Tense, Aspect, Mood and Modality

2020, Scripta

AI-generated Abstract

The paper explores the intricate notions of tense, aspect, mood, and modality (TAM) within linguistic studies, particularly focusing on their morphosyntactic and semantic-pragmatic dimensions. It discusses various theoretical frameworks, highlighting the multifaceted nature of modality as it reflects the speaker's attitudes and the intertwining of mood as an expression of modality. The findings suggest significant implications for the understanding and teaching of language phenomena, advocating for further academic investment and dissemination among language professionals.

Key takeaways

  • The curiosity to better understand the notions of tense, aspect, mood and modality dates back a long time and it is not restricted to a field of study, approach or theoretical construct.
  • The modality can reveal itself in verbs, but also in names, adjectives and adverbs, and it is, to some extent, intertwined with the notion of mood which we begin to approach.
  • Next to modality and mood, there are two other categories which have been the subject of several studies: tense and aspect.
  • The stative verbs would be characterized by the As previously mentioned, the characterization of tense and aspect can be given to verbs, but also by other constituents, for example, by adverbs.
  • As previously pointed out, there are several theoretical frameworks that have been dealing with the notions of tense, aspect, mood and modality.