Animal-Human Interactions: Becoming, Creating, Relating


Archaeology has begun to challenge anthropocentric approaches, appreciating the way that relations cross-cut categories such as human/animal/object and individual/group/species. Relational thinking challenges the divide between active human agents and passive animal resources. Instead, relational archaeologies consider the possibility that this boundary was blurred in the past. This enables discussions of potential transformations between human and animal states; the process of becoming human or animal; past societies' dependency on, and orientation around, animals; animal sociality and agency; and action that defies categories like 'nature' or 'culture'. From this perspective, material culture can be understood as a medium to negotiate 'animal-ness' and 'human-ness'-or to transcend the binary altogether. What does an archaeology of animals that embraces these insights look like? This section explores the multifaceted ways animal-human relations have been explored in a breadth of different archaeological contexts, from Neanderthal hunting strategies to the conceptualisation of dogs in the Viking period.