Poland - 30 years after beginning of the transformation

2019, Not yet published


After 30 years of transformation from state to market capitalism, Poland is almost a classical example of what Marxists call a comprador economy, i.e. a country with neo-colonial economy under control of foreign capital, economy without its own technology and know-how and with low quality scientific and educational sector (especially the tertiary institutions). There is significant improvement comparing to the darkest years of transformation (early 1990s and early 2000s), when unemployment rate reached over 20%, but there is still in Poland officially almost a million unemployed, even if up to 3 million of Poles left Poland after year 1989 because of lack of jobs, low wages and very bad work conditions. Therefore, it can be said that this transformation was badly mismanaged and this is accepted now even by the present-day, post-Solidarity, right-wing government of Poland.