-merchant. Signs 389, 387 signify mũhã̄ kuṭhi 'ingot smelter', mũhã̄ kolami 'ingot smithy, forge'. Anthropomorphs of Sarasvati Civilization are Indus Script hypertexts which signify metalwork. 1.. Sign 389, bun-ingot shape (oval) + 'twig', i.e. ingots produced from a smelter. This indicates that copper plates on which this hypertext occurs with high frequency are accounting ledgers of products produced from a smelter. 2. Sign 387, bun-ingot shape (oval) + 'riceplant', i.e. ingots worked on in a smithy/forge. This hypertext DOES NOT occur on copper plates. This indicates that Sign 387 signifies ingots processed in a smithy/forge, i.e. to forge ingots into metalware, tools, implements, weapons. The two distinctly orthographed Indus Script hypertexts signify 1. mũhã̄ kuṭhi 'ingot smelter', 2. mũhã̄ kolami 'ingot smithy, forge'.
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