Il linguaggio endofasico. Ricerche e riflessioni.

2020, Costellazioni XIII, anno V


Inner Speech: research and reflections This paper aims to shed light on the functions of inner speech and on the methods and tools used to help to understand what happens in the hidden dimension of language within a teaching context. Students' observations on the experience of detecting their own private language are discussed. Asking the respondents to focus on their intrapersonal communication proved to be an effective strategy in order to detect and reflect on the hidden linguistic abilities, accessible only to the individual and unknown to the outside world. Using an introspective method, it was possible to make learners aware of their inner, elaborative and heuristic language; and of their metacognitive, metalinguistic, metarepresentative verbal skills – something which has not yet been broadly investigated and given proper relevance in the educational field. The interpretation and classification of the gathered evidence intends to stress the importance of the cognitive, linguistic and psychological aspects of inner-speech.