Русский речевой этикет на занятиях РКИ за пределами России

2021, Przegląd rusycystyczny

The article presents the analysis of etiquette formulas (forms of address, greetings and farewells) used between teachers of Russian as a foreign language and students studying Russian outside Russia. the survey was conducted among 100 teachers of Russian as a foreign language from 30 countries. the authors also analyze examples of the use of speech etiquette in parallel corpora and validate the pragmatics against a number of well-established dictionaries of the Rus-sian language. the authors conclude that during speech acts, different linguistic pictures of the world and the norms of language politeness of teachers and students influence each other. the authors observed the culturally conditioned lacunarity of the forms of address and cases of substitution of speech etiquette. the obtained results of the study can be explained by the dynamic development of Russian speech etiquette and the lack of stable norms that can be offered to students in the teaching process.