Cavalli e cavalieri del Bruzio tra Greci e Italici

2020, Tra Ionio e Tirreno: orizzonti d' archeologia. Omaggio a Elena Lattanzi, a cura di R. Spadea, F. Lo Schiavo, M.L. Lazzarini

The paper analyses the horse/horseman relationship during the Greek and Hellenistic age in Calabria. Referring to the ancient sources, the research principally focuses on the military aspects: tactics and skill, war equipment, weapons function. Depending on the type of war clash, the horseman must or imagines having to fight together with his horse. Through the archaeological testimonies both the ritual and funerary aspects, connected to this practice, are outlined and the parallel equivalences in the living people society are indicated. Finally, it is highlighted the importance that the Greek influence may have played on the preference of the Italics horsemen to make their funeral outfits with the exhibition of individual weapons and references about horse uses.