Quality of Pre-school Learning Environment in Palestine

2020, Universal Journal of Educational Research

The current study aimed at assessing the quality of preschool learning environment in Palestine. Learning quality is considered as a significant indicator of human sustainability. Preschool learning is part of a basic education strategy to enrich and support children's development during the critical, formative years from birth to five years. The sample of this study was stratified random with (180) preschool teachers from the district of Nablus. The researchers adopted the quantitative methodology by using the ECERS-R questionnaire to assess the quality of preschool learning environment. Statistical analysis detected that the quality of pre-schools learning environment according to the ECERS-R scale had high levels on the domains of language, activities, interaction, program structure and parents and staff. Furnishing and personal care routine had moderate levels of quality. It can be inferred relative weaknesses in the learning environment in Palestinian pre-schools with certain items yielding weakly level. Thus, it can be concluded that all the items can still be improved. The last result showing that there was a significant difference in the quality of preschool learning environment according to teachers' educational qualification, generally, the current study recommended the significance of continuing to supply effective quality learning environments in pre-schools in Palestine.