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فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی تاریخ اسلام, 2011
جستارهایی در فلسفه و کلام, 2019
With the critique of the historical-comparative trends surrounding language, Saussure sets intralingual elements as his point of departure. In his view, the realized and dynamic nature of language does not reflect its true nature. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the static aspect of language or the synchronic approach to language. Saussure, under the influence of Kant's epistemology, separates the domains of language into langage, langue and parole, and restricts the concrete object, or in some way language principles, to the langue. Farabi has explored linguistic reflections in the tradition of Islamic philosophy in a close relation with Saussure. He begins his linguistic studies with a fresh and new reading of the associations between language and logic. By arguing that speech (notgh) and logic (mantegh) are derived from the same root, he traces back the origin of logic to language. In the idea of Farabi, speech is the fundamental and general aspect of language. He summarized three realms of language into rational soul (Nafse Nateghe), inner word and outer word, where the inner word is home to linguistic elements. Irrespective of this issue, in semiotics, the relationship between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary in a way that is comparable to that of speech and logic. The present paper, by delving into three domain of language proposed by Saussure, seeks to exhibit that this structuralist conception is not new. For centuries, in the tradition of Islamic philosophy, Farabi has elaborated on such reflections. Farabi's notion of dividing linguistic signs into two parts of speech and logic and the tripartite division of language offers a new conception of linguistics, which marks the beginning of a new trend of studies in Islamic linguistics.
نظریۀ علم دینی آیتالله جوادی آملی از نظریههایی است که در چند سال اخیر توجه اندیشمندان را به خود جلب کرده است. نوشتار حاضر با طرح این پرسش که «عالم فرامادی و عوامل فرامادی چه جایگاهی در نظریه علم دینی دارند؟»، در مرحله نخست هرکدام از مفاهیم «علم»، «دین»، صفتهای «دینی» و «علمی» و سرانجام مفهوم ترکیبی«علم دینی» را از نگاه ایشان بررسی کرده، دقت ایشان را در تفکیک میان دو سطح از تحلیل، یعنی تحلیل منطقی ـ فلسفی و تحلیل تاریخی ـ جامعهشناختی از علم نشان داده است. آنگاه به این مطلب توجه میدهد که سلسلهمراتبی دیدن عالم و اعتقاد به ارتباط وثیق میان عوالم مختلف یکی از بزنگاههای طرح مبحث علم دینی است که بهخوبی در نظریه ایشان منعکس شده است. این نگرش درنهایت به نقد «تفکیک روشی» در عرصه علوم رایج منجر شده و با جایگزینی «موضوع» به عنوان ملاک تفکیک علوم، «تلفیق روشی» را در صورت نیاز و به تناسب مراتب وجودی «موضوع»، به عنوان راهحلی عملی جهت برونرفت از مشکلات علوم فعلی و نیز گرفتارنشدن در بنبستهای نظری پیشنهاد میدهد؛ گرچه ممکن است موضوع مورد مطالعهای بهدلیل تکساحتیبودن، فقط نیازمند کار...
مجله جامعه شناسی ایران, 2014
دوفصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی مطالعات اقتصاد اسلامی, 2012
In this paper, the 'irjā' movement will be analyzed from a discursive perspective in order to rethink some paradoxes in its approaches and tendencies. It will be shown that the discourse of 'irjā' had one core, but different origins, meanings, and significations in Iraq, Transoxiana/Khurāsān, and the Levant. This discourse generally followed a special perspective regarding faith, and its relationship with deeds, as well as some political principles. This paper seeks to uncover the different social and political contexts of this discourse. A major objective is to see how the different social and political contexts in Iraq, Transoxiana/Khurāsān, and the Levant gave rise to a mostly singular view on faith, and the emergence of different political stances against the Umayyads. It will be also demonstrated that political stances against the Umayyads and the will of the statedespite its relationship with the movement-was not the only determining factor in the formation of the 'irjā' discourse.
The Culture of Islamic Architecture and Urbanism
فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی علوم سیاسی, 2013
Critical Studies in Texts & Programs of Human Sciences, 2014
یکی از اشکالهایی که برخی از نواندیشان و حامیان جدایی دین از سیاست مطرح میکنند، این است که اگر برپایی حکومت دینی امکانپذیر بود، باید در ادوار مختلف تاریخی و زمان زعامت انبیای عظام الهی، یا دستکم در دوران حیات ائمۀ معصومین (ع) شاهد تحقق عینی چنین امری میبودیم و حکومت دینی و الهی تشکیل میشد. این افراد بدون توجه به مضمون و محتوای آیات قرآنی و همچنین روایات فراوان مأثور از ائمۀ معصومین (ع) که برپایی حکومت الهی و دینی در مقاطعی از تاریخ بشر توسط انبیای الهی را تأیید کردهاند، بهطور کلی چنین امری را انکار میکنند و بر طبل جدایی دین از سیاست میکوبند. در این نوشتار با تحدید دایرة زمانی بحث، به آسیبشناسی و تحلیل شرایط و زمانة مولای متقیان حضرت علی (ع) و موانع تحقق حکومت علوی در این دوران – آنگونه که در کتاب گرانسنگ نهجالبلاغه به تصویر کشیده شده است – خواهیم پرداخت و نشان داده شده است که در دوران حکومت امیر مؤمنان علی (ع) دنیاطلبی و بیبصیرتی یاران امام و بیتوجهی آنان به اوامر الهی و توصیههای حاکم زمانه، شرایطی را فراهم آورده بود که عملا تحقق حکومت عدل الهی امکانپذیر نبود. این معض...
مطالعات اوراسیای مرکزی, 2015
In Sunnī and Imāmī jurisprudence, some have said that the legal base in devising rulings is founded on “differentiation between similarities (mutimāthilāt)” and “reconciliation between differences (mutafarriqāt)” and in other words, the legal basis is on the notion of considering the ruling of the similar subjects as different and the ruling of the different subjects as similar. Most of those maintaining the existence of this basis in legal law have stated it as a reason for the invalidity of analogy (qiyās); and some have resorted to it for solving the problems of the rulings that are apparently inconsistent with intellect. The only reason of those maintaining this view is the examples in which the ruling for the similar subjects is apparently considered as different and the ruling of the different subjects as similar. Some jurists have rejected the existence of such basis in legal law and have mentioned some responses to the claims of its proponents, most of which indicate the leg...
نرترپ فرای از منتقدان ادبی اسطورهگراست که به ادبیات به دید صور نوعی مینگرد. فرای در کتاب تحلیل نقد در تبیین نظریۀ «میتوس تراژدی»، به بررسی صور نوعی، ساختار، شخصیتها و مراحل تراژدی میپردازد. در شاهنامه، دو داستان سهراب و فرود از بنمایههای قوی تراژیک برخوردارند. با توجه به مسائلی از قبیل صور نوعی، ساختار، شخصیتها و مراحل تراژیک این دو اثر، میتوان آنها را در کنار بزرگترین تراژدیهای جهان بهگونهای بررسی و تحلیل کرد که قابل تطبیق و بررسی با میتوس تراژدی فرای باشند. عنصر مشترک همۀ این تراژدیها تضاد و تقابل یا کشمکش دو منشأ قدرت برای اثبات خود و دفع دیگری است. این تقابل، ذاتی است و به ساختار و طبیعت تراژدی برمیگردد. سهراب و فرود، قهرمانان اصلی داستان تراژیک خود هستند، اما به دلیل تقابل با قهرمانان و شخصیتهای بزرگی چون رستم، کیخسرو و توس مورد توجه قرار نگرفتهاند.
حکمت معاصر, 2013
Prima facie it seems that principality of existence and principality of quiddity are two opposed theories, but they are, in fact, two distinct philosophical systems with different principles which these two theories are in their forefront stand. For example, considering Mulla Sadra's argument to prove principality of existence based on intensifying movement, shows that he criticized Peripatetic's philosophical system which contained, in Mulla Sadra's view, principality of quiddity, denying intensifying movement of quiddity, and Peripatetic's specific view about qule movement. On the other hand only when we consider 'intensifying movement' in a philosophical system, containing principality of existence, unity of existence, and intensity of existence, it can be a basis to prove principality of existence. This shows that Mulla Sadra portrays reality in his mind which has many metaphysical components, and conceives it as a distinguished and correct picture of rea...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2018
The market as the economic base of the urban system has a long history in Egyptian civilization. Islamization of Egypt had never stopped the economic market. Although the presence of Muslim governors in Egypt in the first few centuries affected the change in the status of markets and even their economic form, the market was a major player in the economic system in all periods of the Islamic era. Based on the continuation of the economic system of the market in Egyptian civilization, the main goal of this research is to answer the fundamental question that: "what were the socio-religious functions of the Islamic markets in the Muslim governor era?" Library reviews and the study of written sources relying on the method of historical studies are a descriptive and analytical method based on deduction and
پژوهش های اجتماعی اسلامی, 2016
Islamic architecture has long been recognized as one of the most important part of architecture in the history of world architecture, and despite the statement expressed by many scholars and historians in this field; the question that is always concerned is that, what is Islamic architecture? What are the different interpretations raised regarding this architecture? What was the status of the Orientalists' view on Islamic architecture, and what was the difference in their interpretations? The history of art and Islamic architecture in the world dates back to about half a century, and the origin of "Islamic architecture" can be attributed to the beginning of the Orientalism movement in the West. Orientalists and Western theorists in defining Islamic architecture have expressed many different interpretations. The study of different perspectives in this field shows that not all interpreters and theorists are in the same position and have a different perception associated ...
جامعه شناسی نهادهای اجتماعی, 2017
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