Forming of silicon nitride by the HIP process

1997, Journal of Materials Processing Technology

The densification of silicon nitride was carried out by Hot Isostatic Press (HIP) sintering via glass-encapsulation method. The sintering performing techniques were studied in order to obtain high strength properties. a-Si:JN4 raw powder was used as the starting material in addition with a composition of 3 wt% Ah03 and 5 wt% Y203 . That ratio corresponds to the liquid phase compositions at the lowest temperature in the system Ah03 -Y203 -Si0 2 with having high strength at room temperature. Density, microstructure, hardness and fracture surface of specimens were measured. The experimental results showed that silicon nitride could have density nearly to theoretical density. X-ray Diffraction pattern indicated the transformation of a-phase to J3-phase occurred in every sintered specimens and fully transformed to J3 phase after complete soaking for 2 hrs. The development of elongated grains was related to the formation of large nuclei during phase transformation. The SEM micrographs and fractograph also showed the J3 rodlike grain. For the specimens having density over than 95%, the calculated hardness was appoximately between 14-16 GPa.