La percezione aptica per un'estetica ecologica

2020, Aesthetica Preprint

In this paper, I present haptic perception as a general attitude towards life and, then, as an approach to philosophy. Within this framework, I propose "ecological" aesthetics not to be understood as a specific domain dealing with natural environment , but as a comprehensive paradigm that has to do with the sentient being in terms of feeling/thinking. Therefore, ecological aesthetics also involves ontology, epis-temology and ethics, since these domains, rather than detached, are just different. Ecological aesthetics is based upon an ecological logic, which is not the formal logic of isolated items but a participatory logic, calling for attention, intimacy, and care. In order to illustrate this approach, I will review some of the main issues I have developed in my latest book, Estetica ecologica. Percepire saggio, vivere corrispondente ("Ecological Aesthetics. Perceiving wisely, living correspondently"), where a relational model of feeling/thinking, that is, perceiving, is proposed. Here, differences are not predetermined but interstitial, made along the relational process of the experience. It follows that perception is always in action and movement; hence, the corresponding ontology is not a fixed ontology of objects, but a fluid meshwork composed of lines.